What is leading your thought?

March 20, 2020 | 29 comments

A leader takes us places. What is leading your thought today?

Divine Mind leads thought into harmony and peace, health and love.

Mortal mind would lead thought into despair and discouragement, fear and error of belief.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “In a world of sin and sensuality hastening to a greater development of power, it is wise earnestly to consider whether it is the human mind or the divine Mind which is influencing one”
(Science and Health, p. 82).

What is influencing your thought? That’s the leader you’ve chosen to follow for the moment.

We can choose to serve God and follow divine Mind’s leading. As Joshua wrote, “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve” (Joshua 24:15).

You can tell whether the divine Mind or the human mind is influencing your thought by the effect that you feel. If feeling fearful, stressed or vulnerable, that’s human mind effect. If finding peace, dominion, gratitude, inspiration and understanding, that’s the divine Mind at work.

Divine Mind leads directly to heaven, and away from the snares, pitfalls and shackles of a limited material view.

Divine Mind knows what’s best for you and delivers accordingly.

Divine Mind has the best answers, the best help and the most progressive paths to walk down.

Let divine Mind be your Leader. You’ll end up in a good place!

29 thoughts on “What is leading your thought?”

  1. Another gem Evan, thank you!

    “My Father has my treasure, and I will walk with Him”

    My treasure chest, rather than being depleted, is brimming over with the jewels of Spirit.

    Your Spirit View, alongside prayer and study, guides thought, pointing the way forward where the path of life is lit by a lamp which can never dim.

  2. Still pondering this thought from yesterday’s comments:
    “Mind imparts the idea that nobody has any pre-existing condition except perfection.”
    How encouraging!!! Fear diminishes as I think about this Truth.

  3. This is again such a wonderfully clear spiritual treatment for today and the coming weekend, dear Evan. Thank you very very much for this metaphysical Food of Love.
    And thank you Lisa and Shelagh for your so inspiring ideas in your comments.

    When I read this, nearly immediately came the first tenet to mind; the first of six tenets from the Manual of The Motherchurch to be undersigned by those friends who want to yoin The Motherchurch as a member. It says:
    “As adherence of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life.”
    Mary Baker Eddy also says that the Bible contains the recipy for all healing. And the inspired Word of the Holy Bible is the Word of God, through which all is made, as St. John says. Of course the textbook of MBEddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, goes along with the Bible on our spiritual journey to eternal Life.
    Am so grateful for this wonderful SpiritView blog of Evan!

  4. Thank you for your clear thoughts this morning. Lately I have pondered what a gift it was for Mrs. Eddy to see so clearly that there is just ONE Mind one source of consciousness.
    Throughout human history there has always been this battle between good and evil. But if there is truly ONE Mind then the battle is over and the victory one..
    Jesús assured us “This is the way walk ye in it.”

  5. Dear Evan, thank you so much for your timely postings. I don’t know how but yesterday I came across your blog post

    “Seek a significant awakening”
    October 30, 2017 | 31 comments

    This is an eye opener and Brian wrote a very helpful comment about “Nothingness”.
    This posting including Brians comment would be worth to be posted again as an “encore” as it is so relevant today. He also recommends to further study pages 346-352 S&H on the subject of Nothingness.
    It is worth reading and understanding it again.
    So grateful for this blog!

    1. Micha
      Just re-read the article and comments you mentioned. Thank you for sharing. Extremely helpful to me to be
      Reminded about the Truth of nothing.

    2. Wow, thanks for recommending this. Looked it up and as you say, what Brian shared about nothingness is so perfect and relevant for the current situation. Much gratitude to Evan and to all who post here.

    3. Dear Micha,
      Welcome aboard this wonderful train of Thought! I will let Brian respond to your
      suggestion, but don’t know if you realize, there is an “Older” button at the bottom of each blog and on the right hand side, an “Archives” and “Categories” section that you
      may find helpful, overflowing with wisdom, compassion and love. You will find endearing such insights into the “spirit” view from members of God’s universal family. : )

    4. Thank you Micha. Me thinks I should write more about boxes since my 2 comments about boxes over the past few years have seemed to resonate with people. 🙂

      Below is a link to the Oct 31 Spiritview in case others want to easily access it. When I re-read this Spiritview I was again struck by how all of the comments cause me either to see something I missed in what Evan originally posts or helps expand on what he and others post. I don’t say it enough but I really love this Spiritview community and am so grateful to Evan and everyone who shares their ideas here…and please understand that everyone’s comments are always appreciated, even when nobody takes the time to mention it. I’ve gotten so much out of certain people’s comments and then never took the time to thank them, so I’d like to again say THANK YOU to everyone that contributes to this dialog.


      1. Yes please, write more about boxes, you seem to be inspired by the methaphor of boxesGreetings from South-Tyrol

    5. I’ve been loving Spiritview for several years. I’ve not written anything but once, But this evening when I read Micha what you wrote about how did I find this blog? Divine Love led you to it. I needed to write something because I was led to it also through Love alone is power. What more do we need!

