Truth endures and error does not

June 26, 2019 | 17 comments

“He conquers who endures.”

~ Persius

17 thoughts on “Truth endures and error does not”

  1. Yes! This reminds me of something Mrs. Eddy has written in Miscellaneous Writings, (pgs 276-277 lines 31-12) that has been very powerful for me and that I often refer to.

    “In the dark hours, wise Christian Scientists stand firmer then ever in their allegiance to God. Wisdom is wedded to their love, and their hearts are not troubled. Falsehood is on the wings of the winds, but Truth will soar above it. Truth is speaking louder, clearer, and more imperatively than ever. Error is walking to and fro in the earth, trying to be heard above Truth, but its voice dies out in the distance. Whosoever proclaims Truth loudest, becomes the mark for error’s shaft. The archers aim at Truth’s mouthpiece; but a heart loyal to God is patient and strong. Justice waits, and is used to waiting; and right wins the everlasting victory.”
    At the end of this I have penciled into my book “Truth endures, error gives up!”

    I also think it’s important to point out that “we” are not “enduring” as in just continuing to suffer in a human sense. It says “Truth, in other words God, endures and then error has no choice but to yield, for it has no power. We do take a stand against error, but Truth, God endures.

    Thank you Evan and all SV family. I’m so grateful to have a place to share and learn ideas in this spiritual journey.

    1. Thank you Trista for this reference to Mrs. Eddy’s writings. It is most helpful for two legal cases I’m giving prayerful support to, where lies seem to have power. Evan’s quote also reminds me of a time when I remarked to my CS teacher that working out a challenge felt like climbing an icy trail on cross-country skis; she replied, “Oh, but think of the view!”

    2. Thank you pointing out the reference to getting to the Truth, through enduring, patience, and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. And to all who commented, each one included a thought which is mighty helpful in the face of adversity. Especially error fades….a….w…a….y!

    3. Thank you for these very helpful ideas especially that Truth endures so error has to yield (regardless of the form it has assumed).

  2. I think this is very helpful when dealing with a challenge. To know that Truth is always true. And if we stand with the Truth, the false belief fades into its “native nothingness.” For it is always just a suggestion.

  3. This is one of the concepts that I learned from you that aids in the distinction between truth and error. Truth is eternal. There is great depth in your post even though it is short. It’s like a painting a thousand ideas in just a few words.

    1. Wonderful metaphor with the painting.
      Have been meanwhile at our testimony meeting. We have a reader’s pool, and today it was my turn to read. Evan I am so grateful for today’s short but pregnant truth sentence: ”Truth endures and error does not”. The logic is, that if truth endures, the opposite of truth, which is error, cañot endure and concequently must vanish.
      When I stood at the reader’s desk, a clear glimps of this truth enlightend my spiritual view for a few moments and i saw clearly the allness of Truth filling all space where no error has room. Before standing at the desk I had the truth in my mind, that Truth endures and always wins, what comfort!
      Evan, it was just what I needed, thanks for it!
      Thank you all for your helpful and interesting comments.

  4. I like how the picture shows a strong flower enduring even though the landscape appears harsh. And, I also imagine all the other flowers that will be coming up through the soil too. So, even though the picture only shows one flower I imagine there is so much more to emerge from the soil that can’t be seen at the moment.

  5. Here’s a different slant on so-called “error!!” Mr. William McKenzie, one of MBE’s first director’s at The Mother Church, wrote a new First reader at a San Diego, CA CS church in 1905.

    “Be sure to ask yourself at all times, do I exist as ‘person’ or Principle? Nothing is more important than this understanding. Second to it…is that there is no error!! That which appears to human sense as error is really Truth misinterpreted, is Principle misunderstood. Every claim or belief of error is some divine idea not correctly seen or understood. On this rock of Truth every claim or belief must resolve itself into what it actually is. Mrs. Eddy says that God created ideas and that human sense translates these into material beliefs. These material beliefs then are really mistranslated or misinterpreted ideas of God.”

    This is fairly verbatim of what Mr. McKenzie had to say on this bug-a-boo of erroneous thinking.
    It makes a lot of sense to me. We need to be always thinking of ourselves as spiritual sense, not material sense! Note: exclamation marks are my emphasis in the forgoing.

  6. What a profound and reassuring statement to hold to. Wether it’s Divine, Spiritual Truth or the truth of facts in everyday life occurrences, it endures while lies must eventually collapse upon themselves.

  7. Thanks, Rod, for your reference to Hymn 248. One of the ideas I’ve always held to is from the first verse, “Wait in the everlasting God, And He will walk with you.” We don’t go charging ahead on our own path, but “wait” listen, and then follow God’s direction.

  8. I need to feel and see that Good is Victorious, that Spirit and Truth are all the power there is and this idea “Truth endures and error does not” is powerful, inspiring and strengthening! Thank you!

  9. I remember an article saying something to the effect,’ what happens to that dinosaur blocking your door when you wake up?’ It disappears because it never was! It was just a dream.

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