Be generous

April 9, 2024 | 26 comments

Pay with compliments and you will always be wealthy. 

~ Mike Dolan

A generous heart bespeaks a wealthy love.

26 thoughts on “Be generous”

  1. Thank you for the loving reminder Evan. It is much easier to see all the good in everyone and offer a compliment than a discouraging remark. To acknowledge another’s accomplishments or just a joyful appearance give a boost to everyone especially when there are others present. Share the joy. It brings a lot of love to any situation when we see the good in everyone.
    Blessings to all.

    1. Hi Susie, your words “joyful appearance” jumped out at me. I work part time in a large department store and I have many fascinating and lovely customers from all over the world. One I remember had such an unmistakable glow and joy about her. I complimented her about this it and asked what is her secret. She smiled broadly and said, “No matter what is going on I never worry, I give everything to God and He takes care of it so I am always at peace.” I told her how wonderful it was to hear that and we were both blessed by the conversation.

  2. paraphrasing, “Complaint (unloving remarks) is poverty (to one’s character); Gratitude (loving appreciation for another) is RICHES!”

    Thank you SV for assist to test ones character.

  3. Thank you, dear Evan, for this and every prompt of encouragement you give to us
    with this Spiritual View outlook .. and thank you, everyone for the corresponding
    comments.So helpful and comforting.
    Some thoughts I’ve come across:

    “Gratitude is the feeling of appreciation that comes when you recognize that something
    is valuable to you, which has nothing to do with its monetary worth”. – David Steindl-Rast
    ” I am not impressed by money, social status or job title. I am impressed by the way
    someone treats other human beings”. Author Unknown
    “RICH = Realizing I Create Happiness”

    It is the small kindnesses that we do – the acts of Love and good deeds to others
    that multiply our spiritual wealth collectively.
    (I love what you shared above, dear Rose, what the sweet customer had shared
    with you – Beautiful!)

  4. I feel pleased to say that the longer I live the more I am I inclined to give compliments to others. It comes naturally and I feel that it is a by-product of spiritual growth. Very simply, it is part of the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Christ Jesus) The world needs more kindness, and the kindness that compliments radiate is a strong aspect of Divine Love.

    1. J thank you for this article. Also I really appreciated the one you shared yesterday by Jack Hubbell on the presence of abundant supply. I like his writing style, everything I’ve read by him is on such an elevated level of spiritual understanding (as are many of the writers for the publications, but we all have our favorites).

  5. The photo above captures so wonderfully how love is reflected in Love… the heart
    of God’s expression within us that radiates joy and makes us feel so appreciated
    and beloved. Everyone loves to be complimented and when we have gratitude
    for others and let them know, this naturally is a mirror image of our own wealth
    and genuine generosity/beaming of God’s Love for us And them.
    “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify
    your Father which is in heaven”. (Matt: 5: 16) This is the beatific expression that
    comes from within and can not be hidden, when truly felt.

    1. I always hope to meet someone at the grocery store to compliment. It may be a man’s hat that looks good on him, or a child that is helping the Mom shop, or a thank you to the tall person that gets a jar down from the top shelf for me. I hope they get as much pleasure hearing the compliment as I do in giving them.

  6. Carol, thanks for “RICH = Realizing I Create Happiness”. It’s a
    beautiful thought. And thanks to all for your thoughtful comments.

    1. Thank you, Lori. I’m not sure where I had gotten that from – (maybe here on
      this site), as it was in my quote/notebook , but wanted to share. Looking
      forward to your testimony. Haven’t gotten my April 22nd edition, yet.

  7. Thanks, J, for the link to the article, ““Let your light so shine” by Jeanne Roe Price. It’s good to know that our light, however small
    it may be, is worthy and important.

  8. Don’t be afraid to show and to open your beautiful heart, which is a light and a gift from our dear Father-Mother God.
    We are a reflection of light and let that light shine through you.
    Never forget, you are generously a delight.

  9. To pay with compliments is what Josef says here – acknowledging the true spiritual value of others is wisdom, or one might also interpret it as – loving for one’s fellowman. Love, Love, Love is the healer and redeamer and comforter. May be this afternoon and evening I needed this therefore I treat myself as love, love, love! And to make a compliment might be said just at the right time when somebody needs it most! Isn’t that wonderfully compassionate! Wow it’s 2 am and I should rush to bed – haha.

    1. Just came the thought that I can’t treat myself as Love, rather God is and does all, and I, we all, are idea the image of Love (p.475:5), expression of divine Love!

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