The plumber and his tree

September 20, 2019 | 38 comments

A story I came across while traveling…

I hired a plumber to help me restore an old farmhouse, and after he had just finished a rough first day on the job: a flat tire made him lose an hour of work, his electric drill quit and his ancient one-ton truck refused to start.

While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence. On arriving, he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands.

When opening the door, he underwent an amazing transformation. His face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss.

Afterward, he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier.

“Oh, that’s my trouble tree,” he replied. “I know I can’t help having troubles on the job, but one thing’s for sure, those troubles don’t belong in the house with my wife and the children. So, I just hang them up on the tree every night when I come home and ask God to take care of them. Then in the morning I pick them up again.” “Funny thing is,” he smiled,” when I come out in the morning to pick ‘em up, there aren’t nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before.”

“Give all your worries and cares to God….” I Peter 5:7, NLT.

38 thoughts on “The plumber and his tree”

  1. That’s a lovely story, thanks for sharing!

    If I have something I’m not sure how to deal with, I give it to God at bedtime and sleep peacefully. Then in the morning I find God has the perfect answer for me, which blesses all!

  2. Very nice story and experience, Evan, thank you to let us participate!
    Yes, let us give all our worries and cares to God! This advice is so so needed!
    Many years ago when I felt quite heavy laden with a task I had to fulfil, I literally gave it to God and prayed, please God do you do everything needed to fulfil this task.
    I know He did and am very grateful.
    But also in our daily tasks we can let God do the doings. So often Evan gave us helpful spiritual ideas in trusting God, that he leads us our way. Thank you Evan!

  3. Some years ago I nursed my husband at home during a long illness. Though we had many small triumphs, he passed on. I went to my desk to pray and I asked God what to do with all my feelings.

    As I sat there listening, it occurred to me to just scoop them up, put them in an imaginary box, lock the box and push it to the far end of the desk and leave it there until I was ready.

    Years passed. My thought would touch on it from time to time, but the thought would always say, “Not yet!” Then one happy day I just mentally reached for, opened and looked inside.

    You know what? There was nothing there! No emotions at all. Nothing left undone or unsaid. Life, God, did that!

    1. Vida, Your mental realization is so beautiful. When you came to realize those feelings were never there in the first place. I’m recognizing many of the same things.

    2. So happy for you.
      Thanks Evan and everyone else that replied, its given me inspiration for something new I’ll be doing this Sunday.

  4. Wow! This will make me appreciate this Bible thought even more: “And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” All those beautiful healing leaves -!

  5. It’s such a simple message and so pertinent. And it’s a daily activity to let go of accumulated worries and to simply count our blessings.

  6. “Come cast your burdens on the Lord” “Come to me all that are laden, and I will give rest to your souls”
    Thank you for bringing to mind this precious reminder to leave burdens to God.

  7. Whether w’re hanging out troubles on a tree or calling a Christian Science practitioner, we are letting go of not only responsibility for healing but also the “reality” of the problem. We are stepping out of God’s way, letting God be both cause and creator. Such images as hanging troubles on a tree or in some way leaving them behind or letting them go are marvelously effective! I am grateful you shared this with us!

  8. I have a story to tell. This is from my childhood. Mom, Dad and I had a singing canary. Every night, Mom would put a cover over his cage and go to bed. Every morning, this dear bird would begin a most beautiful aria. This was done early each morning. We did love to hear ti sing its beautiful, joyful song! Many would say they would not have a bird sing so early.NO, NO. We just loved it. On day while the bird was enjoying a little free time outside the cage someone opened a drawer to get something and left it open. The bird flew in. They returned, not knowing the bird was inside, and closed the drawer. Now, it was dark and unfamiliar to the bird but when it was time for it to sing nothing could stop that joyous song.

    1. Anne, What a wonderful story of your little canary . He sang his usual morning song, even though he was in that dark drawer! No worries. No fears. And the singing was how the family found him and released him from the darkness. His means of rescue!
      Thanks Evan for posting the Plumber and the tree!

