Tag: video

A talk on finding God

March 7, 2022 | 12 comments

My local branch church is sponsoring a live stream event titled, “A Spiritual Revolution: The Quest to Experience God,” on Thursday, March 10, 7:00 PM, Pacific time. The speaker, Giulia Tetreau, will share how she has experienced a “spiritual revolution”

A fun piano duet

March 4, 2022 | 56 comments

I love to play piano duets! Here’s a fun piano duet I played with Olin Ensley as a postlude at a recent service in my local branch church. Olin is a highly accomplished pianist who has been playing regularly at

Ending the pandemic

February 21, 2022 | 17 comments

It’s time for humanity to accept the end of this pandemic. There’s a role we each can play that makes a positive difference. Knowing the omnipotence and omnipresence of God dissolves people’s fear of germs and contagion. It brings spiritual

Be overwhelmed with all the good

February 14, 2022 | 21 comments

Do you ever get depressed by bad news coming in about ominous events happening around the world? I share ideas on how understanding the truth about God counteracts bad news hurled at us through the media. It’s possible to keep

Being influenced by truth, not opinion

February 7, 2022 | 27 comments

People are often quick to express their opinion, and even argue that their opinion should be our action. But it’s not always in our best interest to follow what other people think we should do. They may be wrong. In