“Come out” Christ commands

August 5, 2019 | 19 comments

In the New Testament, there is a story about a man named Lazarus who dies, lies four days in a tomb, and then is resurrected by Jesus Christ (John 11:1-44).

When Jesus arrives at the site of the tomb to raise Lazarus, he commands that the tombstone be removed, and then shouts for all to hear, “Lazarus, come out!” (John 11:43), and Lazarus walks out of the tomb wrapped in burial clothes.

When I read this story recently, and got to the words, “Come out,” I realized that Jesus” command to “Come out,” was not only to Lazarus, but to all mankind. It was a command to me! It was a rally cry to “Come out,” and be separate from any belief of life in matter.

Jesus’ healing of Lazarus from the belief of death, or life lost in matter, was a healing for all of humanity.

Lazarus had never died. He was alive and well in Spirit all along, but it took the heightened Christ consciousness to see this reality, and Jesus had it.

Christian Science gives us the same heightened consciousness today. Its teachings are all about Life in Spirit. It cries to all of humanity, “Come out!” “Come out” from any deadened concept of life in matter, and live free. We don’t have to hang around “in the tomb” of mortal belief, where there is no hope or real life to find. We can rise into spiritual consciousness and experience the health and harmony of Life in Spirit, where life is free, free, free.

“Come out” today and live free!

19 thoughts on ““Come out” Christ commands”

  1. What a wonderful wake-up call to work with today, thank you Evan!

    By the way, I think you meant ‘site’ rather than ‘sight’ in the beginning of the second paragraph 🙂

    1. Thank you Evan yes, ” Come out!” “Come out from any deadened concept of life in matter, and live free. We can rise into spiritual consciousness and experience health and harmony of Life in Spirit, where life is free.” Thank you

    2. I find the word sight versus site very interesting. Might not either one open thought to what was going on? “Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man.” Not a criticism but just a fun side note.

  2. Thank you Evan … we spiritually “know” this and the call is to “demonstrate” it. When my husband passed on, I became aware of the admonition: “Don’t ever leave or bury anyone in the material sense” it helped me lift my sense of him and myself from the material belief in loss, and remains a constant reminder to me to keep applying to all I am aware of. Thank you again for this precious and important message to us all.

    1. What an important thing you did. To not leave your husband buried in material sense. We can always move our thought higher to align with God, Truth.

  3. Thank you Evan! It appears to me that if there was ever an evolving thread to the Bible – this is it. What this message implies is plenty to chew on for eternity!

  4. A perfect prescription for walking in Jesus’ footsteps and making healing tangible for mankind.

    Thank you, Evan!

  5. “We don’t have to hang around “in the tomb” of mortal belief, where there is no hope or real life to find.” Thank you, Evan. I have been hanging around in the tomb of dis-ease for too long. Today, I am lifting consciousness and coming out!!! For the glory of God and Christ!

  6. Shannon yahn.
    My mother just passed on . My sister and I have been working in Christian science to know we are all moving forward and we with her in forward thought. I love the post about not being stuck anywhere. We only change our thought. Thank you for the wonderful posts. Thank you Evan. .

  7. Simple, but not easy. Huge hugs to everyone today, especially those working through loss today. Principle, Life is omnipotent.

  8. This command to “come out” requires one to seek knowledge. If one was stuck in quick sand and the message given was given to come out that person stuck would gladly come out of the condition, but how?

    1. Hi John,
      I didn’t know if you subscribed to JSH-Online but they recently sent out an email about how they are addressing issues in world thought. And, you have a really good question. 🙂 Here is the content of the email;
      “We’d like to let you know that we’ve made some changes to the weekly online topic featured on the Sentinel homepage on JSH-Online. The website now features a “Why we chose this topic” note where the editors briefly explain what inspired them to pick the topic covered in the online content.
      Each week, the editors select a new topic and lead article—often specially commissioned—plus supporting pieces from the archives that address something that needs prayerful watching in world thought. Recent topics have included mental illness, conflict resolution, and political bias. This week the topic, “Cherishing the lives that cannot be taken,” addresses the shootings that took place in the United States over the weekend.
      We hope you enjoy the changes and feel inspired to pray about the topics covered.”
      You can read articles in the Sentinel at a local reading room too. One thing that has helped me is doing a search in the articles of a specific topic I am interested in learning more about. And, if you find an author you really click with, you can search for more articles by that same author.
      Much love to you brother. 🙂

  9. Oh thank you very much Evan, for this vital call to come out from any concept of life in matter and step into life in Spirit, where being is joyful and free free free. Every bible lesson teaches us that life is God and therefore total spiritual.
    When my mother passed on, I was very calm and knew she lives and works out her spirituality with God. Am so grateful for this most valuable pearl Christian Science!
    Thank you Evan, for shedding spiritual light on this wonderful healing Jesus accomplished, letting Lazarus coming out of darkness of matter into the light of spiritual life. I love to learn from your comforting and healing SpiritViews and am very thankful for it!

  10. Thanks, Evan, and all. Yes—to come out! I think of MBE’s statement “Christian Scientists must live under the constant pressure of the apostolic command to come out from the material world and be separate.” It’s the only real pressure we are under, and it gives us freedom!

  11. When Lazarus emerges from the tomb still wrapped in the burial materials the Bible states that Jesus turned to “them“ the bystanders and said loose him and let him go. From the scripture it seems that Lazarus was able to move despite being wrapped for burial and what he needed was to be freed from the beliefs of the onlookers. To me this means that, as this conversation illustrates, each individual needs to divest matter from thought.

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