Tag: evil

Preparation for a good night’s rest

October 20, 2023 | 45 comments

Beloved Christian Scientists, keep your minds so filled with Truth and Love, that sin, disease, and death cannot enter them. It is plain that nothing can be added to the mind already full. There is no door through which evil

Stand on the side of Science and peace

October 17, 2023 | 27 comments

This material world is even now becoming the arena for conflicting forces. On one side there will be discord and dismay; on the other side there will be Science and peace. ~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key

Be wise and discerning

July 6, 2023 | 20 comments

Do not sacrifice a large good for a little evil. ~ Martin H. Fischer (1879–1962) A little compromise in one place can lead to a bigger unwanted sacrifice in another. Be wise about choices! There is nothing desirable about evil,

Eliminate doubt

June 2, 2023 | 34 comments

If you’re ever burdened with doubt that something good could happen to you, it’s an opportunity to move faith from evil to good. Doubt that something good can happen is faith that evil is happening. It’s having more faith in

Eliminate reluctance

March 14, 2023 | 11 comments

Are you quick to yield to Truth? Are you quick to acknowledge Truth? When it comes to admitting healing truth, reluctance is not your friend. Mary Baker Eddy wrote, Some people yield slowly to the touch of Truth. Few yield