Keep your sparkle bright

July 30, 2015 | 14 comments

How’s your sparkle shining today? Is it bright? Is it obvious? Can everyone see it?

I hope so!

I had to snap a picture of this catch-phrase when my wife found it on a decorative piece of wood, “Don’t let anyone ever dull your sparkle.”

No dull sparkle

It was reminder that we need to defend our sparkle! And by sparkle, I’m talking about your spiritual light.

We all have it. You have it! Yep, you have it right now to glow bright, and you never lose it. It comes from God and is always present.

But if you let your thinking get lost into the by-ways of pride, self-righteousness, fear, angst, worry, doubt or discouragement, your sparkle might appear to dim. You must protect the glow of your sparkle!

For instance, if you start your day in good spirit, but a family member is depressed, you might be tempted to feel depressed too. Don’t do it! Don’t let their struggle become your struggle and dim your sparkle. Love them. Pour truth all over them. Let them see your healing light instead, and you just might see their sparkle rekindle.

Or if you go to work feeling on top of the world, but find a crushing workload waiting for you on your desk. You might be tempted to feel discouraged or despondent. Don’t do it! Don’t let that workload dull your sparkle. Know that with God all things are possible, that you can handle that work with grace, poise, ease and calm. Enjoy your day and keep your sparkle bright!

There are many other ways that circumstances and comments made around us would rob our sparkle of shine and keep us from letting our light shine as bright as possible, but if you stay alert to your right to shine bright all day, you won’t be so tempted to slip.

The divine Light shines bright at all times. Its sparkle never dims. But wait a minute, oh yes, that’s right, you are that sparkle! You are the light of the Light. Your light never dims either. It’s always bright. Life is your opportunity to prove it.

14 thoughts on “Keep your sparkle bright”

  1. Yes of course we must never allow anyone to dull our sparkle. That sparkle is God’s light and joy,reflected by all of us. Many a times circumstances and trials in life tend to rob us of our sparkle. But if we stay in the consciousness of God’s goodness, His ever present help and support, we shall never lose our sparkle come whatever may. Thanks Evan.

  2. “and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.”The words of Jesus on the same subject! (John 16:22) Our sparkle and joy are intact! Love this, Evan, thank you! And thanks to Kathy for snapping that wonderful sign.

  3. Sparkle makes my day. “Sunshine” is my name, so friends of my parents called me over 4 score years ago. And I am happy with it. Thank you, Evan.

  4. The mortal thinking of the July 4th holiday turns our thought to the dangers of fireworks which seen from a spiritual vantage point presents a far different view. A view of freedom rings, a sparkle bright with different colored lights to celebrate the founding of this great country, the USA. What more can we sparkle our thought than that ever resounding thought within us that the fireworks done under strict safe laws reflect man’s desire for freedom from disease, wars and inner conflicts that matter tries to impose on us. So let us keep the right sparkle bright within our consciousness towards the lasting desire for complete freedom.

  5. Thanks for being a Bright and Shining Star, Evan! And thanks for encouraging all of us to “Let It Shine”, too! “This little Light of mine, I’m goin ta let it Shine……”!!!!

  6. Great to know that God doesn’t have a “to do ” list. His work is already done. “To be” his reflection no matter what material picture presents itself is our undertaking, The “to be” list is easier when you realize that God is the source.

  7. Thanks so much Evan for this beautiful reminder. I just love how Hymn 445 in the Hymnal supplement puts it:

    I awake each morn to a brand new day,
    Singing Hallelujah! as I go on my way,
    For my heart is fixed on the one guarantee:
    The Love that is All holds me tenderly.

  8. Thank you for this lovely message and all the comments.
    I was reminded that man is the continuing reflection of changeless perfection, so must be sparkling all the time.

  9. Love this blog, Evan. Reminds me of many years ago when my husband and I did a lot of night skiing. I had a ski hat with sparkles on it that the ski lights really picked up. My nickname with my Skl Patrol friends was “Sparkle Plenty!” This blog reminds me that I still reflect the God given sparkle that he so freely gives to each of us as we go about our daily lives and that we can so freely share with each person we meet, maybe with a friendly smile, a kind word and/or a loving thought. Thank you so much for each and everyone of your very wonderful and helpful blogs.

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