The solution for breakthroughs

January 5, 2022 | 44 comments

Reports of breakthrough infections for those who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 are frequent and increasing daily. It’s not a surprise; material medicine has its limits and any effect from it is temporal. But it doesn’t mean one needs to consign themselves to a life of vulnerability and repeated booster injections. There is a spiritual way to health that keeps one safe forever.

Jesus Christ hinted to the spiritual solution when he taught, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal” (Matthew 6:19). Treasures, as related to health, correspond to material states of the body. The one who believes health is a physical state, “treasures” or constantly watches the body, like an investor who believes wealth is money and constantly watches the stock market. He worries about the body, coddles the body, and invests a large amount of time and effort trying to protect his assets, which he believes to be physical.

Because of the uncertainty of any matter-state, efforts to stay safe can feel futile and iffy, for any “treasure upon earth,” is subject to loss. It is temporal and will vanish eventually. It doesn’t matter if that treasure is money or physicality, if it’s temporal, you can’t count on it. It’s what “thieves break through and steal,” the thieves being fear, disease, ignorance, sin and their kin.

The truth is, we are spiritual beings now with spiritual health, spiritual wealth, and spiritual life to enjoy. The more we understand this truth, the more this truth blesses our human experience and brings it into line with spiritual reality.

There’s no reason to fear breakthroughs when you understand the truth about health.

Health is spiritual. It lasts forever. It’s eternal, immortal, permanently built into your being as a child of God, and always present to experience and express. It is not subject to disease, to a virus, to popular fears or false beliefs. It doesn’t wear out, lose vitality, or diminish in strength. It’s the presence of God in you.

Just as there are no break throughs of darkness into light, there are no break throughs of disease into health. Health is immortal. Claim it, live it, and enjoy it!

44 thoughts on “The solution for breakthroughs”

    1. Thank you so much, Angie, for this article full of absolute Truth. Much food for thought. Inspires awakening and demonstrating..

    2. Dear Angie,
      Thanks once again for finding and presenting another statement of absolute truth.
      This article affirms that which must always be factual and real. It speaks to the reasoning of thought. Brings healing with confidence.
      We so much appreciate this article.

    3. Wow dear Angie, thank you very much indeed for this refreshing and utmost comforting and, yes, uplifting wonderful article about our true Health. And what Karen A says, so very suitable in this special time to pray with!
      Wow and not less wonderful and very helpful is Evan’s healing SpiritViews today!
      When I went shopping this morning I went with the knowing that God, Spirit and Love fill all space – on the street and in the supermarket. The cashier to whom I had to pay the goods I bought, was very kind and helped me with a special issues. I am grateful to learn more and more that our God is there to guide us. Thank you dearly Evan for today’s utmost helpful SpiritView. I love to read it more often ♡♡

      1. As a German who is eager to learn better English, could anybody explained in short what is meant with “breakthrough” in this SpiritView, please?

        1. Hello Uta, according to Merriam Webster a breakthrough is (among other things) an instance of passing through a barrier or protection. In German you would say “Impfdurchbruch” , at least in this context.

          1. Thank you Nina! As I understand it , it means that the vaccination seems to be successful. Could that be meant?

        2. Hello Uta,
          for whatever reason I can’t reply to your last entry! A breakthrough (or Impfdurchbruch in German) means that you can catch the disease in spite of the vaccination. Even people who are boostered (had the 3. vaccination) come down with COVID-19.

          1. Hello dear Nina, n o w I do understand it! And I thank you very very much for your so good help. And now I also do understand today’s SpiritView totally. Lots of Love!

  1. Thank you Evan for this excellent message today of where our true health lies. Thank you also Angie for the article “True Health” which is one of my favourites.

  2. A million “thank-yous” Evan! This terrific post triggered the perfect “breakthrough” that. i have been seeking for sometime! Forever grateful for Spirit View and this loving group of commenters as well!

