Fly as an angel
October 17, 2017 | 19 comments
Take a lesson from angels, and learn how to “fly” in life. “Angels can fly because they carry no burdens.” ~ Eileen Elias Freeman
October 17, 2017 | 19 comments
Take a lesson from angels, and learn how to “fly” in life. “Angels can fly because they carry no burdens.” ~ Eileen Elias Freeman
October 10, 2017 | 13 comments
“Pay with compliments and you will always be wealthy.” ~ Mike Dolan
September 21, 2017 | 31 comments
The words “raise…from spiritual dulness,” caught my attention when reading the below passage. Referring to Jesus Christ, Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “His resurrection was also their resurrection. It helped them to raise themselves and others from spiritual dulness and blind
September 15, 2017 | 15 comments
“Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you.” ~ Mother Teresa
September 14, 2017 | 24 comments
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” ~ William James