Two published articles

January 10, 2017 | 22 comments

I had two articles published in the Christian Science periodicals recently.

“Love that dissolves dividing lines”

This articles explains how to get along with your neighbor; how the power of divine Love dissolves hates, fears and prejudices that would divide people into opposing factions.

“Why study Christian Science?”

This article brings out a uniqueness of Christian Science, that spiritual healing is possible today as in Jesus’ time, that one can be healed without medicine.

22 thoughts on “Two published articles”

  1. Evan – your article “Why Study Christian Science” is a classic. This is the 2nd time I’ve come across it and I’ve shared it with many others because I feel that it articulates perfectly what we do, why we do it and what Christian Science is. It so clearly de-mystifies CS for those who aren’t familiar or have mis-perceptions about it. I now keep it filed for those occasions when someone expresses curiosity or is struggling with their own understanding of what it means to be Christian. Thank you!

  2. Could you give links to the articles directly, as the links provided, one has to have a subscription to JSH online?

      1. Thank you very much Brian for your links – yes, now I can open both and read the articles. Meanwhile I remembered that I bought the December Journal, so that I also can read Evans article “Love that dissolves deviding lines” in this Journal. The other article I printed out to read it on my sofa 🙂

  3. Great articles! Especially the second one, I agree it’s great for understanding CS. I do have JSH so I could read them.

    Nancy, I know Evan can at least email them to you, even if the link isn’t working!

  4. Thank you Evan, am very interested to read your articles But, though I subscribed to the Herold and Monitor, I have the same problem than Nancy has and have the same request.

  5. This paragraph in the article on Why Study Christian Science is a perfect explanation of why we study and practice Christian Science. Thinking how helpful this would be for older Sunday School students to read this article. To see why Christian Science is worth pursuing.
    “The practice of Christian Science is special because its method of healing gets to the root of a trouble in consciousness, opens our thought to a correct, spiritual view of reality—rather than simply managing symptoms on the surface. When we experience healing in Christian Science, we find ourselves not only relieved of physical ailments, but mentally and morally reformed—a better person for the experience. It works from the inside out. It is whole-life healing at its best.”
    Both articles are wonderful,Evan. Thank you!

  6. I would love to read your articles, but I also do not have a subscription to Jshs. Is there a way to make it so that no. Subscribers can read these articles too? Thank you!

  7. Thanks, Evan, for sharing your 2 published Articles with us! But, alas, I, too, do not have access to JSH-online and would request that these 2 Articles be made available to ALL of us. I hope someone, if not you, would be able to accomplish this. Thanks so much! Also, today is an important day in U.S. as our Govt. is starting to look at our President -Elect’s appointments to his Cabinet, as to whether they measure up to America’s standards of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for ALL! As Christian Scientists, we can all Pray to help support the idea that Nothing can stop God’s Goodness and Freedom from being available to ALL! Thanks so much!

  8. Thanks, Sue, for your Link, but it still does not give us access to the Article – it still says you have to Log On as a Member of JSH-online. Anyone else have a clue..??

    1. Hi Bevi…I provided links in my comment above you can use.

      For those with JSH-Online subscriptions, you can create a link to any article that people without subscriptions can access by clicking on the “email” icon and then emailing yourself or somebody else the link to the article. That creates a “shareable” link (URL) to the article. You can also do this with the Facebook and Twitter icons (all of this icons are next to the “Listen” button at the top of the article web page).

    2. Hi Bevi…My comment with the two Links that you can use to access the articles must have triggered the blog spam filter because the comment is “awaiting approval” before it gets posted. So please check back later today and hopefully it will be posted by then with the links you can use.

  9. Hi all! When you click on each of the titles at the top, it will bring you directly to the articles, no subscription needed! Happy New Year to all!

  10. A curious neighbor asked me one day, “Why do you practice Christian Science?” I told him there were many reasons I practice Christian Science, but one in particular was its ability to help me find healing through prayer.

    In Christian Science, prayer is taken very seriously. It is meant to be more than just nice-sounding words, well-choreographed spiritual truths, positive thinking, hoping for the best, or pleading to God for help. It is about discovering the spiritual reality that enables us to demonstrate the power of God, divine Love, to heal disease, conquer sin, and dissolve conflict. It shows that God is an ever-present help and that healing through spiritual means, like Jesus Christ taught and proved, is possible today.

    In the textbook of Christian Science, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer of Christian Science, wrote: “Our Master’s first article of faith propounded to his students was healing, and he proved his faith by his works. The ancient Christians were healers” (pp. 145–146).

    Christian Science explains the Science behind Christ Jesus’ words and works, teaching its adherents to be healers, which is what Jesus expected of his followers. It shows how spiritual truth is relevant to the human need and can be relied upon to overcome evil or discord of any kind.

    As Jesus said, those who follow his teachings and example will “know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32, New Living Translation). This is a rule for spiritual healing that is practiced in Christian Science as a way of life, leading not only to moral reform, but to physical healing as well.

    Spiritual truth is relevant to the human need and can be relied upon to overcome discord.
    Over the decades of my lifetime, I have experienced dozens of physical healings without the use of drugs or medicine by putting the truths of Christian Science into practice. These healings have come from glimpsing more of the spiritual reality of God as Love and of man as His harmonious and complete spiritual creation.

