Kick out doubt with an understanding of God

November 4, 2022 | 21 comments

If you’d like to experience more spiritual healing in your life, entertain no doubt about the omnipotence and omnipresence of God!

Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “In a certain city the Master ‘did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief,’ — because of the mental counteracting elements, the startled or the unrighteous contradicting minds of mortals. And if he were personally with us to-day, he would rebuke whatever accords not with a full faith and spiritual knowledge of God. He would mightily rebuke a single doubt of the ever-present power of divine Spirit to control all the conditions of man and the universe” (Miscellany, p. 294).

Have not a “single doubt,” she reminds us. How? One may ask.

The opposite of doubt is conviction and confidence. We are always confident of something. When it comes to healing through prayer, if we are confident of evil, we will doubt God. If we are confident of God’s omnipresence and omnipotence, we will doubt evil.

The more we are confident of God, and the less confident we are of evil, the quicker healing happens.

So, make some rapid progress today. Move faith away from evil to God. Kick out doubt with an understanding of God’s truth. You’ll find the healing you’ve been looking for. It’s the happier and healthier way to live.

21 thoughts on “Kick out doubt with an understanding of God”

  1. Thank you Evan. Our aim must be to experience change by learning a new Truth everyday no matter how small it is. God, good should be our focus at all times.

  2. “Mightily rebuke” a single doubt of the ever-present power of divine Spirit to control all the conditions of man and the universe” is great guidance on how to deal with doubt. Mightily rebuke are strong instructions. So glad you wrote on this helpful topic as we all deal with this.

    Doubt breaks the commandment to have one God, Mind. In an article in the Sentinel on doubt, the author made this observation on doubt: “Doubt is the outcome of believing that a knowledge of truth is up to a mortal man. We suppose that a small human ego is capable of judging properly whether God, good, and spiritual truth exist and whether they can be of any help.”
    And then the importance of humility the author emphasized: The greatest progress in overcoming doubt therefore lies in ceasing to conceive of oneself mistakenly and sinfully—as separated from God, Spirit. Humility is a significant step toward overcoming doubt. Obedience is another. To be willing to be what we in fact are, the image of God, is to discover answers and assurance right where doubts may have seemed hopelessly vivid.”

    1. Thank you Lindajane. Love these thoughts. Could you, or maybe someone else, be so kind as to provide a link that includes the entire article?

    2. thank you Lindajane for your clear metaphysical comment on today’s topic! I love it and agree with it very much!♡

  3. Great article Lindajane. I appreciate very much the knowledge and articles that are shared on this blog.
    thank you for your daily reminders and the sharing of your inspiration, Evan.

  4. Isn,t it so, if you look at the 7 synonyms, Principle, Mind, Soul, Spirit, Life, Truth and Love, and then ponder them to be GOD, the all including Good, one must admit that is a wonderful God you can’t but trust as such an omnipresent, omnicient and omnipotent God. And the Holy Bible says that this precious God made man – the highest creation in the Universe – in His image and likeness. if one ponders this more deep one can see how wonderfully we and all God’s creation are made! So the Bible is manifesting us convincingly God’s Love to His children, and that HE is prepared to heal and guide and sustain us perfectly. And Mrs. Eddy, explaining the Bible spiritually, is giving us a more distict and inspired understanding of the spiritual meaning of the Bible in her wonderful book Science and Health and her other writings.
    Wow Evan you made me think deeper why we actually must not doubt but can be confidential and trustingly to our good God. We just need sometimes to study the books a bit more, and I myself am working on it.
    Thank you very much dear Evan for today’s topic! – Love to all -♡

  5. I sure needed this and all the great remarks!

    But to be honest, at times I get tired of kicking. 🙂 Kind of tired of all the mortal mind warfare. (an oxymoron) I want to kick myself for knowing these truths intellectually, but somehow don’t feel it at times. Frustrating, because I KNOW this is the truth like 2+2=4, but instead spend so much time proving that everything else is not 4! 🙂

    So I wouldn’t call it being disobedient or sinful, but that makes me sad when I can’t seemingly overcome it with a snap of the finger.

    Sorry for the downer. With God’s help, I’ll dig out of the slump.

  6. Melancholy, but this 60’s classic hints at immortality
    ….” I have no fear of time” …

    Fairport Convention – Who knows where the time goes?
    Helps pull me out and focus although not strictly CS.

      1. Dear J, thanks very much for this Journsl article! on “time and eternity”. It’s teally Interesting and worth reading! this truth stood out to me: “Eternity is not very long, it is the n o w.”

      2. Wow J, n o w I read the complete article. It is really really good. But to understand it really well one should take time in quiet moments to read it thoroughly. Then you get the full blessing out of it. Will print it out and save it , also for giving it to friends. I thank that is an important topic!♡

        1. You’re very welcome dear Uta! I’m glad you enjoyed the article. Thank you for your comment on Eternity being “n o w” It also made me think of a comment that Marian English made in referring to the Lord’s Prayer. She said that from the beginning of it “Our Father” to the end of it “forever” means “n o w”.

          1. well, yes dear J , that is so good.
            By the way, may I ask you whether you are a feminine or maskuline child of God?

  7. Thanks SpiritViewFan !

    In fact, Evan’s SpiritView and all the participants here helped me snap out of it!

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