Truth heals, not time

June 20, 2022 | 20 comments

If you’re waiting on time to get better, wait no more! Time does not heal. Truth heals! Lean on Truth, rather than on time, and you’ll make quicker progress.

If you think about it, what is time anyway? It’s not a spiritual activity. It’s not a spiritual power. Things appear humanly to happen over periods of time, but the actual act of time is not what causes events to happen. Time is a mortal measurement. It measures how often the earth revolves around the sun.

Healing power emanates from God, from the Holy Spirit that is always with you. You don’t have to wait for the earth to revolve around the sun a few times before this healing power is available to you. It’s present now, and always in the here and now!

Spiritual healing makes time irrelevant. Truth is the relevant factor! God is the ever-present Truth that heals you!!

So, wait no more. Lean on God, rather than on time, and you’ll find the freedom you’re looking for much sooner.

“Now,” cried the apostle, “is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation,” — meaning, not that now men must prepare for a future-world salvation, or safety, but that now is the time in which to experience that salvation in spirit and in life”
(Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p. 39).

20 thoughts on “Truth heals, not time”

  1. Thank you Evan. Grasping the idea that God’s is ever-present must make time seem less and less relevant.
    Quote from astrophysicist and Christian Scientist Laurance Doyle on the topic of time:
    “There has never been a connective force discovered between the orbit of the earth around the sun and the aging of the human body. There’s no reason why that should occur—it’s just something people believe.” Also, “…ideas are what creation is, and ideas, of course, are not subject to beginning and ending, because they’re not subject to the repetition of matter, which is all that time is.”

    A Matter of Time- Sentinel 12/30/02

      1. Kirsten and Fred, glad you enjoyed the article. Laurance Doyle is quite a fascinating fellow.

  2. Dear Rose, – Thank you for posting the uplifting and profound interview with Laurance Doyle. His penetrating ideas are just what was needed to supplant the suggestions and concerns of aging and time limitations that have seemed to torment my thought of late.
    How blessed we are to know that time, disease and matter are illusions!! Thank you all for your insightful contributions,- I so cherish this dear family.

    1. Linda thank you for your kind words, I appreciate you. I too feel very grateful to have this special place, Spiritview, that is full of love and wisdom and especially TRUTH. Not too many places we can “tune in” to and hear absolute Truth spoken. Much love!

  3. Early this morning I was able to prove that time is not a factor in healing. I awoke early with severe pain in the lower part of both legs. I affirmed that Truth, God, alone governs my body and my normal movement could not be constrained in any way. The pain immediately began to diminish and shortly disappeared completely. I am so grateful to God and Christian Science for this quick healing. Thank you so much, Evan, for reminding us that “Truth heals, not time”!

  4. Thank you Evan for this wonderful healing message. So grateful for all the Truth progress going on in the world. Your articles they have helped me with their healing truth. Now is the time for healing now… there is no dis-ease, dis-comfort dis-order. No ifs ands or buts just “no disease”…..
    Thank you all!

  5. There’s a wonderful CS lecture available by Dave Hohle, CSB on this subject.
    I hope you can all find it

  6. Great topic Evan, and awesome articles, thank you all for sharing!
    Some comments by others:
    – To the degree that we understand that all creation is already complete & perfectly harmonious, we witness its unfoldment effortlessly and joyously. Mind, not matter is causation. Healing is “spiritual perfection appearing”. Each moment we experience “spiritual perfection appearing” we are letting go of the limitation of time and mortality, and gaining a deeper understanding of eternality. (Christie Hanzlik)
    – Mary Baker Eddy nearly always healed instantly. Why? Because she knew that conscious Life & Truth are infinite – ALL, and she did not see ‘besides ALL’ a sick mortal to be made well.
    – The key to experiencing immortality NOW is in the recognition that “the spiritual status of man” IS outside of all material selfhood. We are told to look to Mind for the facts of our being. They are not found in matter, in a tomb, in complaints from the body. Grow naturally into a deeper sense of your being as God’s idea. This is our path to experiencing our immortality here & now.

  7. Thank you very much Evan for this needed Truth!
    Time is not a factor; this truth and your SpiritView is very comforting and I am really grateful for it! It is very desirable and also very possible that healing doesn’t need time to take place. However if it seems that healing needs more time we should never give up. As the Holy Bible says “a thousand years are as o n e day before God”, in that sense. So time is never a factor! Life, God is eternal!

    Thanks all for the many gorgeous articles today and the inspired and helpful comments!♡

  8. Thank you Evan for this spirit blog today. First of all I want to thank Rose for giving us the link to Dr. Lawrence Doyle’s Interview with Russ Gerber! I have had that pod cast on my iPad for years and always wanted a transcript of it! What a thrill to find it right here as given to us by Rose! What a gift!
    Also May I say the lecture by Dave Hohle, CSB was simply outstanding! Yet another gift! Huge thank you s to all who submitted web locations of articles on this subject of time. Honestly, I cannot say enough about how grateful and blest I feel while reading and listening to all the comments and references! This site is such an Angel gift! Thank you!

  9. I love this article Evan, thank you for sharing. I need to remind my self about time, which really indicate limitations only. Since God is all in all and powerful,eternal and Spiritual, no such thing as time.

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