Wait patiently on God for direction

February 21, 2023 | 17 comments

When we wait patiently on God and seek Truth righteously, He directs our path.

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 254

The one all-knowing, all-wise Mind of God always knows the best path to take.

Be patient. Listen. Follow as direction comes, and you’ll know what to do for the best results.

17 thoughts on “Wait patiently on God for direction”

  1. I tried to send a comment about SpiritView not
    coming to our emails.
    My comment did not attach.
    Thanks Evan for our daily bread.
    Delicious thoughts.

  2. Such wonderful advice today, “wait patiently on God for direction.” Humility and trust are needed in order to do this.

    Makes me think of what Mrs. Eddy said in Misc Writings on page 307, “…it is enough that divine Love is an ever-present help; and if you wait, never doubting, you will have all you need every moment.” Also, “In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:6)

  3. Sorry for all the mistakes. SpititView is
    never a mistake.
    Thanks Evan for our fail bread, and
    thanks everyone for sharing.
    Happy God day, every day.

    Sent an apology awhile ago.
    It didn’t attach. Sorry if it does
    now that I’m sending this
    Guess I missed, the wait patiently

  4. The little pup, so precious in it’s sweater, waiting patiently for direction is like the
    Unconditional Love that God gives us, constantly. When thinking if I should adopt
    a second dog, recently, several factors came into mind and I patiently prayed to
    know what to do. The whisper of Love’s guidance reassured me that all would be
    well in bringing this dear little dog that needed a good home and he would be
    accepted by my other dog. They were the best of buddies right from the start and
    it worked out perfectly. He had issues with limping when he first came, but now
    runs with the grace of perfection.
    Patience in making the decision brought the sweetest reflection of God … dog spelled
    backwards and the joy they give each other and I, is immeasurable.

    1. Carol what a lovely story and a great example of the rewards that come from waiting for “the whisper of Love’s guidance.” Thank you for posting it!

      1. Thank you, Rose from NY. It is so sweet to see the dogs get
        along so lovingly.
        And Thank you, J, for sharing the lovely poem with us.
        The “blossom within the bud” reminds me of, “Just when the
        caterpillar thought it was the end of the world, it became a
        butterfly”. Lovely lessons in patience.

  5. Patience is also defined as calm, joyous expectation of good and courageous resilience with integrity to one’s values. A patient is receiving care and healing. I can be patient, trusting that I am receiving care and healing in a process that I might not yet understand. And it’s OK. I don’t need to know everything and everything doesn’t have to go the way I want, I just need to love and obey God with trust and gratitude and trustworthiness living the qualities that best bless and that situation..

  6. Thank you dear Evan; everything coming from God is in best time! I got this SV abt. 6 am today on Wednesday European time. But what is time, God`s time is eternity. I am very grateful for this SV on waiting for God`s direction. If we follow this advice together with diligently praying for ourself and listening to God`s direction we also follow Mrs. Eddy`s advice to pray everyday thoroughly for ourself and of course also for the world.

    I love Evan`s advice here and will follow it more and more as it is indeed the best way to fruitful results for spiritual progress and healing!

  7. Thank you for the post.
    Love is the liberator. There is no anger in the eyes or the heart of God. He knows it not.
    Wrap all in divine Love. Man never left his fathers house of harmony and Love.

  8. As CRL commented and several others…..this is a message I dearly needed to receive this morning. And as I write this I am feeling reassurance, closeness and love as I wait patiently for the direction I am seeking.

  9. Much gratitude to you, Evan. The timing…wow! So needed this morn.

    Thanks to all for the loving, inspired comments. Edie, what stood out to me was “I just need to love” -I’ve taken it out of context somewhat- and “living the qualities that best bless..that situation.” Very helpful.

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