Truth is true now

February 22, 2022 | 32 comments

If you’re ever tempted to believe that healing is going to happen in the future, remind yourself that truth is true now!

Jesus Christ taught, “Know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). He didn’t say, “Know the truth, and the truth will set you free sometime in the future.”  He inferred that truth sets you free in the moment you know it.

Truth is always true now! It’s not any truer tomorrow, next week, or next year.

So, when you pray to know the spiritual truth that sets you free, have confidence that the truth you are knowing is setting you free now! There is no delay or waiting for truth to be true later. Truth is true now! Be quick to claim and enjoy its ever-present benefits.

32 thoughts on “Truth is true now”

  1. A CS Practitioner used to admonish me: “NEVER FUTURIZE YOUR GOOD”
    Mary Baker Eddy has stated in so many places in her writings that Christian Science is ABSOLUTE – neither behind the point of perfection, nor advancing towards it; it is at this point and must be practiced therefrom. (My. 242: 5-7) … Bicknell Young, CSB, is reputed to have said: “No one can DIE into eternity; he must AWAKEN into it.”
    WOW, what a dynamic discipline the teachings of Christian Science put before each individual that surely yields full evidence as PROOF for obedience thereto. Nothing can be added to the fact that God is ALREADY All-in-all, therefore evil never invaded God OR His domain. There are hundreds of testimonies in the CS periodicals that demonstrate this IS the Truth that MAKES us free – NOW. How great to know this God as revealed in the teachings of Christian Science!

    1. I love what Bicknell Young wrote that one cannot die INTO eternity and that he must AWAKEN
      INTO IT. Thank you for sharing that, Carrie. That is daily work and watchfulness and demonstration of what we understand now, and as we grow spiritually with more understanding
      and demonstration.

      That is all really inspiring, and supports all that Evan has written,. Especially the ‘NOWs’. ” Behold, NOW are we the sons of God” and “NOW is the accepted time., – Behold NOW
      is the day of salvation”. We live in the eternal NOW under the shadow of the Almighty forever.
      It can’t get any better than that.

      1. Thanks Maggie for the NOW’s.

        In God we are complete. Nothing can be added to Him and nothing taken away, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. And as we reflect God always, this is true for all of us as well. Grateful to Evan and everyone here for all the wisdom, support and encouraging truths shared.

      2. Yeah, exactly….to the NOW’s
        The same Practitioner mentioned above used to also tell me (I was very new to Science) “if you aren’t 100% spiritual now, you never will be.”
        I took it to heart!

    2. This is so true! Being immortal now, never having been born, never dying, we are all immediate and instantaneous, reflecting every quality of God to the fullest now! In perfect balance and complete! We have never left heaven for earth. There is nothing that can affect us or influence us. No mortal mind to mesmerize nor be mesmerized.

  2. Wow I love this reminder, thank you Evan!

    By the way, I think an inverted comma is missing after:

    “Know the truth, and the truth will set you free sometime in the future”

  3. Thank you very much Evan. It’s a comforting promise Christ Jesus gave us. Yes, the Truth is our present perfect childhood of a loving everpresent God imparting truth, health and happyness. That is what we shall express according what Mrs. Eddy writes in “First Church of Christ Scientist and Miscellany” on page 165: 21-23.
    Am very grateful for SpiritView which lifts me up every morning before I read the lesson sermon.♡

    1. The reason why I wrote this from Miscellany is, that this Morning I felt a bit as if I cannot express imparting truth, health and happyness , but that is not at all the case. After I read this week’s lesson sermon about Christ Jesus, I was clear that I and everybody has the ability from God to express Truth, health, joy and happyness.
      Thanks deeply Evan for SpiritView and thanks to God for Christian Science!♡♡♡

  4. We never get up in the morning and say,
    today I’m really going to work on knowing
    2+2=4. We trust the principle of mathematics.
    It is a forever fact, anywhere, any time.
    A child can use any color to make the
    numbers. They can be any size, upside
    down, backwards. It does not change
    the truth behind how it is present

    God / Principle is as certain, undeviating,
    unchanging, lasting, intact, uncontaminated
    forever. Nothing can change this forever truth.
    We study math to use it correctly. When we
    embrace Truth, we live free.

    1. Thank you M, this is a very helpful approach, using 2+2=4 as an analogy to the EVER-presence of divine Love’s healing grace in our lives.

  5. What an encouraging fact Evan states that Truth, good, health etc. are present now. I read an article yesterday titled ENTERING INTO THE JOY OF HEALING about joyful expectancy in healing by Carolyn B. Swan with this perspective:

    ” Setting out with joyful expectation is a good beginning. But expectation of good as a future possibility must be fueled with the fresh inspiration of scientific prayer—acknowledgment of good as the present reality—if it is to brighten into recognition of good as the ONLY reality. To reach the destination of demonstration, expectation must expand into enlightenment.”

    “God sustains fullness of joy; His provision supports our spiritual growth from desire for to demonstration of healing. By accepting self-sustaining joy as our own and defending from the discouraging claims of material or personal sense our freedom to express this joy, we can soar above trials even while we’re working out of them. We can realize the quick and permanent healing effects of Truth with genuine, buoyant joy.”

    Other sentences stood out: “Our joyful expectation need not flicker out short of our destination of healing.” And ” Joy is the escort of healing.”

    The point is joy speeds healing and God sustains our joy. I am going to make a list of what to be joyous about today. Here’s the link to the article:

    1. LindaJane,
      Thank you so much for pointing out this article and attaching a link!
      This is indeed one to read and inwardly digest along with taking of notes.
      I intend to go right now and read it.

  6. Thanks for the reminder, Evan. I had quite an instantaneous healing once by knowing that truth is true right now — I didn’t have to wait for truth to be MORE true later.

  7. Thank you Evan for this very helpful Spirit View.
    From personal healing to global issues it is so reassuring to be reminded divine Love is already with us as we, Her expression, pray to see more clearly the Truth ever-present.
    I’m sure many here are embracing Ukraine, Russia, and her people, in their prayers too.
    God, perfection, peace and harmony are here, there and everywhere, now!

  8. – “God’s truth and peace just is. Not in the future – Truth does not need a time process. It is.” (Ruth Jenks)
    – “Jesus said, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” So if it doesn’t make you free, then it’s not the truth.” (Laurance Doyle)
    – “The idea of waiting feels enmeshed in the concept of time instead of in the REALM OF THOUGHT. But when you have FREEDOM IN YOUR THINKING – because THINKING ITSELF IS UNBOUNDED, UNLIMITED BY ANYTHING – you’re lifted out of the concept of time restraints or even history. Time is never a factor in healing…we only live in and can experience NOW.” (Ruth Jenks)

    Excellent comments everyone – thank you Evan and all!

  9. Shelagh,

    Thank you for your post. I’m certain many Christian Scientists have been metaphysically working with Love regarding this issue. I know I have. Focusing with the last part of the Daily Prayer, “may thy Word enhance the affections of all mankind and govern them.”

    These affections are present and in operation for resolution right Now!

  10. Thanks to Evan for bringing up this subject, and to all for your helpful comments and links to articles.
    This was much needed today!

  11. Yes. I am in such a habit of working toward a goal. Awakening can be a goal that goes on every second. I knew a practitioner who told me once to start from where I want to be. I think he was trying to tell me I was already there, if only I knew it.

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