Stay out of the Covid dream

October 30, 2020 | 28 comments

Someday this pandemic is going to end, and people will leave it behind seeing a bright future ahead of them. They will move on with their life unfettered by the past. The current malaise will be like a bad dream dreamt and gone.

However, there is no better time to wake up from the dream and to stay out of the dream then now!

God is an ever-present help in any time of trouble. Right where material sense sees limits and constraints, spiritual sense finds opportunity and possibility.

Right where the material mind would sit around and complain, the spiritually inspired thinker is up and doing productive worthwhile activity.

My wife and I have some neighbors who are quite elderly and fearful of the pandemic. They stay home most of the time. However, I noticed they set up two chairs, 8 feet apart, and a little table in between on their front porch. They have single guests over to chat outdoors on their veranda. I thought, “Good for them! To a degree, they have refused to be isolated by Covid.”

The most important steps we take to stay out of the dream, though, are our metaphysical ones. It’s where our thinking resides that is most important of all.

God is an atmosphere of Love divine in which we live and move and have all being. God is a Mind that gives us ideas that take thought to new inspired places. God is a power that keeps us healthy and strong. God always has a purpose for us to work out, a meaning to understand better, and usefulness to demonstrate. Living with God, keeps us productive, engaged with Life, and protected all at the same time.

There is no need to suffer. Life with God goes on, pandemic or not. Keep living and stay out of the dream!

“When we wake to the truth of being, all disease, pain, weakness, weariness, sorrow, sin, death, will be unknown, and the mortal dream will forever cease” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 218).

28 thoughts on “Stay out of the Covid dream”

    1. Thank for this Evan 🙂
      And many thanks to you Martine, for sharing “What dream?” from the archives, 1945.

    2. Thank you soo much for sharing this wonderful article by Paul Stark Seeley, written during even more tumultuous times. I love how he calls his wife, his good helpmeet. I collect names for God and have reached over 500, and now just added “My good Helpmeet”. As I live alone, this is especially meaningful and healing. My Helpmeet helps me to acknowledge that I am sinless, healthful and eternal now! As an aside, I had a friend who lived in Oregon and knew the Seeleys. They lived in an area known for UFO landings. Paul and his good helpmeet, who lived atop a hill, would sometimes observe and appreciate these visitors from afar.
      Evan, thank you for your admonition to “Keep living and stay out of the dream!”

  1. “New inspired places,” thank you Evan, for once again helping us see that this thinking is in divine Mind for us to call our own. I need this today and also especially for the next week. How grateful we can be that it is ‘at hand’ and as you’ve pointed out we can stay “out of the dream,” no matter what it calls itself, “pandemic,” or political angst.
    I’m so grateful your posts are always out here so early as it helps to begin our day filled with uplifting, corrective thoughts. The quote from S&H is perfect also.

  2. Good Morning!
    Fried bacon on the yard chair? The greatest smell in the morning. I picture it on a plate alongside of some large eggs and fried potatos. Some rye toast too.
    Now that’s the way to start the day,. Outside in the yard is OK. Anywhere, like a campsite in the mountains along side of a trout filled steam. Near a sturdy tent and a campfire.
    Or in the breakfast nook.
    That’s the atmosphere of great beginings for the day. Fixated on the good things around us in spite of the general leaning on fear.
    A great topic today. We are separate from the world. Living in freedom from fear.
    Thank you for reminding us to keep a watchful eye and to continue to pray for the end of the nothingness of pandemic.

    1. David, I was thinking it was a couple of leaves! See the stem below the arm? But, maybe it is bacon! I love bacon and your bacon breakfast made my mouth water. I like your statement “…the atmosphere of great beginnings…” Yes! in the “atmosphere of Love divine” is a great beginning and continuing! As Evan put it “God is an atmosphere of Love divine” And as we sing in hymn #144
      “In atmosphere of Love divine, we live, and move, and breathe;” The “breathe” part is so helpful at this time, for in this atmosphere, there is nothing to harm us.

      Thank you Evan for keeping us vigilant! “Keep living and stay out of the dream!”

