No mortal add-ons

December 28, 2023 | 34 comments

God made you perfect! Not in matter, but in Spirit.

As God’s image, you are a perfect creation of Spirit, possessing eternal life, eternal health, and everything good and true that constitutes a happy healthy existence.

To demonstrate our original perfect self with God, we need to stay clear that nothing can be added to us that didn’t come from God. Everything we need to be happy and healthy is built into our spiritual being and is forever ours to enjoy and reflect.

What we have with God is fixed and permanent.

Which means, that beliefs of heredity cannot add a defect to our being. Fear cannot separate us from the calm and poise of infinite Love. Disease cannot affect our health. Mental malpractice cannot harm our being. Evil cannot threaten our good. Death cannot intimidate our eternal Life with God.

What we have with God sticks and stays forever.

No bad thing can be added to us, and no good thing can be taken from us.

We are set and secure in Spirit, with God, forever.

We are what God created us to be, and not one iota less.

There are no mortal add-ons to fear. Only God’s perfection to accept and enjoy.

“God is the creator of man, and, the divine Principle of man remaining perfect, the divine idea or reflection, man, remains perfect. Man is the expression of God’s being” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 470).

34 thoughts on “No mortal add-ons”

  1. A wonderful Christian Science treatment for each one of us!
    Not just for those of us reading this post, but for every one of God’s family.
    This is what today and every day includes.
    Thank you Evan.

  2. Reading the lesson the thought came to me that nothing IS impossible because God is everything, and “nothing” does not exist! It is truly impossible! Hence “no mortal add ons.”. God IS ALL-IN-ALL . Perfection has no opposite.

    1. Thank you, Evan for a wonderful explanation of God’s perfect Creation,
      and what it means for us.

      And thank you Ken for your insight –
      I like that way of looking at matter, Ken. I see what you mean – as matter
      and its claims are “nothing” , then that which is “nothing” has no ability
      to make itself something. Therefore “nothing” IS impossible to God – for
      God cannot make “nothing” – He makes everything that is spiritual, real, and
      complete. Nothing that needs adding to it, and nothing that can be taken from it.
      Therefore that which is mortal and material, being nothing is totally
      powerless to touch us, because it is nothing but illusionary suggestions.
      and does not exist. I hope that is what you meant! That does make sense
      to me.

      1. Thank you Maggie. “Nothing that needs adding to it, and nothing that can be taken from it” .Made me realise that the Allness of God is what it means. All has no opposite.

  3. What a perfect start to the day…thank you Evan .
    We are indeed ‘set and secure in Spirit, withGod forever’….
    A pure concept to live, love and share.❣️

  4. So thankful Evan sir for your wonderful inspiration and guiding us to follow the Truth , one God , good alone. Thanks to everyone.

  5. I consider this website and you daily post reminding us of our God given rights as one of the many blessings that Christian Science has brought into my life. Thank you, Evan for your leadership and your many honest, insightful posts.

      1. Josef, a wonderful, heartfelt comment that gets another Amen! So grateful for Evan…he personifies hymn 256:
        My prayer, some daily good to do
        To Thine, for Thee;
        An offering pure of Love, whereto
        God leadeth me.

  6. *Alrighty then* (LOL = Lots Of Love) .. Literally, Everything is ALL RIGHT and Lovely,
    with God! Thank you So Much, dear Evan, for these wonderful truths about all of us
    in Perfection and Truth/God and thank you all who have added to this delightful
    declaration… add-ons that we Can accept and enjoy and claim for ourselves and everyone
    included in this vast universe of Love.
    You are so right, Josef … . this website is to me, also, one of the most blessed in my life. I
    have so much gratitude in my heart for the love and spiritual guidance and divine revelations
    that are shared here!
    CS Hymn # 279 opened (randomly) this morning:
    “Pilgrim on earth, home and heaven are within thee, Heir of the ages and child of the day.
    Cared for, watched over, beloved and protected, Walk thou with courage
    Each step of the way..
    Truthful and steadfast though trials betide thee, Ever one thing do thou ask of thy Lord,
    Grace to go forward, wherever He guide thee, Gladly obeying the call of His word.
    Healed is thy hardness, His love hath dissolved it, Full is the promise,
    The blessing how kind; So shall His tenderness … teach thee compassion,
    So all the merciful, …. mercy shall find”.

  7. Thanks Evan for giving wonderful thoughts to claim our perfection as a child of God. This verse from Ecclesiastes is my favorite verse: I know that, whatsoever God doeth,it shall be forever :nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it and God doeth it, that men should fear before him. This verse also reminds me that my being is always intact. Nothing extra could be added to it & nothing could be taken from it. Hence only perfection. Thanks Evan& all other contributors for posting very inspirational posts

    1. Hi Himanshu, looks like we were both writing our comments at the same time and both thinking of Ecclesiastes 3:14. The One Mind expressing.

