You have enough understanding coming from Spirit

March 8, 2024 | 36 comments

If you’re ever tempted to believe you do not have enough understanding to heal a problem, it’s helpful to remember that the understanding you seek is coming freely to you from infinite Spirit.

Mary Baker Eddy writes, “Spirit imparts the understanding which uplifts consciousness and leads into all truth”
(Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 505).

Spirit is God. Spirit loves you. Spirit wants you to have everything you need to be God’s healthy happy child.

You can accept as a fact that Spirit is sending your way all the understanding you need to be everything good God has created you to be.

We feel stymied when we try to reason our situation out humanly. Analyzing matter, drawing material conclusions, fearing matter states, can all lead to frustration, discouragement and feeling inadequate. Why? Because the human mind is inadequate. It does not contain sufficient understanding to solve our problems.

The Mind of Spirit does have sufficient understanding, and this Mind sends its understanding our way through spiritual sense.

As we tune into spiritual sense, and open thought wide to receiving Spirit’s inspiration, the ideas we need to move down a path of progress appear.

Spirit has the understanding you seek, and Spirit is sending that understanding your way. What you receive from Spirit is enough to meet your need.

36 thoughts on “You have enough understanding coming from Spirit”

  1. I try to make it a habit that whenever I leave my front door, I affirm: “ All-knowing, divine Mind is always telling each and every individual directly everything we need to know, in the form and language, and terms and timing that we need to be alive, safe, healthy, good. God created us to be able and willing to correctly recognize and respond, because God is always giving each of us all we need to be
    and do good for the greater good,”.

    I reason, therefore that I will know which street I parked my car on. I’ll know what items to bring with me and that I left my home as I should (oven and heater off, doors locked, computer unplugged,…)I’ll know how to respond to the situations and people I meet. God will keep me in the right state of mind to recognize and relish that every person in my day is a gift from God and an opportunity to practice
    loving and praying and working for Justice/healing.

    1. I’m not a native English speaker.. Very metaphysical ideas. Thank you for sharing this unfolding of ideas.

  2. Such a heartwarming message of peace this morning! Thank you! In looking at the
    lovely scene, with the sun shining it’s spiritual rays of inspiration, the itty bitty little
    car reminds me of when I first moved here. There is a road off in the distance
    that I didn’t realize was there and couldn’t see and it would make me smile every
    time I would see a tiny car or mail truck, tractor, school bus – go by, as they were
    like little Matchbox toys. It is like mortal mind’s perception, isn’t it – so limited and
    distorted to mortal’s senses from what the Truth really is. Spiritual enlightenment
    dispels the inconsistencies and way mortal mind tries to deceive us with it’s lies
    and the Truth opens our thought to God’s Reality.

    1. Thank you for this reminder, Evan and Angel for your comments on perception of what we are seeing. I looked and looked for the little car and then my eyes landed on the road to the left and when i enlarged the picture there it was 🙂 I really liked what you said: “Spiritual enlightenment dispels the in consistencies and way mortal mind tries to deceive us with its lies and the Truth opens our thought to God’s reality.”
      Thanks to all SV friends for their support through this blog.

      1. Thank you for your kind words, Jane b. Yes, spiritual enlightenment Is such a
        help in dealing with mortal mind’s deceptions. Your support with your sweet
        comment is also very much appreciated, as are All of the comments shared.

  3. Thank-you, Evan! This message is very confidence-building! I have struggled with the notion that I have insufficient spiritual understanding to heal everything in my life that needs to be dealt with. In reading your message for today, I realize that if I push anxiety out of the way and really listen, my thoughts are naturally aligned with God’s mind, the One Mind. And Mind orders, prioritizes, cleanses, eliminates confusion, and beautifies.

  4. I love the definition of man in the Glossary of Science and Health page 475. I cling to this when feeling like I personally have to figure something out. It relieves all burdens.
    “Man is idea, the image, Love; He is the compound idea of God.including all right ideas; the generic term for all that reflects God’s image and likeness; the conscious identity of being as found in Science, in which man the reflection of God, or Mind, and therefore is eternal; that which has not a single quality underived from Deity; that which possesses no life, intelligence, nor creative power of his own, but reflects spiritually all that belongs to his Maker.” Let this comfort us!

  5. What a great message! Why do we keep trying to solve problems with human logic? This statement of reality awakens us and replants our feet on solid ground. Thanks Evan.

  6. Thank you Evan for this inspirational & uplifting message..We’re not on our own trying to figure out how to heal discordant thoughts & situations! Spirit is the only reality of all existence & is always powerfully present if we’re willing to silence the chatter of mortal mind and open up to it’s healing power!

    1. In rereading all of the comments this morning, which are all so inspiring,
      “Spirit is the only reality of all existence”, what you had written, Ann, just
      stood out at me. Thank you! What a beautiful Truth and Love is all around.

  7. This is a very timely way of looking at our demonstrations. Some are instant but others need us to reach out for help or to take more time studying the Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Thank you so very much.

  8. Oh, Evan, what a relief!! Thank you for this! Thank you for your devoted daily inspirations
    And thank you to every single SpiritViewer who shares your wonderful, ever-unfolding ideas!
    One’s joy can be instantly restored!
    One’s spirit is renewed perpetually! We are given everything we ever ever need from our Infinite Source , God Mind Love …..
    Much love to you all

    1. Thanks for your comments Annie, I too felt relief when I read today’s message, especially when Evan reassuringly said, “You can accept as a fact that Spirit is sending your way all the understanding you need to be everything good God has created you to be.” And I add, that Spirit is sending that understanding in a way that I will clearly hear and comprehend, and that of course, healing is the result (expectancy of Good). Thank you Evan and everyone.

