Category: healing

Don’t exchange diseases. Heal them.

May 29, 2023 | 14 comments

I was politely listening to a distant friend who was very anxious to tell me all about her long history of health woes. She was healthy when young, but over the years a physical problem would pop up, she’d employ

Healing is discovery

April 28, 2023 | 21 comments

When suffering, there’s a temptation to believe one must recover from a physical ailment to find better health. In metaphysical healing, physical suffering is understood to be the effect of false belief entertained. The cure for false belief is spiritual

Healing other people’s fears

March 22, 2023 | 19 comments

What’s the best way to respond to other people around you who are afraid, for instance, of catching Covid? Rather than capitulating to their fears and becoming victimized by them, you can pray for these people to be healed of

Eliminate reluctance

March 14, 2023 | 11 comments

Are you quick to yield to Truth? Are you quick to acknowledge Truth? When it comes to admitting healing truth, reluctance is not your friend. Mary Baker Eddy wrote, Some people yield slowly to the touch of Truth. Few yield

Mind stopped the bleeding

March 6, 2023 | 28 comments

It was not what I expected to happen!! I was using the ball machine at my tennis club. When finished, I put the equipment away, which includes an industrial sized electrical cord 25 feet long mounted on a spring-loaded self-retracting