No more waiting

September 8, 2023 | 42 comments

Jews are waiting for the first coming of Christ.

Most Christians are waiting for the second coming of Christ.

There is a lot of waiting going on around the world.

But Christ has come. The second coming has already happened. The promised Comforter is here and has been fully revealed through the teachings of divine Science.

We are not in an age of waiting any longer. Full salvation in Christ is here to experience now.

The time for waiting has passed. We are in an age of demonstration.

Wait no more! Demonstrate.

42 thoughts on “No more waiting”

      1. Dear J. I don’t know if you will come back and read this, but I have only just noticed your
        post of the article “I am that i am”. It is really helpful, because it is what I have been pondering and praying with for few days. The healing from understanding this is really
        clearly stated. So many thanks indeed. Maggie

      2. The “weekend reading” was great, J ! Thank you for
        sharing. I am reminded how True the Nowness of
        the “I AM THAT I AM”… is with, “Truth is like a lion.
        Set it free and it will defend itself”.
        The deep waters of thinking, Truth, is a wonderful
        world that is so beautiful in its creation. From
        schools of fish, to flocks of birds, flying free, together
        in a sanctuary of beauty…the dim mortal mind
        limitations are illuminated by God’s perfect
        expression in our world of ever Spiritual awakening.

  1. 2Corinthians 6:2 behold, now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation.
    Now is the time, not shall be. How joyful it is for us who are experiencing this salvation, hoping that all would one day, come to this great fact. Thank you Evan and all.
    To break the earthly spell of waiting for a future world salvation, “mortals must get the true idea and divine Principle of all that really exists and governs the universe harmoniously.” 39:25-27

  2. Thank you Grace for those pertinent quotations.

    I also find helpful from 1 John – “Now are we the sons of God…”

  3. So awesome, Evan. Thank you very much for this reminder, which mortal mind would try to hide from us in times of trouble. The Christ, the Blessed Comforter is here NOW (as you say) to bring healing to the entire world. Oh what a day it will be when the world realizes the dominion that Christian Science brings — and the wonderful support The Mother Church provides with all of its gifts, including those available on Christian — my 24/7 de facto Practitioner.

    1. Thanks Bob, I also want to give appreciation to The Mother Church. Just last night I listened to a replay of this week’s Wednesday testimony meeting. The testimonies were powerful and the hymns so soothing. I felt very uplifted, and grateful that had free access to it. I used to make it a priority to listen, but it has fallen off my radar a bit, need to change that. Yes and so many other resources, an abundance of spiritual riches. I liked, “my 24/7 de facto practitioner.”

      Evan says, “The time for waiting has passed. We are in an age of demonstration. Wait no more! Demonstrate.” Amen to that, we can all demonstrate Truth in some way, whatever our present level of understanding seems to be. We can’t do it humanly but we can trust that God makes us able to “rise in the strength of Spirit.” (S&H p. 393)

      I found this article ‘Rise in the Strength of Spirit,’ from Sentinel 1925 (love those oldies!). It does not open fully, perhaps someone could provide a link to the full version, thank you.

      1. Hi Rose, it does open fully if you click on “read more” in yellow ground. I could read the whole article. Thank you Rose!♡

      2. Thank you for this great article, Rose! I love those oldies, too!
        And, thanks …Bob, the “24/7 de facto practitioner” is a wonderful
        way of thinking of God/Love… always there/here wherever
        or whenever needed and Always present to guide, guard,
        care for us in such a divine way. What could be more
        NOW than that? Every second, every minute, every hour,
        every day, week, month, year, every decade… Always and
        in All Ways omnipresent for us to turn to! What a beautiful
        feeling to Know God/Love is with us all of the time!

        1. Thanks Uta and Carol, glad to know you were able to read the whole article. Blessed weekend and thanks to both of you for so many helpful sharings.

          Grateful to everyone here day-by-day growing together in understanding and demonstrating spiritual reality and our present perfection in God.

          1. Awww, Thank You, Rose…for all that you
            share, too. Your day-by-day wording
            reminds me of a song in the musical play,
            “Godspell” that I had seen, when it first
            came out. Lovely!!
            You, too, Uta! Thank you for your shares
            and everyone.

