Month: April 2020

A powerful defense against the coronavirus

April 4, 2020 | 27 comments

I just had an article published by the Christian Science Sentinel online, that equips the thinker with a spiritual response toward any suggestion of threat from the coronavirus. You can find it by clicking on this link, “You have no

There are no unknowns with God

April 3, 2020 | 30 comments

Oftentimes in news coverage of the pandemic, experts and leaders will mention the “unknowns.” For instance, it may be mentioned that it is unknown when the pandemic will abate, how many people will be affected, how effective the lockdowns will

Harbor no fear of the coronavirus

April 2, 2020 | 39 comments

“When fear disappears, the foundation of disease is gone.” ~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 368 If you’d like to stay free of any effect from the coronavirus, harbor absolutely no fear of

Something that never shuts down

April 1, 2020 | 24 comments

A reader snapped this picture of a banner placed in her local village and then forwarded it to me to share. In light of all the government requests across North America and around the world to shut down nonessential businesses,