Finding those God moments

March 23, 2012 | 11 comments

As I type this blog, we’re flying back to the USA from Australia over thousands of miles of the Pacific Ocean and unending expanses of white and gray clouds elbowing for space as far as the eye can see. I turn my watch back a whole day to compensate for the time difference I’m traversing.
I have so many blessings to count from the last month. Where do I start…?
Every single lecture was a success. Audiences were eager to listen and learn. Branch members were prepared. Venues were public-friendly. Newcomers were always present, sometimes in large numbers. Healings occurred. Lives were touched, reformed and improved.
It took seven months and hundreds of hours of preparation to ready for this trip Down Under. I had the ever-competent help of Shirley Larsen, my travel assistant, to plan and organize the logistics. My always-willing-to-help wife Kathy aided with countless details. And every lecture chair of sponsoring branches overflowed with helpfulness, graciousness and readiness to assist in any way they could.
God sends His angels to our side…and I had many of them sent my way. I am grateful.
Often I was told, “You must be tired from all the travelling and rigorous schedule of speaking.” And I could honestly answer, “I’m in excellent shape. I’m not tired at all!”
Also, as I look back over the last month, gratitude overflows for health every single day.
I generally travel very well, but the demands of this trip vastly exceeded any I’ve demonstrated in the past.
Aside from the several hours a day I regularly devote to practice, even when travelling, a day on a tour this packed can mean being up at 4 a.m., catch a plane at 7 a.m., fly half a day, set up in a new hotel, find some food to eat without feeling like your stomach is a garbage pit, and be ready to give an audience 100% in the evening. And I’m happy to report, that through the grace of God, I did it, every single time, without fail or exception. I was in perfect health for 30 days straight of travelling throughout Australia and New Zealand. I’m so grateful for this.
Part of the credit, I believe, goes to learning to do a better job of living in God’s moment.
What is a “God moment?”
It’s a consciousness of the ever-presence of divine Love, of infinite Spirit, that is free of angst and fear that lead to physical suffering, headaches, pains and illness that would otherwise beleaguer travel.
It takes practice to get there and stay there, but it’s worth the effort.
I’ve discovered that in a God moment, all worries about the world are gone. There is no concern about what might happen tomorrow.  There is no worry about what happened yesterday. There is no fear about what other people think, do or don’t do.
In a God moment, I don’t worry about whether my plane is late or not. I don’t fear mess-ups in my travel schedule. I don’t fret about leaving home. I don’t count days until I return. I don’t try to hurry up and get things done. I relax and know that each event in my schedule is unfolding naturally and properly according to God’s wise design.
To stay in a God-moment is to stay in a consciousness of Truth and Love that does not allow physical pain and suffering to get into the body.  If there is no pain in thought, there cannot be any pain in the body governed by that thought. And this is what I’m learning, to not allow any pain, strain, stress or sense of suffering to enter my thought in the first place. When this is successfully done, it becomes as a fortress of armor around the body keeping all disease away.
In a God moment, I know divine Love is back home guarding, guiding, and watching over my children. I know divine Love is with my wife bringing her comfort and joy, and likewise, to me too.
In a God moment, I lose sense of time. I still get to where I need to be on schedule, but I don’t let the travelling become an ordeal or a burden. I enjoy each moment for the sake of that moment, taking in the good there is around me to honor, and brightening my own light of God’s presence.
In a God moment, I feel really good inside and out. I feel deep peace. My thought leaves the body and the body gets really quiet. It does what it’s told instead of telling me it aches.
In a God moment, I forget about myself and mentally glory in God’s power and presence.
Eddy said it well when she wrote, “Become conscious for a single moment that Life and intelligence are purely spiritual, — neither in nor of matter, — and the body will then utter no complaints.” This is how you get to a God moment!
But even better, for travel, I like this statement of Eddy’s, “Let discord of every name and nature be heard no more, and let the harmonious and true sense of Life and being take possession of human consciousness.” So, let every strain and stress, worry and fear, angst and concern, bother and irritant remotely connected with your trip be dismissed from your thought and replaced with an enduring and all-permeating conviction that you travel in God’s universe of harmony where there is nothing to fear or worry about in the first place. All is well under the divine control, and all will be well.
This is how you can find your God moments too!
With my prolific blogging, some have wondered how I do it along with the other demands on my time. So, I’m going to tell you. I have another super competent assistant, Lisa Dale Jones, who does the Internet posting, organizing of pictures, and light editing for me. Lisa makes it easy for me to blog without it interfering with other priorities. Thank you Lisa!
Farewell Sydney!


11 thoughts on “Finding those God moments”

  1. I rejoice to know that each evening when you put your head on the pillow that you must have heard your Father’s, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”. Thank you for sharing all that you shared!

  2. Dear Evan, your blogs read like a hymn of gratitude for all of God’s goodness and presence and our hearts sing with joy for your instructive and selfless sharing! Thank you! Thank you also to your “team” Kathy and Lisa for their support and love in your reflection of God’s gracious love.

  3. Evan: you ROCK !!!!!!!

    Thank you for so joyfully and beautifully and practically
    showing the way…by reflection, of course!

    Simply put, you….R-O-C-K!
    (As our teen-grandsons would say it.)

    In Joy,


  4. The joy and gratitude in your blog today just shout out! Your humility in what you accomplished in Australia is simply awesome. Love living in God’s moment and the subject couldn’t be more timely for me, heading back to the cold wet NW from CA in an RV. Fluctuating between dread of return to the rain and just wanting to GET HOME now! What a priceless reminder to live in the now of God’s moment, to cherish all the good He has for us and to savor each experience as evidence of His goodness. Blessings to you and your family and your staff, Evan, you are in one word: AWESOME!

  5. I appreciate your combination of spiritual truth with practical help from your two assistants. “So, let every strain and stress, worry and fear, angst and concern, bother and irritant remotely connected with your trip be dismissed from your thought and replaced with an enduring and all-permeating conviction that you travel in God’s universe of harmony where there is nothing to fear or worry about in the first place. All is well under the divine control, and all will be well.” Each of us – none left out – travels in God’s universe of harmony and we can accept and acknowledge the angels who help keep us moving forward in our day.

  6. I love this blog entry, it is something I have felt but could not put into words. Truth is so loud and clear here. Thank you to you and all who make your blogs reach us.

  7. Beautiful blog message today, Evan! It really lifted me up to a better level. All day I have been working with an amazing hymn:

    We are hid with Christ forever
    In the Father’s holy plan.
    In this pure eternal union
    We behold the Father’s plan.
    (Christian Science Hymnal # 370)

    Wherever we travel, wherever we are at home, we are always hid with Christ, fulfilling God’s plan for us. How reassuring!

  8. Thank you so much for the rundown on your lectures, and your experiences, for the pictures, which were such a delight, and most especially for the practical truths you shared regarding travel. I will keep them, and put them to good use. This whole lecture trip was such a shared joy. Much love to you, and your family and helpers.

  9. Evan, you are such a giver. You have inspired alot of us down under. Thank u for visiting our fair country. Barbara

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