If Covid symptoms appear

January 24, 2022 | 21 comments

If faced with symptoms that appear to be Covid related, you are not helpless. There are spiritual steps you can take to neutralize those symptoms and render them harmless.

I share ideas in this video on how to stay healthy by reversing suggestions of disease with an understanding of your spiritual truth with God. Prayer can make all the difference.

21 thoughts on “If Covid symptoms appear”

  1. Thank you so much Evan. It’s so helpful to know that no matter what the physical senses tell us, we are only ever dealing with suggestions not realities. There’s an excellent article which supports this called “Symptoms and Suggestions” by Harriet Barry Schupp . I don’t know how to give a link to it but I’m sure one of my fellow SpiritViewers can!! Thank you in advance.

    1. That is a great article. Thank you for sharing. I especially like the reference to Mrs Eddy’s comment in Miscellaneous Writings p100. “….patience, forgiveness, and affection, are the symptoms by which our Father indicates the different stages of man’s recovery from sin and his entrance into Science…”

    1. Fay,

      Thanks for sharing the link to this wonderful Sentinel article on symptoms and how to defeat them. I have sent it to three other friends.

  2. So helpful Evan, thank you!

    A positive result glared at me one morning. Neither hubby, nor I could believe it. We had followed all the imposed “rules” and, as a CSist I had been praying throughout.
    The previous day I had visited our new baby granddaughter, not realising the impending result.
    I informed them, as one is required, hubby and I took ourselves off for PCR tests and I phoned a Practitioner.
    Huge temptation to feel mega guilty!
    Symptoms were negligible for me, with swift recovery. To this day family remain free of contagion.
    I remain somewhat flummoxed, hubby is determined he won’t succumb, he would make a great CS’ist!
    Thank you for the article Linda, I will read it now.

    1. We had been doing LFT every 2 days as per Govt guidelines. Hubby lectures, I am a carer and, it is beholden upon us to act in accordance with regulations.

  3. Thank you for such a timely article! Much needed.So grateful to be able to read SPIRITVIEW everyday.
    And so grateful for everyone’s responses.

  4. Perfect, Evan!

    If everyone on earth….everyone!….believed with conviction that the earth was flat,
    would you?

    There is supreme logic in the divine fact that God’s ideas (that’s US!) are perfect.
    100% perfect, spiritual, complete as the earth is round! Are we to believe otherwise?

    Blessed, beautiful Truth!

  5. Thank you, Evan. This is a wonderful reminder- with symptoms or even receiving the suggestion of a positive test result- we can see that is only suggestion!

    We know our true identity and label and a child of God! I was dealing with something similar- and I wanted to share a couple ideas a practitioner shared with me.
    As far as symptoms or even the suggestion of a positive test result, Mrs Eddy shared a helpful thought:
    Mrs. Eddy writes, “I learned long ago that the world could neither deprive me of something nor give me anything.“ knowing that the world can give us nothing- and can take nothing from us including health, abundance, joy, companionship etc…..
    and this from the Bible was helpful that the practitioner also shared with me:
    As the Bible promises, “What therefore God has joined together, let no man put asunder.” God provides everything for us- and nothing worldly can take away our God bestowed gifts-including health! I love these ideas. Thank you for the comments above and I will read the article posted. Thank you all!

    1. Oooo, the expanded thought on the Bible statement. I’ve only thought it to reference marriage. Thank you for the thought opener.

  6. Thank you so much Evan, for your very clear and helpful message of the Truth of our Being, and being watchful and mentally protective of it; a much appreciated message! I also want to thank you for your lovely background and environment for your message! ❤

  7. Just read the article mentioned above by Harriet Barry Schupp! What really stood out to me is the following:

    God is the giver of all good. So, let’s not dignify symptoms by giving them a name, a source, a past, present, or future, or a moment of our time.

    I think that this really “hits the nail on the head”

    So grateful for this Science and the comments today!

  8. Dear Evan,- as always, thank you for inspiring us with your complete and total confidence in challenging with Christian Science treatment the discords that masquerade as realities. Thank you Linda for the reference to the article “Symptoms and Suggestions”, and Fay for furnishing the link to it. Also, Christi, your share from MBE…”I learned long ago that the world could neither deprive me of something nor give me anything” deeply resonates with me.
    I am being required by my work to take a covid test. I feel protected and armored by today’s conversation, and will go forward knowing that the only result possible is that my health is perfect, sustained by divine Principle. I’m so grateful for the daily defense I receive from the “spirit” of the “views” exchanged in this blessed blog.

  9. Thank you sincerely Evan, for your continuing support on this topic.

    At the end of today’s video I noticed on the screen a link which led to Youtube and I was able to watch a few more of Evan’s very good, short messages on this subject. Here are two of them. Love and blessings to the whole SpiritView crew. Very grateful.



  10. Wow ! Thank you Evan !! Just what we all need after all of this seeming dragging on ! It NEVER gets to be true ! For anyone! Because God NEVER made it !

  11. Thank you. I see that I don’t have to fear a suggestion. That would be idiotic. In this is also a step towards confidence.

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