          2. Wow Rose and Carol! I cherish your healing and comforting and so interesting comments very much!! ♡♡

  4. It is a joyful, laugh out loud moment! Thank you for concise sharing. Friends and Family around the world will forgive me if this puts a chuckle in the way I share the Gospel….Can’t seem to help it after growing up in a Parsonage where lots of odd things went on. But odd or not, the fact that the blessed Comforter is here and was at The Parsonage is all the reasurrance I need to share the good news. Again, many thanks.

  5. (Hi, other Carol above.)
    Wonderful poem, Ken, Thank you!
    NOW is the time to Be.
    From Hymn # 196,

    “Now is the time approaching, By prophets long foretold,
    When all shall dwell together, One Shepherd and one fold.
    Now Jew and Gentile meeting From many a distant shore,
    Around one altar kneeling, One common Lord adore.

    Let all that now divides us Remove and pass away,
    Like shadow of the morning Before the blaze of day.
    Let all that now unites us More sweet and lasting prove,
    A closer bond of union, In a blest land of love.”

    In a world that Seems so divided, we really do have so much
    that unites us in harmony that everyone is craving.

  6. Which Carol is which???

    Another citation from Science & Health by MBE came to me.

    “Now,” cried the apostle, “is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation,” — meaning, not that now men must prepare for a future-world salvation, or safety, but that now is the time in which to experience that salvation in spirit and in life. Now is the time for so-called material pains and material pleasures to pass away, for both are unreal, because impossible in Science. To break this earthly spell, mortals must get the true idea and divine Principle of all that really exists and governs the universe harmoniously. (S&H 39:18–27)

    Christ Jesus was always lived in the eternal NOW, and his healings were always immediate, except
    for one instance when he was healing a man who was blind. The man at first just saw
    people like trees walking, and Jesus had to repeat the command for the man ro receive his
    sight fully. I think there was a lesson to learn there, but I can’t remember = perhaps someone
    else can.

    1. LOL, Maggie! I, me/here/now am the Carol who comments
      (- maybe Over-comments) here all the time. I shared Hymn #196.
      Thank you for your great citation and thoughts. In response to your
      question about the healing of the blind man. It Might be that the
      person healed might not have been open to what Jesus was
      commanding at first and that May have been the reason for
      the delay in healing? I would be interested to hear other thoughts
      on this, as well.

      1. J, this is not the healing of the man I referred to. It was one where the only one, I think, of
        Jesus’ healings that were not immediate. The man first saw men as trees walking, so
        Jesus asked him to look up again, and then it all became clear and he was healed.
        Perhaps there is another article that throws light on this healing.

          1. All of the articles you share(d), J , are very informative
            and so helpful. Lovely inspiration. Thank you so much!

          2. Thank you, J. The healing testimony you sent iis very good, and maybe the answer to the question of why the man himself did not get the healing first go was just because he needed to see the spiritual reality more clearly, so Jesus asked him to look up away from matter. Jesus power was not dimmed, but perhaps he knew that the man needed to learn the lesson more completely. So many thanks for the research.

  7. Thanks, Carol. And thank you for the hymn. I love thinking about the oneness of us all with
    God, our Father-Mother, and Christ Jesus. – “One Shepherd and one fold” and nothing
    that can divide us – and all of us dwelling in the eternal now. – very comforting and reassuring.

  8. Thank you, Evan, for a very thought-provoking statement. It is helpful to see that we are not indeed in an “age of waiting any longer” for the “Full salvation in Christ is here to experience now.”

    Ken, your poem is another inspirational thought-provoker. Thank you for that. It reminded me of Mrs. Eddy’s poem, Satisfied: It matters not what be thy lot, / So Love doth guide; / For storm or shine, pure peace is thine, / Whate’er betide.
    (Hymn. 160:1)

    Thank you all for the comments and J for the articles. Much appreciated. May we all nave a “Now” full of blessings.

  9. Wow, thank you dear Evan!
    I think it’s the deepest desire of a Christian Scientist, to demonstrate the omnipotence of divine Love to heal us n o w.
    God’s healing us might be to let us know the Truth that makes us free which I find most desirable!!♡

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