No setbacks, only move forwards

May 6, 2020 | 46 comments

When living a spiritually motivated life, what appear to be setbacks to the mortal mind, are but opportunities to move forward with the divine Mind.

With divine Mind, there are no limits to how much good you can demonstrate in your life, for God is an unending source of abundance, health, and love.

With Mind, financial lack does not limit how much supply you can still demonstrate.

With Mind, disease does not limit your ability to get healthy and stay healthy.

With Mind, conflict does not mark the end of something precious in your life, but a call to love more and move forward to something better.

With Mind, there is no such thing as a setback.

What the mortal mind labels a setback is a call for thought to rise higher and see greater possibilities with God. “With God all things are possible” (Matt. 19:26).

If you want to make rapid progress, do not waste any time indulging the belief that you have been setback. God is never setback! And when working with God, you will never be setback either.

Look for opportunities to move forward stronger and better than ever before. Be productive. Prove that you have all the help you need from above.

Wait no longer. Get moving!

46 thoughts on “No setbacks, only move forwards”

  1. Thank you, Evan for this inspiration. A wonderful way to deal with past mistakes or accidents!
    As you said: “With Mind there is no such thing as a setback.”

  2. I tried to post something to yesterday’s OUTSTANDING comments on the coronavirus fear but everytime I attempted the post, I received an error message to “add a comment” which I already had done.

    But once again, your follow-up blogpost today on moving forward is superb.

    I had to try again because I can’t hold back my gratitude for your clarity of thought. I have shared yesterday’s [Tuesday] blogpost with several very grateful recipients!

  3. Christian Science propels us to think out of the box, experience “aha” moments as we grow and discover an ever increasing life of freedom and joy provided by an All-loving God!
    MBE, Evan, and all the commenters, thank you for your inspirations!

  4. “Setbacks are opportunities to glorify God”, Jesus once said via Paul Tuttle. So this sounds familiar! Thank you Evan!

  5. This reminds me of times, years ago when my Dad would say to me , if I was despondent about anything, ‘pull up your bootstraps Babs and sort this out!’ Well I think SV today is just what’s needed for me be conscious right now of Divine Mind actively guiding every moment. Thank you So much Evan and everyone . Plus thank you Sue for sharing the links. Loving thoughts t you all.

  6. Yes we can have all the help that we need from God, so there is never a set back in our life, but always a MOVE FORWARD.
    Divine Mind helps us to overcome disease with health and happiness, overcome lack with plenty since God is the source of abundant good.. abundant health. We can never lose anything precious since Divine Mind takes us always to progress in unseen ways.
    Our hymn no 148 brings out beautifully. ” In heavenly love abiding no change my heart shall fear; and safe is such confiding for nothing changes here. The storm may roar without me, my heart may low be laid; but God is round about me and can I be dismayed? Green pastures are before me which yet I have not seen; Bright skies will soon be over me where darkest clouds have been. My hope I cannot measure, my path in life is free; My Father has my treasure, And He will walk with me.”
    Thanks Evan for taking us daily from despair to hope and joy and for encouraging us to move forward with the help of Divine Love.

    1. Hymn 148 is so relevant, especially the “Green pastures are before me which yet I have not seen…”. Mortal sense/human will tries to convince one of loss but when you let go of it you get to see those green pastures! 🙂
      Thank you Evan, Nergish and commenters.

  7. Evan, much gratitude for your thoughts on MOVING FORWARD. Immediately I found my well loved (very worn) pamphlet – The Truth About Adversity by Louise Wheatley Cook Hovnanian. Setbacks indeed for Joseph, whose jealous brothers cast him into a pit in the wilderness (for starters). Joseph had unshakable faith and unfailing courage. From the pamphlet, “Do we yet understand how much better it is to be wronged, than to commit a wrong?” Let us praise God for lessons in patience, humility, … Lift your thought above “man’s inhumanity to man,” as Robert Burns called it. The hour will surely come when you will look back upon this present experience, which now seems so hard and cruel and unjust, and realize that it was really a blessing in disguise because it compelled you to loose your hold upon human help and turn more reservedly to God as the supreme power, the one great All-in-all.

      1. Everyone sharing their thoughts on this subject is a beautiful way to start the day and reminders of just how fortunate we are to have CS and MBE teachings to guide to us. Thank you Evan and everyone who shared their thoughts on this subject. MBE words come to mind, “storm or shine pure peace is thine when understood”. Thank you to everyone.

  8. Thanks so much Jo for sharing your lovely ideas. I loved them. They are so good. God bless

  9. Nergish, many times the sincerity of your posts hit home. This morning it’s about home as we are moving from our beautiful estate to a trailer home.
    Hymn 148 will remain open today continually visible for the comforting thoughts it presents..
    Thank you especially for this as tears of comfort and joy penetrate the seeming unknown future. We have lived here thirty eight years. Now a new horizon.
    Thank all for your precious sharing this morning. “Father where Thine own children are I love to be,”

    1. Wow! Kirsten, this brought tears to me, as I love the innocence of children — and have so little contact with my grandchildren now. Yet, in my prayers we are all united in LOVE and I can hear their precious laughter

      1. Jo,
        I couldn’t agree more and I love the innocence of adults as they learn brought out in this too! :):)

    2. Wow ….. just WOW.

      Thanks for sharing this.