  3. Thank you Evan and Angie for the referred article ! So many ideas to work with today. So much encouragement to keep listening to the only consciousness, the one Mind, Gods direction.
    This brings to mind a line from S&H pg 192. ..’whatever holds human thought in line with unselfed love, receives directly the divine power.’… it was part of the Bible lesson last week. In other words , if we start with true cause we will determine only the true effect and any form of error is immediately reduced to NO-thing.❣️

    1. Simply perfect and perfectly simple Barbara, thank you!

      Thank you Evan for this wonderful SV.


  4. Thank you, Evan, for this inspiration this morning! And thanks to all who share their thoughts here.
    I especially love what Barbara shared “if we start with true cause, we will determine only the true effect and any form of error is immediately reduced to NO-thing.”!!! 🙂

    1. I’m so glad my comment resonated with you Sarah! Sometimes I think that my contributions are very basic compared to so many other SV ers. But we are all on a progressive journey to bring Christ into our lives.
      Many years ago I remember a testimony in a Journal about a lady seeking a healing but finding it hard to think comprehensive thoughts about the constant presence of God. So, she just started by saying ‘God’ to herself every time a negative tried to intrude. If I remember rightly this continued for at least a day until she could add more spiritually influenced words to her constant prayer. Needless to say her healing was eventually complete. Gods promise of health materialised.

      1. God is enough. And sometimes simply thinking, “God!“ Is enough.

        Years ago I attended a Christian Science Wednesday night testimony meeting in a different town where someone stood up and said that normally they would only give a testimony about their own experience but when they heard someone else give the testimony years prior that and they knew firsthand the person and how they were after the healing, and the family, they were very inspired and had on-going healing transformations and new healings as a result.

        A girl had been crushed by a truck and she heard a witness exclaim, “God!” The bystander was overcome by terror at the gruesome scene of impossibility and in shock and overwhelm at the injustice, and used profanity. But the girl raised in Christian Science with reverence, not taking the Lord’s name in vain, immediately felt hope, comfort, and confidence because God was real and there with her. That single word called her from dying and redirected her thought from the pain and noise to silent communion with God in Whom she trusted. Since God is Life and Love bringing her and those she knew many healings in the past, she trusted and felt infinite immortal Life and all powerful Love. She did not die from what everyone said would inevitably cause immediate traumatic death.

        She loved the truck driver and others as she felt loved by and loved God. She was not severely disabled after a day or so and was completely well and free within a short time. All of the people at the scene, all the emergency personnel, people trying to help her and her family, the media and all the people that learned of the case through them, were inspired by this obvious healing that was only due to spiritual law. Once again the spiritual truth proved the possibility and actuality of what everyone else knew was impossible. As one popular song says, in effect, God speaks to us saying that what we saw as broken beyond repair, God sees As Healing beyond belief.

        The testifier speaking I don’t know how many years after the fact had continued to be inspired and get a new inspiration, and he inspired me, bringing about clarity and a resolution of a problem that had been on my mind when I attended that church service. It made me more committed to not take the Lord’s name in vain. I chose to break off a relationship with someone who mocked and rejected reference and unselfish service/generosity. I committed to immediately reverse and correct in my thinking when I hear others use certain terms irreverently or hypocritically or mindlessly or resentfully, to immediately turn my thought to reverence and love and gratitude and faith . To humble eagerness to understand and promptly full-heartedly obey God. That commitment to reverence help me experience and witness and share in countless healings. Many of which seem to be of completely impossible situations.

