Your #1 job

February 24, 2023 | 24 comments

If you ever get tired with your job, depressed about career prospects, or weary with trying to please your boss, it helps to remember that your #1 job is to serve God.

God is the Head Boss.

When you please the Head Boss, life goes so much better. Your experience fills with dominion, grace, calm, peace, joy, healthy, happy, productive activity.

God loves you. He understands you. He gives you inspiration, ideas, intelligence, wisdom, and guidance to be useful and productive in everything you do.

To serve God is to stay spiritually minded. It’s to be grateful and sharing gratitude. It’s about being in a good mood, expressing love toward others, seeing the good in others, overcoming negativity with spiritual positivity and being an inspiration for others to witness.

Serving God is always a joy. It’s rewarding.

Depression, discouragement, despondency, and despair come from serving mortal mind. Mortal mind can be a ruthless employer. No fun. But we don’t have to serve mortal mind. We can serve God.

Work for God today! Let Love guide your thought. Let Truth inspire your actions, and Spirit animate your movement.

Delight in God’s presence. Be God’s presence in action.

Let serving God be your #1 job. This work is enjoyable.

24 thoughts on “Your #1 job”

  1. Thank you so much for this article today. It is exactly what I need and has been a great reminder on my need to focus on my true employer. Grateful.

  2. Thanks Evan
    All those qualities are also being felt and expressed at church. The Mental atmosphere is one of joy, health, peace, and grace. It is irresistible to all and includes all.

  3. Thank you Evan. Yesterday we had a Christian Science lecture. The lecturer talked more of the divine qualities we need to see in ourselves and in others. Just as you have said, it is the essence of our daily living. We must live as God’s reflection, and at all times ask and answer the question, what is man? .Thank you for telling us what man is as far as our jobs are concerned. Thanks to all and love you all.

  4. Throughout my life, God has communicated very clearly to me that my job is to experience and express God— to enjoy and obey God, to love Creator and to love and bless all of creation. That is why I am to care, serve, and help/heal. It is my life purpose, and I am to be consciously clear with my intention and attention to obey that with each activity, choice, relationship, thought.

    That is why I have survived and recovered from things that most people do not. And why I have been put in the right place and time with the right life experience and testimony to protect others, to save lives, to comfort, teach/inspire, heal, and learn the next lesson to share the next blessin’. Sharing in that Christ purpose means not being surprised, distracted, or disturbed by the impersonal antichrist resistance to it personally attacking us, but to persevere living and loving obedient service, repentance, progress from unselfing to harmonizing with the One Source/Self/Love.

    To the degree I do that, I enjoy experiencing and expressing God and I do it better with better results better blessing others. This is the only work that really pays and satisfies, and it provides the necessary protection, direction, provision, application, and advancement. To the degree we are aligned with that, we experience harmony, peace, power, joy, meaning, effectiveness, freedom. It is natural. It feels good to be good and do good and do it well.

  5. Thank you, Evan and for everyone contributions. It reminds me a f the verse: But seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

    I love the idea that God is my (our) employer and my (our) God given qualities when expressed being abundance. Oh yes….. and the ideas (angel messages) are my income…. The in coming of God’s ideas.
    Grateful for these daily posts and the uplifting messages they provide.

    1. This is a great reminder to always be about God’s business. Being retired, I
      love what you had written, Christi, about income … “The in coming of God’s
      ideas”. This business of reflecting God brings about such joy and when we
      share this busy-ness, the reward is wonderful!
      Thank you all for your in coming declarations of Truth. It is so much

  6. A few weeks ago when I arrived at work I was chatting with two fellow workers and we were complaining a bit about some situations in the organization, managers etc. One of them said something to the effect, “But I don’t worry about any of that, I work for the Lord.” I said I was so happy to hear her say that and I heartily agreed. We all felt uplifted and I walked away from the conversation feeling grateful and positive as I went forward into the rest of the day.

  7. Such great, helpful thoughts in this. “Depression, discouragement, despondency, and despair come from serving mortal mind. Mortal mind can be a ruthless employer.” This reminds me of what my daughter used to tell me when she was a pre-teen, “You’re not the boss of me!” That’s what I’m going to tell mortal mind from now on.

    And I found this section to be applicable to both church work and family life as well as a job.
    “To serve God is to stay spiritually minded. It’s to be grateful and sharing gratitude. It’s about being in a good mood, expressing love toward others, seeing the good in others, overcoming negativity with spiritual positivity and being an inspiration for others to witness.”

    Thank you for this.

    1. I agree with you Cathe, that statement is a keeper and applies to all are work related activities. Have a Joy filled day.
      Thanks Evan and all for your wonderful contributions.

  8. I will say so, I did not get fed up with my job decades ago. Rather it was very interesting. But one evening at home I became very aware, that not the chief in my im- and export company but only God is my real boss. I felt much more free about that. Some years later I quit my job and started learning CS nursing, what phascinated me already in my schooltime.
    Actually God is always our boss, our very loving boss whom we can trust, and who guides our doings. I am clerk in my CS church, and I know God is the boss and in full and harmonious control of all doings in His church. This church is the healing Christ in action! And all churcheworkers express this healing Christ!

    In this week’s lesson sermon on p. 494 of SH we read: “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need. It is not well to imagine that Jesus demonstrated the divine power to heal only for a select number or for a limited period of time, since to all mankind and in every hour, divine Love supplies all good!”
    For me that means that God is always with us all and caring for us and supplying us and guiding us always!

    Thank you very very much for your eye and mind opening, loving and healing SpiritView Blog. It is very helpful and meets our needs, dear Evan!

    Also much thanks dear SpiritView friends for your helpful and inspired comments.

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