Seeing God in control

April 8, 2022 | 35 comments

I can’t help but see parallels between the last two years of people living in fear of being invaded by a virus, to the present invasion of a foreign military power on Ukrainian soil that has affected the entire world order. It seems that the aggression behind Covid yesterday has taken a military form today.

It’s all an opportunity to see God in control!

To the degree humanity believes matter has power to control, evidence of this belief keeps popping up in different forms, as noted with Covid and the war. However, we can all contribute to the demise of this undesirable repetition of error by better understanding God’s dominion over all of creation.

Jesus Christ was the master demonstrator of God’s government over man. He was presented with countless instances of the belief system that “matter is in control,” and successfully reversed mortal mind’s claim to the same with the truth that God was the one in control. He cured disease, shut down sin, dissolved insanity, triumphed over unjust persecution, and restored order, health, and peace through understanding the omnipotence and omnipresence of God.

We can do the same!

There is no better time than now to shower mankind with an understanding of man’s dominion on earth to act under God’s direction and to act intelligently, with love, compassion, support, and respect for one another.

The earth is not destined to be controlled by evil and suffer from its games. The earth has a higher purpose and is intended to be a place of health, safety, and peace.

Real power lies with God, and mankind can demonstrate this truth.

35 thoughts on “Seeing God in control”

  1. Different mask, same shoes! Great red dragon- pandemic, or philistine- war or plague, or fear and all the etc…: one same “nothing”, Only a wrong image, or thought from the very beginning. No need to be impressed, only need to correct our view starting from the higher standpoint : nothing to really fight but a lot to be grateful for, however difficult it could seem to be. ” Yesterday” I was grateful for living in a peaceful Europe and I am still greatfull today for this peace, in the eternal now nothing has changed for Truth never vary.
    God does blesses us all NOW !

    Who is at the helm?

    1. A fine article, relevant to the subject and to our need to understand the “under tow” and how to gently correct our course through troubled waters.
      Thanks, Martine and peace to all of France and Europe. Lovingkindness, David

  2. Sorry, typo : the highest standpoint (not only
    higher !) Thank you for this wonderful blog.

  3. Thank You Evan & Martine, Praying how to find peace with all the struggle in the world. I opened my C. S. Hymnal to #236 Words by Irving C. Tomlinson (1860-1944)

    O peace of the world, O hope in each breast,
    O Bethlehem star that ages have blest,
    A day of fresh promise breaks over the land,
    Gaunt warfare is doomed, and God’s kingdom at hand!

    From cannon and sword shape tillers of soil,
    No more let dire hate man’s spirit despoil,
    Let Truth be proclaimed, Let God’s love be retold,
    That men of good will their brethren up-hold..

    As stars in their courses never contend,
    As blossoms their hues in harmony blend,
    As bird voices mingle in joyful refrain,
    So God’s loving children in concord remain.

    Our God is of one Mind, the Mind we adore;
    Ineffable joy His love doth outpour;
    Let nations be one in a union of love,
    God’s bountiful peace, all earth’s treasures above.

    Also please read Hymn #237 & #238
    Thanks to everyone for their prayer for world peace.

    1. Evan, love your image above, reminding us of the song and the Truth: He’s got the whole world in His hands.

      I too have been pondering the parallels between the past two years and today – war and plague. Same lie, different disguise, or as Martine aptly put it, “different mask same shoes.” It also made me remember the article shared here on SV by Rod the other day (April 6). It was written in 1940 during WWll and commented on Mrs. Eddy’s concept of chemicalization. It states, “Christian Scientists see in the situation, however, a great moral chemicalization—a great stirring up of the error in human consciousness, as spiritual understanding exposes the error and declares, in the light of God’s allness and infinite goodness, the unreality of evil.”

      Martine, thank you for your comments and shared article.

      David, I appreciate your sharing the wonderful, comforting hymn, the hymns are such powerful forms of prayer and affirmation of Truth.

      Lots of Love and gratitude to everyone on this forum, going higher together for the Good of all.

    2. Thank you David for bringing these 3 hymns to my attention, knowing them in french, the original in english brings a fresh and renewed spiriual view full of meaning and quite helpful at this moment.

  4. Wow to Evan’s statements of absolute power!
    The analysis is sound.
    The hydra head of evil manifestation has one name: malicious mind, animal magnetism, hypnotism.
    But God is not mocked or hypnotized.
    And neither is anyone else!
    “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” and it took a little dog to expose the false bravado of a bluff!

    1. Wonderful, as always, Evan! Carrie, I loved “‘pay no attention to the man behind the curtain’ and it took a little dog to expose the false bravado of a bluff” as I often think of “dog” as God spelled backwards for their unconditional love.

      1. Amen, Lynne.
        There is no matter to have a “condition” and there is no man with a mind and will of his own. There is just ONE. GOD fathers this universe, and man is the effect, not the initiator!

  5. Thank you. The word Nonsense comes to mind, but not to be disrespectful to those who read too much newsprint or the like. Thank you very much for the kind of news I like to wake up to.!

  6. MBE.One with God is a majority.

    I awoke with the thought, One
    Scientific God Truth, held in
    thought, is the majority. It erases
    all false thinking.

