Category: fear

No mortal add-ons

December 28, 2023 | 34 comments

God made you perfect! Not in matter, but in Spirit. As God’s image, you are a perfect creation of Spirit, possessing eternal life, eternal health, and everything good and true that constitutes a happy healthy existence. To demonstrate our original

Dissolving anxiety

December 26, 2023 | 26 comments

If feeling anxious, there’s a way you can dissolve that anxiousness and find peace. Think about God more! You’re always thinking about something. Instead of entertaining fears and worries, think on God. Think about how good God is and how

Healing anxiety

December 12, 2023 | 25 comments

If you’re on a road trip through town to a place you need to be, but have no idea how to get there, you might start to feel anxious about the drive. Perhaps you drive a few miles in the

Boosted courage

November 30, 2023 | 26 comments

Have no fear of challenges looming before you. You can face them with confidence and courage that the Mind of God gives you the understanding you need to surmount any difficulty and rise to higher levels of accomplishment. As the

One Super Power

November 29, 2023 | 30 comments

What country is going to be the super power of the world? The United States? China? Both? When I pray for peace about world order, no matter what country appears to be at the top of the heap in terms