Month: September 2018

The Eye of the Lord and hurricane Florence

September 14, 2018 | 44 comments

Hurricane Florence is landing on the eastern seaboard of the United States threatening thousands of homes with its hurricane force winds and surges of water from the ocean. There has already been a mass exodus of people from the path

Be willing to surrender what gets in the way

September 13, 2018 | 16 comments

“So often our greatest triumph is a willing surrender.” ~ Robert Brault To surrender self-will, self-righteousness, anger, ego, boastful pride, and man-made plans that aren’t working, are good things to give up. Don’t be afraid to let them go when

Making spiritual progress

September 12, 2018 | 18 comments

While hiking in the Black Hills last June, I was inspired to video a few ideas on how to make the most important kind of progress. It’s not the money you earn or fame you gain that matters most in

See yourself as worthy

September 11, 2018 | 12 comments

A friend was lamenting to me how some of her friends didn’t see themselves as worthy of abundance in their lives. They spent a lot of time thinking up reasons to justify lack, she said, and made strong arguments as