While competing in a regional mixed doubles tennis tournament recently, I was walking to the courts with my partner to play a match, when she complained that her legs were in pain. We had played a vigorous two matches the day before, and it appeared that she was suffering from them.
She was a good friend, and she understands a bit about what I do in my healing ministry, but I wasn’t sure she was asking for prayer, so much as letting me know that she might not be playing very well because she couldn’t move around. At any rate, it didn’t matter. What mattered was that her voicing of pain was an error of belief about God’s man, and I had a spiritual responsibility to reverse the error voiced and see her in her true light as a harmonious spiritual child of God. Which is exactly what I did.
As we walked two hundred feet to the court gate, I quietly knew that my partner was spiritual, and that she could only know, feel and experience what exists in Spirit, which is pure harmony, peace, dominion and freedom. I knew that there was no pain in Spirit, or in matter, and that she could only know what Spirit knows. I became so sure that she was alright in Spirit, that I lost track of her complaint, and got focused on playing our match. We did well, and nothing more was said about any pain in her legs.
Afterward, we were sitting with friends in the viewing stands, and she exclaimed to everyone around us, “Before the match Evan and I played, my legs were in a lot of pain, but as soon as we walked onto court, all the pain went away!” She had such a look of surprise and joy on her face that such an event could even be possible. Then, 3 days later, at a practice back home, she brought the experience up again, telling me that, “Last Saturday, when I was walking to the court, my legs were in a lot of pain, but as soon as I walked on court, the pain went all away!”
I was quietly grateful to God for her quick response to spiritual truth.
The pain in her legs went away
August 1, 2019 | 31 comments

This has been very helpful to me today. Thank you Evan for sharing with us how you reversed the wrong thoughts and saw only the true reality of the situation.
Yes we need to immediately neutralise these lies about our friends and ourselves as Gods expressions, instead of leaving things to “get better naturally”…we must be pro active!
Practitioner said to me the other day that every single time a spiritual, helpful, uplifted thought or idea…every hymn or sentence from the Bible of S&H …every time we get a good idea…THAT IS GOD TALKING TO US! Not only when we ask…but before we ask!
“I will hear before they call”
Thank you so much for these. I really enjoy reaching them and get something out of each and every one of these. They make my day!
Love this idea. Thank you
Thanks Evan – I have paid. In legs so value that.
My previous comment should read ‘pain’ – typo!
What a wonderful example of the truth that pain just doesn’t have a leg to stand on! Thank you Evan for sharing these so helpful daily blogs.
I was walking our boxer a few minutes ago when we came to a robin on the sidewalk. Clipper put his nose very close to her as she hopped away. A damaged wing was visible so I talked to her and then said, even if you seen grounded, you can fly in thought. I supported her on the way home.
How many times do we seem grounded in some seeming problem? We too can/should fly in thought.
Walk…fly…it’s all thought!
Thank you, Evan & all.
What a lovely example of helping our neighbor. Thanks for sharing what a simple, short moment can do to help someone else.
I thank you, too, as it clarifies our precious responsibility to purify our thought of others when they voice or exhibit that which is not of God. I have put this to immediate use.
I love how your spiritual generosity is so freely given, anywhere and anytime for anyone and every situation-may your day be richly blessed, as you bless others, Evan
As a student of Christian Scientist, it Is my greatest pleasure to help anyone I see or know who “seems to be, to the carnal thought” in trouble. I think of it as sharing my spiritual umbrella ☔️with all of God’s children. All it is is changing my thought to the Right idea, aligned with what God is knowing/seeing about the situation and sticking with it, no matter what the material picture, screaming for attention, tries to makes me see!! Evan gave us a great example in his story of how to change thought and the beautiful outcome from his just doing itIf it’s not good, it’s not from God is a quick ‘tap on the shoulder’ for me; which helps me to leave the “waking dream” and replace it with the Truth. Your wonderful example, Evan, shows how simple and helpful changing our thought can help Any situation. I’ll keep my spiritual umbrella open wide enough to cover all I come in contact with today❤️
I LOVE SPIRITVIEW and am so grateful to be under your loving umbrella, Evan
Happy day to you all!!
I love this. Quietly without fanfare praying for your friend. We can do this too! Every time we hear or see something unlike “infinite Mind and it’s infinite manifestation”. I also love Karen’s phrase “spiritual generosity” in describing Evan’s goodness! Perfect!
