The knee of Spirit

April 2, 2019 | 37 comments

If you have any kind of knee issues, it can help heal those issues by gaining a better understanding of your true body in Spirit.

The body of Spirit is Mind. It is an active expression of Life eternal where every aspect of your being works together for good, in harmony, without pain, and with grace, dominion and boundless freedom.

There is no matter in the body of Spirit. It’s a body of infinite Love that exists to express God and to live out spiritual reality. The knee of Spirit is not a material construct, but a spiritual idea in the Mind of God that remains in perfect shape forever. It never wears out, never loses part of its substance, never lacks, ages, aches or complains. It has a Life-time warrantee—to express the perfection of God forever, without end.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “Spirit and its formations are the only realities of being” Science and Health, p. 264). Mortal mind attempts to materialize God’s spiritual ideas, and called them physical, then shackle them with so-called physical laws that make them feel fallible, vulnerable and subject to disease. But this is a mistake. God’s ideas never devolve into a matter-state. They are forever spiritual. There is no material knee, from God’s point of view. There is only an eternal spiritual idea that remains perfect, forever.

When we agree with God’s point of view, and accept it as our reality, we experience its freedoms. The physical comes into line with the spiritual. Healing happens.

As a creation of God, you are spiritual. Everything about you is spiritual. You don’t have a material knee that is subject to trouble. You have only God’s spiritual perfection to reflect without fail, every moment of your existence.

Enjoy walking in a consciousness of spiritual reality today and proving your God-given ability to move about freely. It’s the way God made you and keeps you.

37 thoughts on “The knee of Spirit”

  1. Ooooooh this is perfect. I’m going to record it and listen to it till I understand it so clearly I will dance as I sing now. Thank you thank you thank you thank you

  2. WOW! I am in AWE at the timeliness of this. My mouth fell open when I read the first line, “if you have knee issues!!!” My dear friend seems to have a painful knee condition related to gout. He couldn’t even go upstairs yesterday. I’ve been desiring so much to know better how to pray about this! He’s not a Christian Scientist and is taking some kind of medication for it; but I know I can correct my thought about this aggressive suggestion. Your post is SO FULL of helpful truths to affirm. Thank you dear Evan for being so tuned in and caring. This is another case of Divine Love meeting every human need!

  3. I do thank you for this clarity, “the body of Spirit” and its “Life-time warranty”. Every step is a song. My demonstration is to express freedom, flexibility, and the suppleness of loving thoughts. What lovely and perfect preparation for my horseback riding workshop this weekend. Riding has been part of my demonstration for seven decades with no end in sight!

    1. Dear Katherine thank you for your comments..esp. the part about every step being the song..and your ending ..”no end in sight” since sight is what Im working on today! Its so fun! Love!

  4. This is awesome because it means we don’t have a material foot, tooth, hip, or anything else! Thank you so much for this insight. we are not a collection of material parts but a spiritual whole, reflecting the original spiritual sense and body of divine love. Carry on!

  5. Thank you, Evan, for your generous and healing sharing on SpiritView, as well as for all your work for the Cause of CS over the years, blessing all. Once again, this post is so very helpful and my gratitude for CS and for all its work and workers abounds. “For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Eph 3:14) with prayer, praise, practice and proofs of God’s gift to all!

  6. Thank you, Evan!! Your clear explanations are always so helpful and inspiring, and I so appreciate all commenters. Enjoy walking today!

  7. Simply wonderful spiritual thinking! I awakened this morning with:”In Him we love and have our being” (dear Paul). Your blog today is a perfect correlation to living in Spirit and challenging that pain is a natural state. Health, freedom, activity are natural to us! Thank you, Evan, once again, you’ve hit the target and I too am thankful for your generous sharing.

  8. GREAT TIMING as always Evan!!! Just as I was thinking I need to get out and excercise more because my legs feel stiff from sitting at this computer so much !! I really like these sentences…”God’s ideas never devolve into a matter-state. They are forever spiritual. There is no material knee, from God’s point of view. There is only an eternal spiritual idea that remains perfect, forever.”
    It is easy to find material cause and effect when we need to get back to SQUARE ONE…there is no matter body in the first place.

  9. Dear Evan, this post today has brought tears to my eyes. You are always so perfectly aligned to Mind, and this message today addresses exquisitely my specific concern (as so often you do!) Beginning with the elated image of an arabesque, through your thorough arguments, I feel the Way is Up and Out of a struggle to find freedom with my knees. Well, if ”the body of Spirit is Mind”–then MY body is Mind! My body ”is an active expression of Life eternal where every aspect of [my] being work[ing] together for good, in harmony, without pain, and with grace, dominion and boundless freedom.”!!!! Hallelujah! I am a dancer and love the freedom of dance! So I can be the boundless (without bounds) dancer in Spirit. I gives thanks for you, the daily spiritual nourishment of our Christian Science study, and the beautiful community of SpiritViewers.

  10. WOW just what I needed – thanks so much!!! The healing in the Bible of the man lame from birth who was healed instantly and entered into the temple walking, and leaping, and praising God, has been one of my favorites. No recouperation or physical therapy involved.