  8. Evan thank you for, “No bad thing can be added to us, and no good thing can be taken from us.” How comforting. This brought to mind a few Bible verses:

    Hebrews 13:8 which says that the Lord is the same yesterday and today and forever.
    Ecclesiastes 3:14- “I know that whatsoever God doeth, it shall be forever: nothing can be put to it, nor anything taken from it.”
    Malach 3:6- “For I am the Lord and change not.”
    Psalms 119:89- “Forever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven.”

    1. Thank you very much, dear “J”; it is a delight to listen to the reading of the author of her article “already complete” ♡

  9. Dear Evan, your comments on “No
    Mortal Add Ons” today have been so very helpful with some challenges our family has been facing. I shall read it over and over again.
    And all the comments by fellow Spiritview folks have been so helpful in dealing with an issue.
    Thank you Evan and all who responded with kind words.

    1. Dear Mama J,
      mortal/little mind would sometimes try to bully us into believing in not enough
      of something, lack, or too much of something and try to cause us to feel like
      we have issues that may seem very challenging. There may be a general
      consensus into believing that what everyone else believes (group think) is
      “reality” where most of the time the entire opposite is true. This can tend to
      “limit” our thought into believing we are not complete with health, ability or
      whatever Seems to be troubling us. Life sometimes Seems to be very unfair
      with the haves and have-nots, but in God’s universe, as in the wonderful
      article J has found for us and shared – (Thank you, dear J ) we Are complete
      in God’s perfect reflection, regardless what the mortal senses appear to be
      insisting or deceiving us with.
      Our True wealth and health, completeness, is in Spirit ~ the very best kind
      of wholeness and that can never be limited or taken from us in any way.
      A big hug to you!

  10. Thank you very dearly, Evan for your loving , comforting and healing treatment today. This is said several times today and I feel it also deeply! It touches me very much, for instance that “belief of heredity cannot add a defect to our being. Fear cannot separate us from the calm and poise of infinite Love. We are set and secure in Spirit, with God, forever!”

    Oh, how comforting is your SV; it contains Truth thoughts which are healing for me, i.e. that human heredity is just a false belief and not the divine Truth. We are only heir of our everpresent, perfect God, divine Mind and His Christ. Wow, am I grateful that that is the absolute Truth! Thank you dear Evan for teaching us lovingly this Truth !♡

    Thank you all for your loving divine commentations which are very helpful!♡

  11. One time I needed something and it seemed to be in a place that I could not get to. (too long to explain here). The arguments were that it might be physically impossible, or harm me, But I really needed it to care for a beloved pet. I thought of this principle of already being complete myself, and the dear pet too. I thought, well, if God has already done everything and provided everything, then I have what I need now, and when the object is right here beside me, I will be the same as I am now. Safe, unharmed, undepleated. I will be just as I am now but with the manifestation of what I need. With that the fear vanished and step by step I did what I had to do to get the item. (It did not seem easy, so constant prayer) Then, I was sitting there with what I needed beside me and affirming I was just the same, that I had not suffered any harm and I had not. I thought about MBE’s statement that the florist will have his flower before its seed. I realized I was one step closer to understanding it is just Mind, Just Mind that accomplishes everything. And Mind loves us.

  12. That was a beautiful example of Mind and Love’s great power and capability, dear Kay!
    Thank you so much for sharing that with us. Because of your desire to help your beloved
    pet, you were able to do what was necessary and God helped in accomplishing whatever it
    was you needed to do. God’s never-ending Love is our guide, our protector, our ever present
    safety from harm. Your proof of this is a wonderful demonstration of God’s caring and Love.

  13. Everyone posting here just seems to affirm and echo everything written. But I want you to know, Evan, that you are cracking the shell of a true skeptic as well. I do not merely applaud your posts and show off my own knowledge here. I truly try to analyze and understand some of these concepts to see if I can arrive at a meaningful faith in a higher power, which still seems quite a distant goal. Thank you for sometimes getting through to me.

    1. Hi Cynthia,

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I hope and pray more inspired thoughts are shared that help you understand the magnificence of God, and how relevant practical spirituality is to you. I look forward to hearing from you again.

  14. Dear Cynthia,
    Thank you for your humbling comment. I believe we are all learning and as far as I r
    know, no one here can “walk on water” … yet . : )
    I know, I myself, often feel like my knowledge is just starting to scratch the surface
    with some of these metaphysics and I sometimes feel very confused as to the meaning
    of things with some of the writings (in articles) and even with some of the comments..
    But writing things down and trying to put into practical terms, helps me try to
    comprehend more,
    Sometimes I feel that confirming the [T]ruth that Evan presents us with, also helps in
    my own knowledge with many proofs of God’s care that I have had in my life. I Know
    that this Science is Real and powerful. Sometimes demonstrating it is easier said than
    done, but each declaration helps to make it more practical and understood,, for me,
    We all Learn by asking questions of others or to ourselves, by delving into the subject
    more and what a blessing it is to have spiritually mined seekers of the Truth, to share
    our thoughts with.

  15. Thank You, Evan for that wonderful Christian Science treatment, I look forward to Spiritview every day, Happy New Year to all. Beth

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