“I had a spiritual responsibility to reverse the error voiced and see her in her true light as a harmonious child of God…”
Ah, our clarion call throughout our day!
A thousand thousand thanks, Evan, and all!
Thank you Evan! I love this! I love that Christian Science has taught me that I am not material – that I am spiritual and that my body is my consciousness so that when a thought(suggestion) presents itself – muscle soreness or muscle cramp – that I have a choice to say “no”, that is not God’s man (or woman). I have used it when the suggestion of a headache presents itself too to be free of that suggestion. Very grateful! 🙂
What a wonderful example of loving our neighbor in seeing only God’s man in everyone – with healing results! ☺
This is very helpful in combating the numerous complaints we see and hear about everyday from friends, family, etc. In the past I have been unclear about giving treatments to people and when/if it’s appropriate. Formerly, I would have misinterpreted this as a treatment, but it is just becoming very clear in your own thought what the truth is about your friend. You didn’t have to have a big discussion with her or convert her to CS. You just saw her as God truly knows her. It was pure good. Good for her, good for you, and so good to share with us. A very clear example of loving your neighbor as yourself. Thank you.
Recently saw a sign that said it’s ‘OK not to be OK.’ No! It’s not OK.
That thought would appear to be loving and sympathetic when hurt and pain appear to us.
But dis-ease of any kind is not ok and not In need of sympathy, but rather needs to be checked and corrected in the way Jesus, Mrs. Eddy and. Christian Science teach.
Evan’s Spirit(ual) View clarifies this for us continuously. Such a gift!
I think of the parable of the Good Samaritan. I don’t want to be like the priests who looked at the wounded man and say, “Your pain doesn’t exist!” and then walk on by. I might know the truth about his wounds, but I still think I have to meet him at his level of understanding and bind up his wounds and make sure he gets to the inn.
Also, I’ve never been sure whether we’re supposed to offer healing to people who haven’t asked for it. Doesn’t Mrs. Eddy warn about invading other people’s minds? I’m not sure it’s always a good idea to have a healing without the concurrent lifting of the mind to God–if a person is healed and doesn’t understand the Principle behind the healing, I’m not sure it helps. To them, it just looks like magic–which is what the apostles were accused of.
For me, healing is not the goal of Christian Science. The goal is understanding Truth, the result of which is healing. If all I wanted was healing, I’d use medicine.
I guess I just like to question things! I’m glad her legs felt better. 🙂
Love your questioning, Ashpenaz…..you are a good and deep thinker and always bring up some good points! Keep it up! I think Mrs. Eddy would be pleased!
Thanks so much, Evan, and to all for your very helpful and thoughtful comments.
There is no truth in pain, and no pain in Truth and knowing this truth will set us free from all pain. How deeply grateful I am for Christian Science!
Thank you, Evan, for this wonderful Spirit View!
Love the reason you gave for praying about the situation: you “had a spiritual responsibility to reverse the error voiced and see her in her true light.” That’s Love in action, for sure!
Thank you, Evan, for your generous sharing of wonderful and powerful truths.
We read in Mrs. Eddy’s writings that “…Not only yourselves are safe, but all whom your thoughts rest upon are thereby benefited.” I find this so supportive and helpful for me.
Well said, to all! Thank you all so much! Trying to see, or maintaining the right idea of an individual person or situation as solely spiritual IS the practice of Christian Science. When I do this I am actually giving a treatment to myself. A treatment is just an intentional, humble focus on what I have learned from Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy and from my teachers. The result is the healing of something or someone, is repeatable, and is good.
Thank you for your humility in this experience. You didn’t have to tell her “Hey, hey, look at me! You experienced freedom because I knew the truth about you! That was Christian Science.” Instead, you quietly thanked God for her freedom from pain that was revealed to you by knowing the Truth in your thought about her.
I am very grateful for this lesson, it repeats a relative’s experience recently; my brother in-law quit tennis without explaining to my sister why, but, after a few weeks, her invitation for him to join a doubles game renewed his interest, so he’s back on the court. A lift in thought to God’s view helps us ALL. Thank you.
That is the best teamwork ever: God and us. He is always on our side. Only winners here!
“My Father has my treasure, and He will walk with me.” (Hymn 148)