What is church?

June 17, 2022 | 30 comments

The apostle Paul tells us that church is the body of Christ. He wrote.

“God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church. And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself” (Eph. 1:22,23, NLT).

The body of Christ is the infinite Love of God. Like sailing in the middle of the ocean and seeing water as far as the eye can see, when one worships in the body of Christ, one sees the evidence of Love as far as they can see! Love is everywhere, everyplace, and in every way present to acknowledge, express, and to find comfort in.

If you’d like to worship in a full, active, vibrant, and healing church, worship in the body of Christ.

The body of Christ is not an empty building waiting to be filled with mortals. The body of Christ is the fullness of God present to be acknowledged, worshipped, and adored inside and outside of all buildings.

The body of Christ is not a congregation of mortals that may or may not get along with each other. The body of Christ is God’s congregation of immortal ideas that thrive together under all circumstances.

The body of Christ is filled with Love’s warmth, Life’s activity, and Truth’s power.

The body of Christ is full and vibrant, actively proving the omnipresent goodness and love of God.

The body of Christ lacks for nothing material and has everything spiritual.

The body of Christ is all-inclusive. It includes all family, friends, and neighbors, and excludes no one. The body of Christ is a most joyful, happy, healthy, and spiritually inspired place to worship.

If you’d like to have a super-awesome church experience this week, worship in the body of Christ! Take it with you wherever you go, to work, to the grocery store, to your neighbors, and especially to your local church services where others come seeking the true spirit and substance of church.

Live the fullness of God and demonstrate a full church experience.

30 thoughts on “What is church?”

  1. You have addressed many current issues with church Evan…these are error neutralising ideas. Many people feel SO attached to the church BUILDING as “church” but church is really wherever you find yourself able to help someone else…Thanks for this today.

    1. That hits the target Diane. There are no lines dividing – no “us” and no “them”.

      Evan – I love what you have written. So on point about church. And, I like coming to Spiritview because it feels like church to me. I love participating in your Spiritview class. 😉 I know how much I have grown visiting here each day. Thank you so much! I can only hope I can give back with insightful comments that relate to Evan’s comments or another commenter in an effort to give back to the community. Sometimes when I see a post and feel like someone might feel they are struggling we can add a comment to help them see how loved they are in this community. What a blessing it is for everyone!

      1. Kirsten, thank you for your heartfelt thoughts. You needn’t have a thought about the value and contribution you make here on SV, just your being here with a heart full of love and gratitude is healing for all who read of it. I love what you said about replying back to those who share that they are dealing with challenges. I agree wholeheartedly, as I myself have been very uplifted and felt love several times when I shared about a struggle. It made a big difference and I was very grateful. Thank you and blessings to you.

  2. We are church in action when
    we live,
    “Undivorced from Truth (God/Love)
    Uncontaminated (not taking in error,
    or be taken in by error)
    Unfettered by human hypotheses
    (nothing in thought to restrict)
    And divinely authorized. (A gift
    of Love given daily, for us to live)

    1. It was good to see this comment twice.
      I often think of this any day of the week, not just Sundays when we hear it
      read just before hearing the Bible Lesson read.
      I often refer to these ideas when praying for healing.
      As the created idea of God, WE are
      undivorced from Truth. We are uncontaminated (pure image and likeness)
      and unfettered(free, with all divine rights, not chained or locked down) by human mortal
      hypotheses–rules or beliefs and fears of sin, sickness, or “health care” .
      And we are divinely authorized by Our Father Mother God– the only Authority governing me and mine and all.

  3. Thank you for this truly inspirational and spiritual insight into the reality of the real and only Church.

  4. We are church in action when
    we live,
    “Undivorced from Truth (God/Love)
    Uncontaminated (not taking in error,
    or be taken in by error)
    Unfettered by human hypotheses
    (nothing in thought to restrict)
    And divinely authorized. (A gift
    of Love given daily, for us to live)

    This is a favorite statement. It comes
    to thought often.
    I have mentioned it before.