        Decades went by after hearing the testimony and then it seemed that a trauma and betrayal by people who called them selves Christian Scientists violated many of all the Manual* bylaws and the rules and purpose and spirit of church, with their resisting the truth of testimonies and the truth that resulted in those testimonies, resisting and attacking love and commitment to Truth, the work of Christian Science practitioner and Christian Science nurse, harming my children, and patients. I reacted by feeling distracted and haunted with wanting to know, “WHY?”, and feeling that correcting the situation was impossible as it metaphorically came out of nowhere crashing into and crushing me, pinning me helplessly immobile. I felt overcome by the pain and helplessness, injustice and grief, haunted and in various ways disabled my every hour with great deep grief and overwhelm so that I could not effectively pray the many hours per day that I was used to doing. I had to take a break from being in the public practice as one paid to “heal people through prayer” and as Christian Science nurse. I was stuck with asking, “Why?” And, “ What now?” But nobody would answer my question. And nobody was honest or helpful. “What hope could there be?”

        It changed my focus from immortal, perfect, reliably loving God, to imperfect hypocritical and cruelly dishonest mortals. A Christian Science teacher who knew the allegations and reactions were wrong said privately to me that he did not want to get involved with the politics and personalities so had chosen to not speak for the truth when his silence was taken as complicity or confirmation, yet he kept telling me, “Handle resistance to Truth in thought”, and “Handle it impersonally,” Ge told me I had done nothing wrong, there was nothing wrong with me, there was no excuse for their error, and I need not suffer from it. But I still felt stuck, crushed. It was a very hard time for me and my family and friends , My patients felt betrayed and abandoned and their healings and evidence denied. Some wanted to defend me but I thought it would only get worse. This mob attack turned many of people who knew of it against the church members and even against Christian Science and churches and religion in general and God. What began as one individual’s reverence and gratitude for God evidencing itself in healings became community resistance to the reality of those “miracles” and character assassination of witnesses and denial of the demands of Church, and irreverence towards God, and people outside the church being turned off and turning against folk.

        At first I was very humble and eager for my repentance, and so overcome by pain I reached out to God, so I had many experiences that would seem miraculous to others. When I tried to share the gratitude and inspiration the healing truths and truth of those healings, it seemed to justify former errors, church members resisted these truths and the truth-tellers more. Yet nobody said what they thought I did wrong and what they wanted me to change or what I should do right instead. I became more like then. I got defensive and self-justifying and critical. When wonderful inspiration would come to me throughout the days and the the many long nights I would embrace the inspiration and feel loving reverence…, but then I would think of Cccsgating it in church and then I felt tempted and spiral down into feeling attacked for speaking inconvenient truths and for what one church member said, “You’re too devout!”, then I was spiral down to defensive self justification, spoiling a testimony for sharing that fresh inspiring truth instead into a lecture against those who had wronged my patients and family and me. So of course I did not say it, but I also let slip from me the original inspiration and its power to correct and heal. Then I felt despairing. It was crushing . I even had many times feeling as if a truck were on my chest and my heart had failed and I was dying of a broken heart and heart attacks.

        But each time someone would call me for help expecting me to heal them and love them as they were used to and it would rouse me from being totally crushed and disheartened, and a little bit by little bit all I could think was “God!“. As a prayer knowing that God is real and was with us and that God had the answer to their problem and mine and made us able to receive and respond to it. “God!” was the only word that I could process or think, but with that came a feeling of courageous stoic commitment to obey God , to fulfill God’s purpose for repeatedly bringing me back from death.

        Then I felt wholeheartedly committed to re-examining each and every thought and relationship and action on my part. I committed to be grateful for “their disobedience and sins” reminding me to be ever more obedient, “their cowardliness and resistance to truth and complicity with bullying” to make me more committed to physical and moral courage and to bringing about justice in all settings, to be the change I wanted from them, to live the obedience to our Manual* I thought they’d failed to do. To not be afraid of internal church politics or world politics, and to boldly live the prophet’s and healer’s charge to live, love, and speak Truth to “power”.

        This led to me expanding my practice of publicly praying for and comforting and providing physical metaphysical care for scared and hurting people who have never heard of Christian Science and who were very receptive so they experienced immediate healings. It resulted in many countless opportunities to share testimonies of healing in diverse community settings outside of “church” so that that healing truth healed those who are listening, and inspired the witnesses of those healings, many of whom had never believed in God before. These testimonies healed and blessed many who had been harmed by people who called themselves Christians.