  9. Thank you Evan for this post, and to all of you for your clear, confident, inspired acknowledgments of the power of Spirit to illuminate consciousness. So needed this morning. Last night my sleep was unsettled, and when I attempted to pray it was as though a thick blanket of obscurity covered my thought. Every effort to tap into spiritual sense seemed futile, as though I didn’t even know what spiritual sense was. Affirmations of truth seemed to have no meaning. This mental darkness was very distressing, as I am used to spending time in prayer daily and gaining inspiration, light and clarity from my prayers. Gradually the human mind settled down enough for me to drift into a light sleep, but this morning I still felt like a mental fog needed to be lifted. As soon as I read your message Evan, and the uplifting comments, I felt the touch of the Christ strengthening my spiritual comprehension and restoring my natural spiritual sense. Words are inadequate to express my deep gratitude and love for this beautiful family, and for the great light emanating from this site.

    1. Your expression of illuminated consciousness lit up my awareness of exactly the expression of thoughts I was tasked to compose, and I am so grateful for the message where you posted them. There was fraud, which was directed towards me, in a situation where I felt intimidated, but which humanly led to negative results, leaving me struggling to explain how the human interaction took place . Intimidation needed to be rooted out. Your thoughts and written words clarified the encounter, and now allows me to clearly described how I was bamboozled. You let the light shine clearly on the Truth.

    2. I agree Linda. Thank you for your comment❣️

      I am visiting our SpiritView in the evening and feeling gratitude for Evan and all you wonderful humans who are also blessed with understanding we receive from coming here. Thank God and thank you Evan.

    3. Thank you so much for sharing with us, dear Linda and also chilesands.
      Sometimes I wonder if others are feeling some challenges that I, too,
      sometimes face, so sharing certainly helps. I just found out that yet another
      dear friend has passed on. She had become distant since the pandemic and
      it seemed she was suffering with choices she had made.
      Sometimes this state
      of things is very upsetting with what seems to be going on with things that
      seem so wrong. It is not always easy to try to stay above all the mortal mind
      issues we are faced with these days, that many are oblivious to. I am so very
      grateful to appreciate all the good that is shared here and in CS.

      1. Dear Angel, my good thoughts go to you, to know that your good friend is safe in the arms of divine Love, and that absolutely ,nothing can harm her Wherever she is.

        1. Thank you so much, dear Pp for your kind and loving thoughts.
          So much appreciated. I had wondered why she hadn’t responded
          to my phone calls and card I had sent and her daughter didn’t allow
          for her to have visitors. You are so right, though, she is in the arms
          of divine Love and that is a very reassuring thought. Thank you again.

  10. Thank you Evan, for these great remarks and for the remarks you provide each day in this blog. They are appreciated.

  11. So grateful for this Evan, and for all the spiritual comments .

    Know, O child, thy full salvation;
Rise o’er sin and fear and care;
Joy to find, in every station,
Something still to do, or bear.
    Think what spirit dwells within thee;
Think what Father’s smiles are thine;
Think what Jesus did to win thee;
Child of heaven, can’st thou repine?
    Haste thee on from grace to glory,
Armed with faith and winged with prayer;
Heaven’s eternal day before thee,
God’s own hand shall guide thee there.
    So fulfill thy holy mission,
Swift shall pass thy pilgrim-days,
Hope shall change to glad fruition,
Faith to sight and prayer to praise.
    Hymn 167
    Happy weekend❣️

  12. Love sometimes comes to me when embracing Love as an acronym. It reminds me LOVE=Listen One Voice Eternally. Synonyms also often make up my “Tiny Poems” and sleep/peace returns in a wonderful Loving Way, Therefore much can be gleaned from other writings and comments when encouraged to keep the “conversations going”. Looking forward to continue in The Way I discovered the opportunities found in others’ blessings which one may find in the availability of Archives which Evan has giving to us Also the opportunity to expand our Love and many other joyous Pathways to follow in many helpful/thankful/glorous Trails found in Achives of the Mother Church. Thank you everyone for sharing.

  13. What a love-filled comment, Cheryl! The invitation/reminder to “keep the conversation
    going!”, even on the weekend, is very sweet and helpful. God’s Love never stops and is
    ever present and your acronym, “Listen One Voice Eternally” so heartwarming and
    speaks of the Truth. Thank you so much. The availability to this wonderful site and it’s
    many blessings even on Sat’s and Sundays and the archives is a plethora of spiritual
    inspiration that soothes the soul and comforts the reader, as well as the commenters.
    I thank you for your comment Cheryl, you – Evan for this wonderful venue, whomever
    chooses the delightful coinciding and inspiring graphics and everyone who shares or
    partakes of all of this Love. We All are very blessed!
    : )
    (A reminder for those who change clocks for Day Light Savings time).

  14. Happy Sunday, Everyone!

    Opens the way
    For our joy and comfort on this
    And every – glorious day

    Love hugs the world
    With It’s divine hue
    With warm rays of peace
    For everyone … including me and you

    So … Soak in the sun’s bright light
    Absorb the serenity with praise
    For God’s Love makes everything right
    Peacefully blessing All of our days.

  15. Dear Evan, am just very thankful for this comforting SpiritView ! Thank you for the loving assurance that we have everything we need, in what form ever, abundantly from our rich Father Mother God, who loves us immeasurable and cares for us, so as stated so wonderfully in the 23rd Psalm in the Bible.♡

    Thank Evan for your love to us all and supporting us to start our day rightly with God, divine, omnipotent Love!♡

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