Tag: blessings

The most important food

August 22, 2023 | 24 comments

Many people spend a considerable amount of time thinking about what food they are going to eat. To make wise decisions, it’s important that taking in spiritual food is at the top of one’s list of desires! Spiritual food is

No FOMO with God

August 16, 2023 | 31 comments

FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out FOMO is a frequent topic in the news media. Investors experience FOMO when they believe other investors are making more money than they are. FOMO happens in social media circles when people start believing others

Leave trials and suffering behind

April 19, 2023 | 40 comments

In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. ~ Jesus Christ, John 16:33, RSV The “world” Jesus refers to is material sense. The belief of life in matter. It’s too frequently a