        It expanded my sense of church community and church duties. And greatly expanded my sense of fellowship and effectiveness. It increased my inspiration and energy and improved my health. I saw many people be inspired and share that contagious love. Some of my family members who had been so repulsed by the church members eventually began to trust God again.

        Originally feeling blindsided and crushed by a metaphorical 16-wheeler multi-ton loaded truck, I got to the point that all I could think was, “God!” Or, “God is in control, blessing all!“ And discipline my thought to feel and express that loving kindness and humble confidence and gratitude and courageous Integrity and love of truth and make commitment to repentance. Sometimes I could not think complete sentences from the malpractice or the fear of it, but I could remember these feelings when the thought of God had brought countless healings before for me or my patients. I learned that prayer in our daily discipline and practice doesn’t have to be limited to a specific way of doing things. But it always begins and ends with turning our thought and feelings toward and centered on perfect God including a perfect man including a perfect universe and perfect harmony.

        It could simply be the word, “God!“ Spoken with whole hearted reliance asking God for help. Or thought with calming gratitude in advance of any material evidence . Or eager attentive searching like for Easter eggs for evidence of God’s law of harmony.

        The change for the better came when I had to let go of words or when apparently fatal conditions left me with only one word I could think, “God!” Overtime, God meant so much more to me, so I and others enjoyed that expensive healing sense of church and fellowship and an expanded sense of following God and Christ, Ministering to, preaching to, and healing, the social outcasts and those outside of church, and expanding my sense of our healing public practice of Christian Science. God us enough, Sometimes only able to think, “God!” is enough. Sometimes keeping it short and simple to that one word or a few words is far better than the day-long preaching lecture or address. We each belong and we each have a rich contribution that is needed and is adequate and continues to grow and bless.

        I treasure your contributions, from one word or phrase to a long article that connects many experiences and tells a healing journey. Thank you for the reminder of one thought held in reverence or gratitude or yearning or courageous commitment. Thinking and saying, “God!” can be enough. God is enough.

        1. Thank you for sharing, Edith. Presumably referring to the previous comment by
          Barbara U.K. Much courage was needed, and it paid off – wonderful.

  5. “We are not even temporarily human beings.
    Clarence Steves

    “If God hasn’t said it, it hasn’t been said.”
    I do not remember the origin.

    1. Dearest M,
      I have heard the precious verse. A soloist at church sings these verses so well.
      I will try to find it.
      Quite a powerful statement this morning, Evan. Never thought of it like that. A game changing revelation.
      Thank you one and all. A lovely day is here.

    2. Dear M…
      We are working on this. Maybe tomorrow. It’s frequently sung at a branch where I attend.
      A very lovely solo.

    3. M,
      Here’s the Poem by Curry Called “Reality”.

      If God doesn’t know it, there’s nothing to know.
      If God didn’t sow it, there’s nothing to grow.
      Unless He fashion it, favor it, have pride in it, can reality abide in it?
      If God doesn’t see it, there’s nothing to see.
      If God couldn’t Be in it, there’s nothing to Be.
      But if His tender enfold it. embrace in it, nor time, nor tide erase it.
      If God didn’t plan it, it isn’t a plan.
      If God couldn’t bless it, it isn’t for man!
      “God made all the Heav’ns and earth, and all that there is therein.”
      “And for His glory was eve’y man created”
      If God doesn’t know it, there’s nothing to know.
      If God didn’t sow it, there’s nothing to grow.
      Unless He fashion it, favor it, have pride in it, can reality abide in it?
      If God couldn’t hear it, it’s never been heard.
      If God didn’t say it, it isn’t a word.
      But, if He order it, honor it, rejoice in it.
      Then hear Truth’s voice in it!
      Then, hear Truth’s voice in it, hear Truth’s voice.