    For instance, when I began playing tennis years ago, I soon developed pain in my elbow, which continued to worsen over time. Though I had heard that there were drugs to help people cope with this particular issue, I knew from my study of Christian Science that I could be healed through prayer alone. So I put into practice what I had learned about prayer-based healing from my study of Christian Science.

    One of the fundamental truths found in the Bible is that man is made in the likeness of God (see Genesis 1:26, 27). This likeness is not a temporal physical body that originates in an ovum and is later laid in a grave. It’s an eternal spiritual individuality that is forever whole and perfect in divine Spirit. This individuality existed before time began and will remain long after the last eulogy is spoken. We are forever at one with Christ and eternally sustained by God.

    I knew from experience that as we better understand our spiritual individuality as a peaceful and pain-free expression of God’s presence, we experience more peace and harmony in whatever we do. Spiritual individuality never suffers. It’s a false belief about our true individuality that causes suffering. I diligently prayed to release any false belief that man can be harmed, and to replace it with an understanding of its opposite spiritual truth.

    While playing a match one morning and suffering terribly from pain, in between two points I became aware of a tenseness in my thought about my tennis game, which I had never noticed before. The guy I was playing was ultra-competitive and I was feeling pressure to keep up, but I wasn’t matching his skills because he was much better than I was. I also realized that the pain in my elbow had started about the same time I had begun regularly practicing with this person several weeks earlier, which I had found stressful from the start.

    I prayed to understand that both of us were children of God with our own unique ways of expressing the divine presence, and that whether I was on or off the tennis court, my individuality was not under any pressure to compete with anyone else’s individuality. We were both valued and loved by God, who knows us in our true, spiritual identity, not according to the score of a tennis match between us.

    The practice of Christian Science opens our thought to a correct, spiritual view of reality.
    The change was dramatic. Like opening a relief valve and releasing pent-up force from a pressurized tank, tension drained from my thinking and my body. The consuming stress of simply trying to beat this player dissolved, and I was able to express more freely Godlike qualities in an effort to be a better player. The pain left my elbow. Complete healing was rapid, and the elbow issue has not returned in over 12 years of active tennis playing. I had the opportunity to play with this same player for several more weeks, and it was enjoyable and pain-free. I even outscored him on occasion later on.

    The practice of Christian Science is special because its method of healing gets to the root of a trouble in consciousness, opens our thought to a correct, spiritual view of reality—rather than simply managing symptoms on the surface. When we experience healing in Christian Science, we find ourselves not only relieved of physical ailments, but mentally and morally reformed—a better person for the experience. It works from the inside out. It is whole-life healing at its best.

    Mary Baker Eddy wrote: “Our Master cast out devils (evils) and healed the sick. It should be said of his followers also, that they cast fear and all evil out of themselves and others and heal the sick” (Science and Health, p. 494).

    I find the ability to fulfill this Christian standard of dominion over physical and mental ills a compelling reason to study and practice Christian Science. It teaches us how to be a healer, as Christ Jesus expected. Its practice is not a series of rites, rote prayer, vain hope, or unfulfilled ideals. It shows us how to put spiritual truth into practice and experience the healing power of God. It’s practical Christianity, and it’s here for all of us.

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  11. Thanks so much, Maximo, for what I assume is a Reprint of the whole Article…..??? And thanks, Barbara, for your comment, but the 2 Articles at the top are still only accessible to subscribers.

  12. Evan, Thank you. I read both of your articles at breakfast to Ellen and Cheri. We enjoyed them both very much. Each has article has so much value to focus on what is true. The time for thinkers has come. We all can benefit from knowing that we all are connected to each other through Christ. That our diversity is a part of that infinite expression of the one divine Mind, Spirit. It is that which allows us separate identity in expression that makes us whole as one in Spirit through Christ. These ideas which you bring out are tantamount to why as an adult I feel born again to Spirit and seek to be a healer in following Christ. I expressly liked that you brought out that we really don’t need to compete for the affection of God, but that it is available to all through out all time as eternal life principle. There is much love expressed in both articles. What a great start to our day!

  13. Evan, Thank you for these wonderful articles. Enjoyed reading them before in Journal and Sentinel – always learn something each time I read. Brian thank you for your links – I got them right away. Do intend to get JSH on-line and its acess to Mrs. Eddy’s writings also. So very grateful for this blog and all of you commentors. Happy New Year to all.

  14. Thanks, Evan, for sharing your gift for clear communication with all the readers of the CS periodicals! And I’d also like to encourage SpiritView readers to consider a JSH-online subscription, especially if they don’t subscribe to the print Journal and Sentinel. I’m grateful that so far I have been able to subscribe to both the print magazines and to JSH-online. I prefer to read the fresh issues in print. But I LOVE JSH-online anytime I want inspiration on a particular topic. My daughter, also, uses JSH-online that way, and it is her only subscription.

    Also, JSH online is amazing in its scope… ALL the articles every published by CSPS, many, many audio recordings of articles (now every new issue is available in audio version), also an archive of all the past radio programs, podcasts, as well as fresh podcasts weekly. You can also read the Bible lesson at JSH-online, or listen to it. And you can access the CS Monitor Daily briefing on the site. To put the frosting on the cake, our subscriptions of whatever sort are an essential and love-full way of supporting this wonderful work. And the editors so want each of you to share your insights and experiences. It is super easy to zip off a draft article or testimony, and if they think the piece has potential, the editors suggest adjustments to make the message clearer.

    Love to all.

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