    One God.
    Majority. The greater number.
    One Truth is the greater, the

  7. Wonderful! Thank you all. I have worked from the very beginning to see the nothingness of fear. God is all!

  8. Thank you, Evan. This is one of the finest SpiritView’s I have ever read — and it is so needed by me! It’s a real keeper as they all are — but this one especially.



  9. Thank you all for these wonderful potent messages to help us all with handling our own and the world’s, mental environments. Much gratitude for the spiritual ‘terra firma’ groundwork lessons for our keeping our thoughts and reactions more centered and gentle.

  10. A recurring thought to discipline my perspective, plans, and response, is, “God is in control, blessing all.”

    Yesterday God demanded I consider: “ How will you know when your relationship with – – is healed?“ It reminded me of years ago when a Christian Science practitioner asked our mutual patient, “What would you be doing if you were healed?” Since I was serving her in the role of a Christian Science Nurse, I applied that to my own thinking and prayers to support the case. She said that she would go to the coast and I offered to drive her to the coast, which she refused. I was thinking that an answer could be: “Well then, I would feel gratitude and freedom and love and joy and increased commitment to practice Christian Science and to serve others, and I would have a better sense of humor, not taking the lies of mortal sense or personality personally or projecting them on to others. I don’t have to wait until matter gives me permission, I can feel and act those ways here and now regardless of material sense or personal sense.

    So I feel gratitude for that that practitioner and that patient and the countless opportunities to witness an experience and share and give thanks for healing regardless of my role as patient, practitioner, nurse, neighbor, good citizen, parent, etc. I can trust in that and perpetuate it. So it lifted my thought with joyous expectation and confidence I hadn’t been feeling about a relationship that I took more personally.

    I had allowed myself to get emotionally manipulated and reactive or despairing and cynically apathetic and dull regarding a relationship that had been repeatedly attacked by someone trying to turn that person and me against each other, to the financial benefit of the liar. I can see the same dynamics in which some claim to make more money and get more power from scaring, confusing, distracting, dividing, and stealing from us. Whether it is blatant like the corporate media, police prison industry, drug industry, war industry, fossil fuel industry, etc., or if it was my former psychopath husband to his clients or people he libeled and sued or him brainwashing for parental alienation our children so he could get more money from me and the VA and Social Security.

    Whether it is individual bullies and abusers or corporate criminals a rogue nations or whatever. We can see through it. Abe free of it. And do our part to help others.

    Mortal mind does the same old thing, but we don’t have to react the same counterproductive way.

    Looking more deeply at all the reactivity in the media and people I am around to different opinions about Covid and climate and cios and war, depending upon who they are seeing is suffering or deserving justice…I can’t help but declare freedom from their fear mongering manipulation and war profiteering and hypocrisy.

    When the public in the United States can be redirected from investing in social justice, safety and health for everyone, environmental climate justice, socioeconomic jystuce and healing the world… to instead be self justifying and taking money from right government to instead give more money to the war/surveillance/fossil fuel/terror/prison slavery industry… it demands better of me.

    While it is good that we care about others and that we better empathize with people targeted and manipulated for war profiteering when they are white European Christian urbanites, targeted by the same personality or country we’ve spent decades vilifying or dehumanizing to avoid cleaning up our own act…. When people are just as heroicly and compassionately and creatively defending and caring for their families and neighbors and land and self-government, our media vilifies a dehumanizes them or denies American public any information to stop the carnage caused by our tax dollars. It is just as wrong to kill and to invade another country no matter who dies ut to whom. It is just as wrong to kill people when it is four they are petroleum or methane or precious metals or water or transportation routes, whether it is for American corporations profiting by stealing that or using the victims as proxies to threaten others for their resources or using their suffering to poison and waste our own water and topsoil and air and the sovereignty of indigenous people here to make more people homeless here. We don’t have that much power over Putin, we Americans do have more power and responsibility over Biden and the US Congress and US war profiteers and corporate media To stop doing the same thing to people and Yemen, Palestine, Sudan, Congo, Liberia, the Amazon, and wherever there are Petroleum or methane or precious metals or their pipelines or trade routes.

    We can prove our honesty by caring for the internal refugees within the United States who are also made impoverished, terrorized, injured or second, poisoned, houseless, dehumanized and blamed, and shot. In my town we have at least 10,000 to 12,000 innocent victims of the same cruel capitalism suffering trauma and denied the most basic human needs. And we have more people in our city whose family members are victims of US wars around the world. And we are practicing the same hypocrisy and cruelty with the same corporations denying safety and family reunification and basic needs/rights to refugees from terror, war, climate chaos, poverty, hunger, disease, trafficking, destroyed homes and community.

    We can do so much more here right now to liberate people from the damned if they do damned if they don’t lose lose catch 22s of unjust bureaucracy and political economic policy and practice.