  3. The reminder is much needed, EVAN. I also appreciated Mr. Seeley’s article, Martine. Keeping us in The Kingdom of Heaven, is a truly good work!
    Gratitude to the “thinkers” & “doers.”

  4. “Yesterday, upon the stair,
    I met a man who wasn’t there!
    He wasn’t there again today,
    Oh how I wish he’d go away!”[5]

    When I came home last night at three,
    The man was waiting there for me
    But when I looked around the hall,
    I couldn’t see him there at all!
    Go away, go away, don’t you come back any more!
    Go away, go away, and please don’t slam the door…

    Last night I saw upon the stair,
    A little man who wasn’t there,
    He wasn’t there again today
    Oh, how I wish he’d go away….
    William Hughes Mearns

    I sent this before but it fits the narrative.

  5. Thank you Evan. A wake up is always good. I enjoyed Mr. Seeley’s article, too, Martine. The Kingdom of God is always at hand. That is reality—-claiming it is the constant work.
    Lovely alarm clock for all…

  6. Your neighbours have found their quiet place! Our quiet place..or closet as the bible recommends, is the first step to enjoy spiritual consciousness, an atmosphere of love and perfection. Eternal peace. Thank you Evan and everyone for sharing your thoughts and articles. The Christ in us all brings protection to all❣️

  7. Appreciate the quote from S & H. The word “weariness” from that quote jumped out at me. Been feeling mental and emotional weariness over current appearances of turmoil, fear and loss. I am so grateful to have thought directed back to the higher truths and realities of God’s kingdom, ever alive in consciousness, where all is well.

    Yesterday I had to ride on a city bus and a train to get to work, as my usual transportation was unavailable. I found myself feeling anger, fear, resentment and judgment towards people not wearing masks or distancing themselves, in violation of our current public transportation laws. I wondered how they could think this behavior was ok. I stared at one man with no mask on and he began to yell unpleasant things at me.

    I saw that my thinking needed a quick about face to counteract the lies of self-will, belief in danger and belief that God’s expression could do wrong or be a harm to themselves or others. So I lifted my thought and began to bless those people, myself and everyone present, praying to know that we all express God, good and that He is taking care of us, every moment. After a while everything began to soften and I felt much more comfortable.

    Still working on this but thankful that right thinking and leaning on Truth is always the answer!

    1. Thank you Rose for your thoughts about getting your thought on God then you felt the peace as well as everyone around you.

  8. Evan’s poignant message today, as well as Paul Stark Seeley’s article, lift us out of this long mesmeric pandemic dream in mortal consciousness. We as Truth knowers have not become complacent, but are awake to the “immortality, boundless freedom, and sinless sense” (S&H 22/24) of God’s kingdom of heaven in consciousness now. Thank you all for your spiritual awareness that helps to waken a dreaming world, and for all the beautiful comments.

  9. Oh my goodness~ so much gratitude and love for everyone here today❣️❣️❣️
    We all need to pray deeply and continuously….
    After traveling, sitting down with a warm cup of freshly grown ginger tea, lemon, and sourwood honey has never tasted so good.
    I so appreciate your platform Evan. It’s uplifting and God inspired and how fortunate we all can come here and feel like we are sitting with the best of friends,

    1. Yes Susan, I feel that we are all friends here on SpiritView on a deep spiritual level. A wonderful connection thanks to Evan providing us with this very special platform.

  10. Cathryn in San Diego, Thank you for the sharing about the Seeley’s, Mr Seeley is one of my favorite periodical writter, I find way he shares the Truth is really uplifting and inspiring. I printed almost all the articles he wrote and they are a constant help to me.
    Thank you everyone for sharing inspired ideas and Syl and Angie for great articles.

  11. Thank you very much dear Evan, for that wonderful and healing blog!
    And thank you for that so comforting passage from SH by MBEddy!♡
    And thank you all for your so lively and interesting comments and the links to the helpful metaphysical articles ♡♡♡

  12. I cannot express enough gratitude for this wonderful, inspiring spirit view. Thank u Evan and all for your contributions. They are so helpful in our growth Spiritward.

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