  9. this is lovely.
    When my children were young and having trouble sleeping, I used to have them lie in bed and close their eyes and I would lead them through a guided meditation I had learned for children.
    they would walk down a path to a lovely garden. Outside the garden gate was a basket . They would put the thoughts that were keeping them awake and troubling in the basket and shut the lid. Then I would tell them they were entering the garden and leaving the basket outside the gate and describe tothem all the beauty and peace they were seeing in the garden. If they were still awake as we left the garden, the thoughts in the basket would still be there for them. Usually they fell asleep. If they were awake, no asked to open the basket. I do this for my seniors but I make suggestions only about the garden;they design it themselves with what makes them happy.

  10. I was working on a huge somewhat complicated landscape project at our house and one night, was not able to sleep. I was trying to figure out the logistics of where to have dump trucks full of dirt, gravel, huge boulders, some 4 feet in size, and large equipment delivered and just how we’d get it all moved into the backyard and into its right place properly. My son and husband would be arriving from out of state to help with the project. As I lay there tossing and turning, worrying about the projects, trying to figure it all out, and not getting anywhere, this angel thought cane to me- “Are you the master mind, or am I the Master Mind?” I had to chuckle, but his immediately stopped me short, made me acknowledge God was in charge of everything, not me, and I could let it go, trusting His guidance and wisdom to unfold the project step by step. I easily went to sleep. The project was completed very harmoniously, and with surprising solutions to some difficult situations. This angel message was a short, to the point reminder to heed the Bible verse- “Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not on thine own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will direrct thy paths”
    Thanks Evan and all for your continuos inspiration!

  11. I like the story Evan. But, I prefer to hand them over to God and not pick them back up again. (Easier said then done – but I am learning). And, patiently, time and time again I witness and think “Beautifully resolved God”.

  12. Thank you! I loved the idea of the farmer hanging his worries on the tree! But even better is letting them go and letting God take care of us! Wonderful ideas today!

  13. Let go and let God is a thought shared many times. Mortal mind tries to keep us from letting go Mind controls All. Thanks Evan

  14. I love applying this thought to attending church! We can leave our problems outside the door,
    and concentrate fulling on the words spoken and hymns sung..(Not be distracted by a “To Do” list
    of things ” we think we should be doing.)

  15. Lovely story…giving our problems in the care of God is the best way to deal with them. Worrying about them is foolish, when we know that Divine wisdom can tackle our problems most efficiently and give us the best solution.
    God himself assures us “Cast your cares on me for I careth for you”. Who can care and love us more than God? Then why not have full faith in Him, entrust our problems to Him, surrender to His will?
    Thanks Evan for the lovely inspiration.

  16. Really wonderful comments today❣️
    Thank for this platform you generously share with us Evan. Your unfolding of ideas and thoughts to ponder continue to be so helpful.

  17. Am so grateful for all the lovely and inspiring comments today, as well!
    Just this evening thoughts not coming from God troubled me and the today’s comments are very comforting and healing. Am very thankful for SpiritView!

  18. Must give a second, yes a thanksgiving comment.
    Am so grateful for all the lovely and inspiring comments today, as well!
    Just this evening thoughts not coming from God troubled me and the today’s comments are very comforting and healing and uplifting. Thank you all, dear SpiritView friends.
    Am very thankful for Evans so blessing SpiritView!

  19. “Cast your burdens on fhe Lord and bear a song away.” (Not an exact quote.) I did this several years ago after my husband passed. I had moved and his ashes were mailed to me with the instructions to either scatter them where I lived or inform them with documentation what I had done with them.
    I dug a hole under a lovely pine tree in my back yard, scattered the ashes, and placed a photograph of the two of us sealed in plastic. I also mentally placed all of our troubles there, casting my burdens on the Lord. After filling the hole I covered the area with pine cones and ringed it with stones – no marker of any kind. I then sang hymn 148 prayerfully and joyously declaring, “In heavenly love abiding, no change my heart shall fear.” I knew we were both in the everlasting arms of Love and have remained there.

  20. Would love to add from the Wednesday Testimony meeting readings I prepared, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, page 456: 22 “Truth does the work,”
    Evidenced today, since Wednesday, “Truth has done the work,” fast and hard in my family, and oh, the new revelation which has arrived!

    Love the Spirit View and all it brought with it today, thank you Evan.

  21. God is bigger than any problem and they say:…
    Don’t tell God how big your problems are.
    Tell your problems how great is your GOD!

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