  6. I would also like to thank Evan and all who take the time to comment as well. You are my “experts” and I am profoundly grateful. I continue to realize the importance of Divine Mind leading us.
    Love to all❣️

  7. Each day’s message from Evan is so “spot on”
    As what was taught in CSSunday School, “There is not a spot, where God is not”. Each thoughtful comment & sharing is accepted with gratitude. Blessings to all God’s children!

  8. S & H 454:19
    Love inspires, Illumines, designates, and leads the way.
    We follow our Master when we listen to to Love and follow it’s direction..
    This morning, after a night’s rain, and the shutting down of industrial and vehicular activity the atmosphere of earth is incredibly clean and a refreshing breath is assurance that materialism is being cleaned up. Mortal error and fear has been washed away!
    I was moved by the supplication of mother with hungry children. Have contributed where they accept and distribute. Heard that our Burger King restaurants are providing free kid’s meals.
    Good things are happening! Viral ideas washed away by infinite Love. Closeness of families and sinful places shut down!
    Isn’t it a good idea to shut down the whole earthly process eternally? At least some are beginning to realize the good that comes from closing down mortal mind.
    This trying time has entertained angels! Blessed are we….

  9. Thank you Evan, again for this marvellous daily catalyst for so many inspired and inspiring thoughts from the expanding network of readers who add comments to your blog. I read all the comments as the divine Mind is speaking to us all equally. One with God is a majority but we have a lot more than one here! This blog today reminds me also of this phrase.
    Let go and let GOD…and I have to do this continually.

  10. Thank you Evan. I’ve had some amazing experiences when letting Divine Mind lead me. I wrote about this once before, but when in college I was invited to a water ski outing at a lake by a couple from church. We had a fun day at the remote lake but when it came time to leave the couple couldn’t find their car keys. Everyone started looking frantically around the campsite/picnic area for the keys. And then the thought came to me to pray about the situation, so I sat down on a picnic table and prayed. I got some dirty looks from others because I think they thought I wasn’t being very helpful but within just a couple of minutes literally a picture of the keys being in the raised car trunk lid came to thought. So I walked over and sure enough that’s where the keys were. The interesting thing is I wasn’t there yet when the couple unlocked their trunk (I arrived later) and therefore I never saw the keys being in the trunk. So this wasn’t a case of remembering something I had forgotten. It was a case of God communicating to me something that I needed to know that I previously had no knowledge of. Divine Mind loves His/Her creation and keeps everything in perfect harmony and when we are able to put self aside and let Mind lead, we experience amazing harmony!

    1. Such a beautiful demonstration of divine Mind’s guidance. When we are still and turn our thought to God, we are led to see exactly what needs to be seen. Thank you for sharing!

  11. Every day presents itself with new gems of God’s government. Today is big with blessings in this post and comments. Thank you everyone for making this a great start to the day.

  12. Thank you Evan and all of Spiritview’s family! Everyday there’s a gem waiting for us in our inboxes, where we can learn something new or can be reminded again about God’s love for us all. The comments are every bit as important as Evan’s message of the day, as commented above, we are each receiving messages from God….so thankful for the sharing!

  13. The Light is shining!✨
    Love & heart felt gratitude to each of you & all who come to this fountain of Light!

  14. A new view of the man at Bathesda and welcome. After reading the
    Pages on Nothingness as well as the past blog on “Awakening” I feel
    much encouragement. Think the boxes would be a good Sunday School lesson, Brian.

  15. Thanks so much Brian for your thoughts and inspirations on nothingness. Just what I needed. Uta, your reference to the first Tenet inspires me to share something I’ve saved from notes by Kathy Fitzer in the CedarS Camp notes of 6/20/2017: “Taking ‘the inspired word of the Bible’ doesn’t mean picking and choosing parts of the Bible to keep and discarding the rest. It means thinking deeply about every part of the Bible to find what is truly being revealed there about God and man’s relationship to GOD – going beneath the surface and getting beyond the fog of human doctrines.’

    1. Yes, thank you Lori for your insights of going into the deeper meaning of the Bible. That’s what is meant “…to take the i n s p i r e d word of the Bible…”. And of course does Science and Health explain the Bible spiritually and deeply. How grateful can we be for Science and Health! 🙂

  16. Dear friends of Spiritview–
    There are now articles that everyone can read and share on jsh.com or christianscience.com for no charage. Here is part of the announcement which includes subscribers and NON SUBSCRIBERS FOR FREE!

    ” We want to tell you about the recent steps we’ve taken. Every week we are posting articles and testimonies related to healing contagion on the JSH-Online homepage and on the landing pages for the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald. This content is free for JSH-Online subscribers and non-subscribers to use and share.

    We’ve posted additional pages of free content on the themes of immunit:y], overcoming fear, finding certainty in uncertain times, family harmony, and economic security. New themes and content will be posted regularly as community needs change. You can access them from the JSH-Online homepage or from christianscience.com. ”
    I am so grateful for the strong and powerful Truth which is evident on Spiritview. We are all a community of prayerful people loving our community and world. “The Lord God omnipotent reigneth” [ Rev. Rev

    1. Thank you so much, Sue! I was unaware of this blessing from JSH-online. I am heading there right now!! And thanks to all for the wonderful insights and love shared on Evan’s Divinely-inspired words. They mean so much, especially during these times requiring strength and adherence to Truth. Very grateful.

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