      I have paid it forward to several who will love it, just as I did.

  10. Evan great thoughts on moving forward..I can really feel the wind at my back moving my thought forward..and Jo thanks for your quote from The Truth About Adversity as it really made me smile “Do we yet understand how much better it is to be wronged than to commit a wrong”.
    Not sure I’m there yet but moving forward..

    1. Replying to John: “Being is holiness, harmony, immortality. It is already proved that a knowledge if this, even in SMALL DEGREE, will uplift the physical and moral standard of mortals, will increase longevity,will purify and elevate character. ( Science and Health P. 492: 7- 11, MB Eddy)
      Isn’t that wonderful to know??
      Thankyou – as we’re all movin forward!

  11. Love the image, Evan!!!
    There has been such magnificent development of this idea today, as always
    Love to all, as always!

  12. What a focus sharper!! “With Mind” (Back to the First Commandment, eh?) “I look to Thee in every need and never look in vain …. Thou leadest me in unsought ways, Thou turn’st my mourning into praise.” ( Hymn 134). Yes, indeed, “from strength to strength we go”! ( Hymn 65)

  13. Awesome post on moving forward! I especially Love the last line: “Wait no longer. Get moving!” We all have a duty as students of Christian Science to share our gift with the world no matter where we are in our understanding of it.

    Yesterday I listened to a great audio piece from the sentinel that a friend had sent me.The whole thing was great, but the one thing that really stood out to me was some ideas about moving forward/upward/onward. It said something like, if we are not moving higher in thought and deed we are just coasting. If we are coasting, we are going down.

    No way! We are going forward, higher, deeper, further.

  14. Evan, You said “Prove that you have all the help you need from above.” That has been made evident in my experience in what I have deemed as my I can’t story. While working through mobility issues, I found myself frequently thinking or saying I can’t do this or I can’t do that. Then one day I heard clearly “stop saying I can’t.” I took this as a message from God and heeded it. So then my question became “How can I?” when there was something I needed to do. There was always and still are answers that have allowed me to do things that previously didn’t seem possible. So indeed, with God all things are possible and we do and will demonstrate that step by step, be they slow or fast, as we turn to God for all of our answers. Thank you Evan and all for your inspired thinking.

    1. Kathy, what a clear and precious statement, “What CAN I do!” Working on writing up a healing from the past, when called upon to join a church member in the Emergency room at a regional hospital, where I attended to her until she was released, she walked to the exit where she was met by another church member, who took her home and stayed with her until she was saying “What can I do?” Great reminder get going to write about this experience. Thank you!

  15. Love all the ideas shared, dear blog community! Yesterday I was feeling depressed as I won’t be seeing my sons this Mother’s Day as they are trying to “protect ” me. In addition the front of my apt patio was draped w plastic due to stuccoing occurring so the inside felt so dark. I knew God didn’t want me to continue this “pity party” so I began reading this wks CS Monitor magazine. The articles were just superb and sooo very inspiring. I was totally lifted out of that sad spell. How can I thank MB Eddy and all the wonderful staff of our beloved Monitor for continuing the blessed work of “to injure no man but to bless all mankind.” Praise the Lord!!

  16. Dear Evan and Friends, This message today is feeling more poignant as we have just watched Michael Moore’s new film and also a video about the misinformation about the virus going around. I think 2020 is living up to its title of “Clear Vision”. I think we have a “moral chemicalization” going on. Here is a definition… “Chemicalization is a process that occurs when we have exposed deeply rooted negative belief systems. It is a physical reaction caused by a spiritual advancement.” We can stand back and watch this happen, Divine Love is in charge. ❤️

    1. Your observation is sooooo important, to cancelling fear. 20/20 is also the definition of Clear Vision, and I believe it applies to proving that Divine LOVE is in charge. Great to be part of this world wide healing.

  17. And, yet again, you hit it out if the park and into infinity! Thank you, Evan, and all of the other contributors. There is only ONE Science- Christian Science!

  18. I just love the picture of the young child taking first steps with the help of a parent supporting him. The next step soon to happen is the young child taking steps on his own. I distinctly remember our children learning to walk. It always amazed me and taught me so much to see them take a few steps; fall down; get right back up again; take more steps; fall down and get up again until they mastered walking, absolutely delighted with themselves. Then, there was no stopping them. It doesn’t occur to a child to retreat, once fallen down from an unsteady step. The child doesn’t view the falling down as a setback, but as the impulsion to get up and move forward with enthusiasm, joy, expectancy of good. Thanks for sharing this lovely message…..”Wait no longer! Get moving!”

  19. Sandy, I too remember my daughter’s first steps and how delighted she was. Evan, your message was just what I needed today. And thanks to all for you comments and links to very helpful articles. Bountiful blessings abound!!!

  20. Thank you Evan, ging what
    you are giving us so richly today again. With the last paragraph and the last sentence you give us such a loving advice that we shall wait no longer but get moving, to prove that we have all the help we need.for above. Thank you for this comforting and upliftIng SpiritView today!

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