    While I have friends who are paid through NGOs going to other countries or with ineffective nonprofits here, I also am involved with many who informally provide water, food, tents, housing arrangements, car repair, transportation, first aid and nursing, advocacy, and moral support to people targeted and attacked and warrred on here. In my town the latest figures which are considered understatements are that we have 31 times the empty peopleless housing units as we have Houseless people. We spend far more money on terrorizing and robbing and injuring and arresting people while ripping away their community and support then it would cost to simply give them housing. Instead of giving so much money to the petroleum plutocrats in Russia or the United States or Saudi Arabia etc. we could stop the pipeline of destruction and replace it with safe and sane and humane energy and water and food and housing that helps the environment and society.

    We don’t have to let ourselves be fooled and scared by. believing there are such things as good guys and bad guys and that the Terror and Trauma and preventable impoverishment and displacement and forced migration of some people. We don’t have to go along with the first casualty of war, truth and truth tellers. We don’t have to let go of a moral compass and our true nature to be loving and honest and fair. We have the right and responsibility to not be overwhelmed or to become cynical and insensitive or self-justifying.

    Covid, climate, cop cruelty corruption, cold and killing wars for fossil fuels and water, denying neighbors safe housing… Call us to compassion and creative problem-solving. And we each are able where we are to make that healing difference through our practical behavior changes. It is all about correcting our thought to a line it with Divine Mind infinite Love. It is liberating and empowering and it is fun to be kind and fair. And we are each able no matter what our circumstances to make our world better for others. To the degree we do this we find more healing and liberation and other parts of our lives, and our influence for good expands.

    1. Wow Edith, you certainly rolled out the error that plagues humanity and the largess of what needs healing. “All things are possible with God”. and I am reminded of God’s Law of Adjustment which we can rely upon. Thanks for pointing out the many needs that Divine Love can meet through inspiration and neighborly love and divine intervention.

  11. Thank you, dear Evan, for alerting us! Mortal mind, alias wicked minds in high places, would like to keep us on the edge of confusion, manipulating and striving to reach most undesirable ends. Christian Scientists are the beacon of light to unmask all of this! I am so grateful for Spirit View and it’s alert, giving community.

  12. Thank you Evan, and thanks to every inspiring comment.

    One of the thoughts that has come to me is, that “God is working His purpose out”, as the hymn states, and all this mortal turmoil is coming to the surface to be melted away, in the heat of
    divine Principle, Truth and Love, God’s ever active Law. Since none of it is happening in God’s Kingdom, which is infinite, and there is nothing external to God’s Allness, we needn’t be troubled by it, because we know that none of it can penetrate the spiritual universe. Love is encircling all His
    ideas, protecting and governing all that is real. We just need to hold to the spiritual facts,
    and live our own lives as peacefully and harmoniously as we can, praising God for His
    wonderful Creation, and knowing no reality in anything unlike Him. As the last line of the hymn quoted earlier says – “The earth shall be filled with the glory of God, as the waters cover the sea”.

  13. Thank you Evan and to all. I awake in the night with my concern for the people I know who are in Ukraine and possibly still in Mariupol. I turn the light on and begin to pray. this will help in how I direct my prayers. thanks to all.

  14. I too love the idea of “the earth has a high purpose”, thanks Evan. Martine love the saying of “different mask, same shoes” I must remember that, and Rose love the article “The majority of One” ( and all the zeros!!).

  15. I tried to send, He’s got the whole world
    in His hands. A muffin family sing along song
    On YouTube
    A light hearted melody expressing God’s
    love for the world.

    Sorry I didn’t get it attached.
    Hope this suggestion is ok Evan.
    The picture has the same hands holding
    the world.

  16. Mrs. Eddy tells us in Science and Health, on one side there will be discord and dismay, on the other side there will be Science and peace. Words alone could not express all the gratitude I have for this wonderful Divine Science that allows us to experience peace, joy and harmony even though to mortal sense there is the opposite testimony. May every heart feel the touch of Divine Love that knows only it’s total goodness and harmony as the reality here and now. Many thanks to thoughts being shared…

  17. Excellent graphic Evan and so much Truth to ponder in this SV.

    ‘ God , good , guards guides and governs ‘ ❣️

  18. “Every member of God’s family is nourished and cherished by divine Love’s constant outpouring of goodness. God’s man has never gone to war, nor caused a war. You can see that the spiritual understanding of God and man Christian Science teaches helps contribute to the healing of humanity’s problems. And it helps each one of us remain at peace in the midst of what Adam’s man believes is a turbulent world.” (A quote from a lecture, God’s Man or Adam’s Man by Dorthy Holder Jones. Lengthy, but worth the read.)
    (The link was provided by Rose (thank you Rose!) from Evan’s topic on Sunday School several weeks ago.)

    1. Thank you “J” for that huge article by Dorothy Holder Jones! I printed it out (13 pages).
      And I am looking forward to study it in a quiet moment!

      I also love the Truth, Evan stated at the end of this SV: “The earth has a higher purpose and is intended to be a place of health, safety and peace!” How very true!!! 🙂

  19. Thank you very much, Evan for this wonderfully understandable SpiritView !
    I love your sentence: “It’s all an opportunity to see God in control”. Yes, through our deep prayer we will be aware of God’s powerful and loving control over every situation.
    Thanks to God for the revelation of the Christ Science to us through our loved Mary Baker Eddy!♡

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