  11. Evan, I would also like to express my gratitude to you for all of your blogs, whether or not they meet a specific need of mine. I know that they are blessing us all.

  12. Evan- thank you so much…. I am so grateful for your blog and all the blessings it brings to me and all the world.

  13. I just love this .esp. the part:

    “It never wears out, never loses part of its substance, never lacks, ages, aches or complains. It has a Life-time warrantee—to express the perfection of God forever, without end.”

    Evan, you really hit the nail on the head today! So wondetful knowing we have an infinite warranty! Thank you profusely!

  14. I think this is really good. The title ‘the knee of Spirit’ really amused me as my knees seem far from being knees of Spirit at the moment! The whole message today has been so helpful. I have been working quite a lot on the concept of body and you have given some good ideas to continue working with. Thank you.

  15. Wow..this topic is so timely as we study unreality and are assured of Gods presence at every moment..
    Thank you..thank you..

  16. Thank you so much Evan for this topic and all the other inspired blogs. This one truly is inspiring and timely. I have been a long-time reader of your blog. I also appreciate all the comments that your blog generates.

  17. I would like to suggest that fellow followers of this blog refer to Bevi’s last comment yesterday. I think it was #38. My heart is overflowing with love and compassion for her.

  18. I would also like to suggest that just as people should not judge the Catholic religion based on the actions of the multitude of priests who obviously didn’t follow its teachings, Christian Science should not be judged by the people who don’t practice what it teaches. Christian Science is a way of life and the very best way for me. What others do or don’t do is not my concern. My concern is to follow the Christ to the best of my ability.

    1. Thank you Lori, from the bottom of my heart I also see Bevi as God`s so very loved and cared child!
      And I would say, much love and appreciation to you dear Evan from us all for your so healing and blessing Treatment of yesterday and of today … and of every day! 🙂

      Your loving lesson of today is so wonderful, thanks a lot for it! And yes, one can apply the treatment of the knee to all parts of the body, since we have a spiritual body with all the perfect and healthy qualities God bestowed on us. I love very much what Evan said: “We have a body of infinite Love that exists to express God and to live out spiritual quality.” And everything which came to my mind is already said so beautifully by you all, loved commenters – thank you so so much ! 🙂

  19. I had never thought about the body of Spirit being Mind. I love that! Gives me lots to ponder and pray with.

  20. Perfect lesson today . I too substituted my lower back and leg issues to the knee. I also am inspired by the March 18 issue of the Senteniel, “ Prayer that begins with God,
    Not Self”. Brian if you are out there maybe you could provide a link. Your links have helped me so. I don’t know how to do it.
    This article supports all the beautiful ways we can get out of our bodies and know the Truth about who we are. I’m so very grateful for the Truth and Love that is daily given to us. Evan today’s lesson we will all keep as reminders of who we really are.

      1. Thank you so much for sharing Brian. This article is excellent and clear. Just what I was needing today.

  21. Patty here is what I gleaned from Christine’s article:
    “Prayer that begins with God, not self”
    by Christine Driessen (Sentinel, March 18, 2019)

    “…in the face of negative thoughts about ourselves, we can respond by praying:
    “Thank You, Father-Mother God! You are Spirit, the substance of all creation, unchanging, perfect, and harmonious in every detail and function, eternally. Therefore, my life and health are secure in You. I live and move and have my being in perfect Spirit.
    “Thank You, God! Since you are perfect Life – the same yesterday, today, and forever – and since there is no history of suffering in You, there is none in Your spiritual creation. I am the reflection of Life eternally; therefore, I cannot experience any deterioration, disease, or death. There is no malfunction in God’s creation, so harmonious action is forever natural to me.
    “Since there is only one God, who is infinite wisdom, there can be only one Mind. The one divine Mind is always present, always active, knowing and seeing only goodness, and I reflect that consciousness. You are the only Mind governing me, so it is natural for me to be conscious only of Your harmonious government.
    “Thank You, God! Since you are Soul, the source of my identity, my identity is secure and satisfied, manifesting beauty, strength, and creativity.”
    We can pray in this way, affirming the truth of what God is, in order to recognize better what we really are – God’s spiritual reflection. This prayer is powerful and immediately effective.

    Principle: order, God’s laws, regimen
    Mind: intelligence, wisdom, clarity, control, understanding
    Soul: joy, beauty, harmony, peace
    Spirit: limitless being, infinite possibilities, freedom, substance
    Life: strength, vigor, agility, unimpaired movement, activity
    Truth: integrity, honesty, openness, foundation, the rock
    Love: kindness, unselfishness, empathy, compassion, fearless, gratitude

  22. Evan, thank you for this beautiful blog. It is a treatment in itself. And thanks to the SpiritViewers for their healthful and helpful comments.

  23. This was one of the
    most powerful messages
    Thank you God
    and thank you Evan
    for making your life such
    that you can do this
    so consistently…
    I love you my Brother…

  24. Lori thank you for the wonderful expansion of the qualities of God..That article was filled with such a guide to healing. I’m very grateful.

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