      Dick Frantzreb, a singer from California, has created a site, Solo Bank, where he posts recordings of himself and others of various CS solos. He does have Reality available.
      The address for the title list is: Solo Bank Titles (

      Special Thanks to Susan Lindquist, Instrumentalist and Soloist. First Church of Christ Scientist, Farmington, Michigan, USA

      1. Thank you very much, David, for supplying all these words – I had never come across this.
        It is brilliant, and so helpful.

      2. Thank you , David, for supplying all the words of this song – I had never heard of it before, and it is brilliant.

  6. When I read the word ‘breakthrough’ in the title of today’s post, I immediately thought of a breakthrough in thought, out of the limitations and smallness of material thinking into the vastness, Joy, harmony and wonder of spiritual understanding. That is something I’ve long been praying about for the world. Nothing can prevent it. It is our current state of being.

    Yesterday someone shared late on SV that ‘Now’ is another synonym for God. They said that even if the mortal picture seems bleak, why waste time trying to focus on a blurry scenario, rather we can look beyond it to the unchanging, clear, right now Truth, that a mortal picture is trying to obscure. Perfect God, perfect man.

    1. Thank you Rose for your lovely comment.
      I also understood the word “breakthrough” as a positive expression. For instance, when somebody works hard for a good solution on an issue; and finally a successful solution is found, than I would call it a”breakthrough”.
      Therefore I asked what this word means in today’s SpiritView. And Nina explained it accordingly. Up here. ♡

  7. So grateful for Christian Science. I look forward to SpiritView every morning and appreciate all comments as well as the many links to articles on JSH. Thank you all!

  8. How wonderful that an article written in 1953 or a book written in Mrs. Eddy’s time or
    the Bible, can still be relevant today. It seems that fear, a so-called virus, or any attempt
    of mortal mind’s belief in anything apart from God, would try to break through or try to
    stay relevant and mutate in any way it can, to exist. Standing porter at our door of
    thought and not letting these suggestions in, no matter how virulent they try to be, is
    so important in maintaining the Truth of our being. They were not real back in Jesus’
    time, just as they are not real now. Like in math 0 multiplied by 1, 100, 1,000 or a
    trillion, is still 0.

  9. Brilliant, Evan! You capture the inability of material solutions to permanently solve any problem. The solution is ALWAYS spiritual. This is just plain awesome!

  10. I love Eddy’s definition of health: “Health is the consciousness of the unreality of pain and disease; or, rather, the absolute consciousness of harmony and of nothing else.” (Rud. 11:13–15)

  11. A timely reminder of health’s origin and status.
    Hymn 135 comes to thought…..
    “I know no life (health) divided,
    O Lord of life (health), from Thee;
    In Thee is life (health) provided
    For all mankind and me:…….”

  12. Back again.

    “There is only here, now or after. “

    “That is why the “true sense of being and its
    eternal perfection should appear now, even
    as it will hereafter. “

    John Hargreaves
    In response to todays comment.

  13. I recall a book out years ago. ” It’s not about the bike.” Well, this is “Not about the virus.” I am looking deeper into what is Trying to influence the masses thought. Thieves come in many forms. If we keep talking about it, publishing it etc. the hope is we will finally accept this as our own thought and experience. I can only experience the good from God’s government. He is my Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness. Only God can give it and only God could take it away.

  14. This excellent Evan, thank you! Appreciate all the comments and article too! Recently was re-reading Adam Dickey’s article on Possession: “Nothing exists but God and what God creates, consequently there is only one right idea of anything.”

    1. M,
      The search was worth it. I have appreciated the verse for a log time. Always from a distance. Now I have a copy to share thanks to your reminding.
      I loved the work. I had a few hours to fill. Waiting for other things to develop.
      Thanks for getting me busy!
      Lovingkindness, David

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