The intelligence of animals

November 12, 2018 | 21 comments

Do animals think? Can they form a plan of action and act on it? I think so. Watch this short endearing video, and you’ll see for yourself.

“Mama goose ‘hails’ police to help free gosling”

All of God’s creatures express the intelligence and wisdom of divine Mind in their own special way.

21 thoughts on “The intelligence of animals”

  1. Thank you Evan, awfully sweet and wonderful and loving!
    And, yes, all creatures made by God, and God made a l l, must express its Maker; it cannot else but express God´s intelligence, and as Evan says “in it´s own special way”. And God, who is Love, is always tenderly caring for His/Her creation in His huge spiritual, harmonious universe! Much thanks to God for this comforting Truth!

  2. Thanjs Evan. What a lovely video…so touching.. certainly animals are very intelligent and loving. Their mother instint is very strong indeed, reflecting the motherhood of God.
    We too have a pet, a parrot. It’s so loving and intelligent. When he senses a trouble, he will stick to you to give you courage and solace. Recently when my sis was unwell, he wouldn’t eat nor drink but stayed close to sis untill she was well again.
    We have taught him to wish Good night. People say parrots don’t know what they utter, but he wishes Goodnight when he wants you to stop talking and go off to bed. He will keep repeating Good night again and again until we go off to bed.
    Sometime back when my brother was teasing him and scaring him…you know what he said? You’ve I’ll be amazed but he said “Jesus come and save me”. Honestly animals do reflect the intelligence of their maker.

  3. How so true and uplifting ! I get much inspiration delight and lessons from my darling feline Cecila. She teaches me grace.

  4. Hi Nergish,
    Thanks a lot for your awfully sweet and loving and Spirit-based comment. That shows really that animals are loved, intelligent reflections of the one great Intelligence.

  5. We sure can learn a lot from animals, their purity, love, intelligence and it has to be the reflection of the one Mind. Beautiful!

  6. We have so much to learn from animals. The unconditional love that dogs, especially, give is such a lesson. I have seen whale videos where they have been freed from netting and give undeniable thanks of appreciation to those who helped free them and were so gentle in the process. The sharing of your parrot experiences was awesome, Nergish.
    Thank you and Evan and all who share in type and in thought through these wonderful messages of Truth.

  7. We see so much evidence of divine Mind governing all its ideas. Two springs since, a tiny mother finch was hopelessly entangled in her own nest and was calling for help. I got a ladder and some tiny scissors and proceeded to free her. She remained completely calm in my hand. Removing the tangled mass from her very tiny feet without damaging was most challenging but accomplished successfully in about 1/2 hour as I then watched her fly away. This last spring, while I was doing some yard work, she returned and perched close next to me and sang to me for about ten minutes before flying off. A grateful bird thank you.

  8. We had a cat of our own but another young cat showed up on our roof that didn’t know how to get down. He cried until he was heard and rescued by my husband. He stayed around a few weeks then disappeared. A couple months later he was yowling on our roof again. He had a 3 inch open gash on his thigh. We thought to take him to a vet for stitches, but decided to call a Christian Science Practitioner instead. She asked us to study pg. 550:5. in Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy. “God is the life, or intelligence, which forms and preserves the individuality and identity of animals as well as of men.” The four of us did, and as we also prayed we saw the 3” opening close up like a zipper had been closed within half an hour. Mittens stayed around a few weeks then we never saw him again. He instinctively knew where to go for help. That healing became in important lesson to our whole family..God truly loves and cares for everything He made, including the animals.

  9. In light of all the troubles reported here in California, this is one uplift that truly shares love and hope. Even God’s creatures can reach out for help!
    Thank you, Evan!
    Hugs, Ali

  10. Thanks for the precious video. Our family has seen intelligence expressed so much by our animal friends. We lived on a marina canal where my kids saved many ducklings who were stranded in the water because of the tide going out. They were not able to get back on land. We raised a few. One, in particular, was with us quite a long time. We finally released “him” in the marina, and found out later that “he” was a “she.” She came back to visit us with her 11 babies following her! Our dogs and cats, too, have expressed so much love and intelligence. Love is expressed in love, for sure!

  11. Thanks for comment Virginia! We aré always so appreciative and grateful to hear of proof of the intelligence and love expressed by animals, yet continue to capture, kill and eat them….

    1. Glad to appreciate some progress: Tonight I enjoyed a visit to a local restaurant that I hadn’t been to for some time. It’s part of a popular chain. They had a new menu. Unlike the previous one there were many vegetarian options, a good proportion of which were also marked vegan. The extensive dessert menu clearly stated that ALL desserts were vegetarian and additionally marked several vegan.
      Similarly in the mainstream supermarkets there are now more vegetarian and vegan sections – easy to find, increasing in quality and choice and largely in response to increasing consumer demand.

  12. WOW! What heart warming experiences shared here inspired by your video, Evan. I’ve had several also saving birds that flew into a huge window of a home I used to live in. I was surprised though, to have your video followed by a series of news broadcasts of the fires in So. California on ABC News, Channel 7. But it did show one interview with an elderly couple who lost their home on the husband’s 97th birthday. Their attitude and composure were remarkable. I’ve been avoiding watching the news of the fires on TV and taking that time to pray instead. To know that God is on the scene, though invisible.

  13. How heartwarming and lovely! Thank you, Evan, and those of you who have added your wonderful comments about the love, responsiveness, and caring of so many different kinds of animals. They are indeed God’s dear creatures and bless us by their presence. I’ve been blessed by the presence of many dear cats over the years. I am also heartened by those who are caring for the “big cats”–lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, etc.–who are in need.

  14. May I please share an experience which I have never forgotten. Several years ago my husband and I were on holiday in the New Forest in the south of England where horses and donkeys are free to roam. We were relaxing by the side of a lake along with several other families, one of whom had a young boy in a wheelchair who seemed quite agitated and kept shouting out. Suddenly I noticed a lone donkey walking down the road by the side of the lake. He turned off the road in towards the lake and walked straight over to the boy in the wheelchair. He stood there for about 5 minutes while the boy stroked him and gradually became calm. Then he turned round and walked back the way he had come. I think we were all in awe and several of us were in tears. Isn’t Love wonderful!

  15. Thank you Linda for.your so very lovely experience. It is truely moving. It is God’s great and Jet tender Love for His whole precious creation ! I am really grateful for today’s SpiritView!

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