  5. Sorry it apppesred twice. It would not
    let me send it.
    So I added a sentence and tried again.
    Very sorry.
    Happy living church today. ❤️

  6. With body image/diets such a focus, I am greatly appreciating the idea of the “body of Christ” and the light that embodies. Mrytle Smith, a lecturer and practitioner from Ireland, in that delightful accent, spelled church this way: “chURch” -love that too. I will go about my day thinking and moving as the church of God. (Hymn 537). Thank you Evan.!!

  7. Evan, you have explained ‘ church ‘ beautifully…..it is so totally ‘ inclusive ‘ for everyone…even, dare I say it, for those who have not yet experienced the Christ in their human existence.
    And, M , no problem reading things twice here!
    As someone who doesn’t have the opportunity to go to a physical church building ( yet ) I’m grateful for this blog today and to share with everyone on SV today.
    This is Christian ( about Christ ) Science ( Knowledgeable Law).❣️

  8. The Curch is wherever the Christ is and Christ is wherever God is. Everywhere! To experience the power of God is to experience the power of Christ which is to experience the majesty of Church all resting on Divine Principle.

    1. Very good point J, thanks for the quote, I look forward to reading the full article, looks like it’s also a podcast which can be accessed on the article page.

      Among other definitions of church I found this one, which fits well with Evan’s explanation:
      “From the [Greek] word kuriakon, which means “dedicated to the Lord.” So it’s more of a consciousness of our dedication to the Truths of God and our relationship to him. Like in the 23rd Psalm which concludes with, “…and I will dwell in the house [consciousness] of the Lord forever.”

      Also Evan, I tried to post a comment on yesterday’s SV with links to two articles, when I clicked POST it said the comment was being reviewed by the moderator and would appear later but it never did. Just wanted to let you know in case there was some technical issue. Thanks.

      Blessed weekend to everyone and Happy Father’s Day to Evan and to all the wonderful Dads!.

      1. Thank you Rose for this definition and comments.

        I’ve also experienced the same thing when trying to post articles.

  9. My contribution didn’t come out, sorry. I have not time to do it again now.
    I don’t know what happened. Lovely definition of church, I love it.

  10. I will try again, as I remembered that I had saved my
    contribution – so here it is:-

    Thank you, Evan, and all the inspiring remarks about church
    from everyone.

    I was thinking that if we attend church services and testimony meetings, recognising church as the wonderful description that Evan gives here, we must leave our material woes and fears outside. If we open our hearts to feel more of the presence of the Christ in our consciousness, then we will find more of our true spiritual harmonious being coming to light – fear will retire, and there will be no burden to pick up again as we leave.

    So as we understand the living church to be the expression of all those qualities and abilities of the Christ which we reflect, we take the Christ light of church with us wherever we go, and everyone is invited to bathe in its light and feel its healing power.

    The “everlasting arms of Love” are depicted in the picture
    above, and we can be a part of those arms in embracing the
    whole world in that Christly love of Church for all
    mankind,, for I see the whole world ias Church.

    1. “The everlasting arms of Love”, Hymn # 53 words by John R. MacDuff. Same verse came to me as an angel, guiding me to one who’s arm was to to be amputated. It’s an answer for confidence that yet another “miracle” which is the natural effect of enlightened prayer, is taking place. Later this morning, news that they didn’t operate! They are waiting! “God is working His purpose out”.
      Thank you and everyone for today’s blessings.
      Indeed we are experiencing real Ch-UR-ch. One body, Evan, this has never been better expressed. Thank you so very much!
      I though as long as this person has me they have all the arms they need. Then thought changed to “As long as they have “God” they have all the arms they need”. After that came the hymn #53 into mind. Comforting and reassuring. Off I go to the hospital once again.
      I hope to bring just a tiny bit of all the Lovingkindness required to dispel fear.

      1. David you are amazing and inspiring. Blessings to the dear one you are praying for. Another line from Hymn 53, “God it is who bears us on, His the arm we lean upon.”

        (Sorry this appeared below too, meant to post it right here to reply directly to David’s comment.)

        1. T. Y. Rose…New York is so blessed.
          Spiritual sense has many ways to express thanksgiving for your kindness.
          I hope that true sentiments of loving-kindness and appreciation are inwardly felt. It goes from “Hear to Heart”.
          The letter is cold, but those sharing the bread and gospel (God-Spell), bring about miracles stated as in this week’s lesson.
          Mortal mind cannot fathom the “natural experience of regeneration”.
          (the material unexplainable) and categorize them as “miracles”.
          Nor do we take them for granted, but understand perfection and so know how and why healing unfolds. We expect good. Thank You God.
          Blessings, David

  11. Often I think of logging in to SpiritView as attending a very special church meeting, where this devoted family gathers together for spiritual sustenance. It is the dawn’s first morning meal. We unite to satisfy our deep cravings for the things of the Spirit. And it is like a spiritual pot luck, where our host and each one present brings to the table their specialty, prepared with thoughtfulness and loving inspiration. And what an abundant, joyous and grateful feast it is! We are all nourished, gratified and satisfied to meet the needs of the day.

    Evan, – “thou preparest a table before me…….”my cup runneth over.”

    1. Linda, from reading your lovely comments above, it is clear that you are feeling much gratitude today, I can feel it. Thank you for sharing it. I loved, “it is like a spiritual pot luck.” Well said!

  12. Wow! We are clearly all “on the same page” regarding Thoughts About Church…What it IS, and Isn’t, and related questions. All great to ponder, as we listen to the One divine Mind impart Its clear ideas to Its Creation, thus enabling human consciousness to grasp the true idea of Ch-UR-ch… We are Church: What we do and say and think and feel, In Action! No point going to a building down the street if we neglect the poor among us…and this could be our own “poor” sense of Truth and Love, as well as our yet poor sense of the Structuring of Love in our hearts, our divine Principle!

    Thankfully, Truth is getting us to where we need to go:
    to Church in our Hearts! Homes! Neighborhoods! World!!!

  13. I hope you have been able to watch the Annual meeting of the Mother Church.

    I enjoyed watching all the events and have been inspired by the many ideas shared and it has given me a renewed love for Church:

    -”Think of our Church placed in our community by God’ Laurie Richardson

    -‘ Mary Baker Eddy founded the Church to heal the world of sin and death’ .Mimi Oka

    -‘Healing is a natural and right outcome.’ Mimi Oka

    The field report from the Fairbanks Church in Alaska also offered some ideas on how we might renew our joy in Church work.
    – they have one page for their Bylaws which say:

    ‘We serve Fairbanks as a branch of the Mother Church”
    in other words they work it all out themselves and reflect on Mrs Eddy’s guidance from the Manual keeping the ‘Utility’ of Church at the foremost.’

    – In their business meetings they talk about the ‘business of healing’.

    – They have ‘prayer inquiries’ So they have a topic and it is a question which they study every week. They start on a Wednesday and all work on one topic.
    examples were: ‘ How is your faith working for you?, Are we making decisions or discoveries?

    Thanks for all your ideas and loving our Church.

  14. Love this church illustration,meaning,and its application. So inspiring .It is also my aha moment. Thanks Evan for sharing us and all the comments.

  15. David you are amazing and inspiring. Blessings to the dear one you are praying for. Another line from Hymn 53, “God it is who bears us on, His the arm we lean upon.”

    1. Rose, I prayed those comforting words during a long trip by car through Germany to my holiday location. I Love that hymn!♡

  16. Thank you very much Evan for your spiritual view on this very important toppic about the real meaning of CHURCH, the healing Church of Christ!
    You also can get a better understanding from the Glossar of Science and Health under the heading of CHURCH, where it defines church as “The structure of Truth and Love – all which rests upon the divine Principle and flows out from it” in that sense. . And this passage contains much more about the purpose of CHURCH. I love that spiritual definition and also the Verse from Eph. 1: 22 + 23 in this SV!
    You also could say: Church: the structure of divine Principle, Mind, Soul, Spirit, Life, Truth and Love.
    Sometimes in silent prayer I think about that.
    Today i thought in silent prayer about Church as the body of the healing .Christ which is filled with the infinite Love of God.
    Through this understanding of CHURCH it will be a full and healing Church!♡
    Evan, I know you have some more SpiritViews on CHURCH in the Archive of SV, which are so wonderfully helpful – thank you for it! 🙂

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